Message from the Chair

I hope everyone has had a nice start to the fall season of making beautiful music through handbells and handchimes. As the leaves change, so does our board. This will be my last article as chair since I will be moving on to the past chair position. Michèle Sharik will be transitioning from the chair-elect position to the chair position and will continue the monthly article. Welcome to the position of chair, Michèle! 

As I transition into the past chair position, I wanted to reflect on why I love serving on this board. The ability to make connections is the number one reason. I have enjoyed meeting the great variety of people in Area 12 and learning more about the art of handbell ringing. The people are what makes Area 12 great!  Over the past couple of years I have also grown in my own ringing abilities and in my role as a director. I have met incredible people and have greatly enjoyed encouraging people and have been encouraged in the process. I am looking forward to the next two years of serving as your past chair. As my role and responsibilities change, I know that my love of serving on the board will not. 

Happy Ringing,



Marci Nuoffer

Carol Pickford

Fall is the start of our fiscal year, portions of our meeting are filled with preparing our budget for the next year, updating our Rules of Procedures with any updates from the previous year, and signing our annual forms, including our newly created Conflict Resolution Form. 

For those that were at our biennual meeting in June, you are aware that we have decided to move the location of our 2026 conference due to a possible conflict with the proposed location of National Seminar, we believe we have finalized a new location, and hope to have our announcement out soon. 

If you have been on the Area 12 website lately, you may have noticed we have added the option to have banner ads. The pricing for the ads has now been established, please reach out to our webmaster for information. Rates will be listed on the website soon. 

We reviewed the feedback from our Go Nuts event in Modesto.  We received lots of feedback, most very positive. Suggestions for improvement were discussed for implementation in future events. Thank you to those who provided feedback.    

Our nominating committee continues to reach out in search of those who might be willing to run for the elected positions on our board. We hope to bring you updates about the election in the near future. 

Our next meeting will be in January, please reach out if there is anything you would like the board to discuss. 

Carol Pickford

Area 12 Secretary


Kathy Arnold

Matching Funds through Benevity

In the Spirit of Giving, Area 12 has registered with Benevity, an organization that allows companies to match employee donations to organizations such as ours so we can continue to support the art of handbell ringing in Classes, Massed Ring Events, and Loan Programs. When it’s time for you to renew/sign up for benefits at your company, look for the Benevity logo and look for Area 12 Handbell Musicians of America (formerly AGEHR Area XII).

Go to our HOMEPAGE 
to submit YOUR event!
(and get a social media push!)

Check out all the membership options and benefits for Handbell Musicians of America HERE.

Current Area 12

Member Count:


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More Than a Metronome

Director’s Workshop

Conducting is communication. Join us to learn the language of conducting by connecting your movements to the music through hands-on practice of conducting gestures with a live bell ensemble. 

CLINICIANS: Barbara Walsh & Tessique Houston

MUSIC: How Firm a Foundation” arr. Jason W. Krug

(2-3 oct. GMH 230037; 3-6 oct. GMH350050)

WHEN: Saturday, February 8, 2025 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

WHERE: Walnut Creek United Methodist Church, 1543 Sunnyvale Ave., Walnut Creek, CA 94597

HOW MUCH: Early Bird Registration - $85; after January 15, 2025 - $100

Registration opens in November. Any questions? email Tessique Houston at:

This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America, dedicated to uniting people through the musical art of handbell and handchime ringing.

Celebrating the Holidays on Handbells

with San Diego Harmony Ringers

Ring in the holidays with San Diego Harmon Ringers. We are an advanced, auditioned community handbell group located in San Diego, California. From a variety of backgrounds and experience, we join together in harmony to ring with passion, beauty of expression, and a joy in sharing our music with our listeners. Our holiday concert will include both sacred and secular selections for all to enjoy!

When: 2:30 pm December 8, 2024

Where: San Diego Central Library

9th floor, Shiley Suite

300 Park Blvd. (at 11th Ave and Park Blvd)

San Diego, CA 92101

Check out our website for more information!

San Diego Harmony Ringers

News from So Nevada:

Harmony Handbells is hosting the annual

Twelfth Night Handbell Festival this January.

The clinician for this endorsed event is Sandra Eithun!

This event is open to choirs and individuals.

Where: Boulder City, Nevada

When: January 10-11.

Go to for registration forms and additional info. We've already received our first registrants! It's not too early to sign up!

This event is an endorsed event by Handbell Musicians of America, dedicated to uniting people through the musical art of handbell and handchime ringing.


Alison Pruett

A full-service handbell store

with music and accessories:

gloves • gifts

maintenance items

mallets • binders

bell tree items

Malmark products

visit us at



7209 Morgan Ave S Richfield, MN 55423




Barbara Walsh

For information on Northern Nevada concerts, events, and other opportunities, click here.  


Our Bell Jam in Sparks, NV was a great event!

We had the 3 Fs – food, fellowship and lots of fun while learning or reviewing new skills to start our ringing year out right! Come and join us in the Spring for the Sierra Spring Ring!


Michèle Sharik

For information on Southern California concerts, events, and other opportunities, click here.  

The SoCal Spring Ring is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America, dedicated to uniting people through the musical art of handbell and handchime ringing.

Hi there, SoCal!

As you know, I have served as Area Chair-Elect for the past two years, in addition to acting as the SoCal Regional Coordinator. As Marci wrote above, I am now in the process of advancing* into the office of Area 12 Chair. That means that this is my last SoCal article for the Twelfth Tone. We do need someone to take over this position, so if you’re interested, please let me know. 

Don’t forget, our 2025 SoCal Spring Ring (with Bronze Vision) will be held Friday & Saturday, May 2 & 3, 2025, at St. Thomas More Catholic Church in Oceanside. Our clinician will once again be the excellent Douglas Lynn. Rest assured that I will be there to help a new SoCal RC with this event, so don’t let the thought of running an event by yourself deter you from putting yourself forward for that role. 

Meanwhile, registration forms for the Spring Ring will be available soon. Watch this space for developments!

It has been an honor, a privilege, and a joy to serve Southern California as your regional coordinator for so many years. I’ve met many wonderful people and had lots of fun at our annual Spring Rings. I’ve said it many times, and it’s absolutely true: handbell people are the best people!

Take care,


* Why “in the process of advancing”? Because we have not been able to find enough candidates to be able to hold our biennial election. (Our By-Laws require us to have two candidates for each elected position.) Until we are able to hold an election, Marci and I are covering all three positions in the Chair cycle, and outgoing Past Chair Tessique Houston continues to lead the Nominating Committee. That committee has worked hard beating the bushes to find candidates, but has been unable to complete the electoral slate. I urge you to please consider running for one of the elected positions (Chair-Elect, Secretary, or Treasurer). It’s a great way to serve the handbell community, as well as to meet so many members of Area 12! Please contact Tessique at to throw your hat into the ring!


Erik Der

Dear LA Metro,

We had a great weekend with HMA president Greig Ashurst. He flew in from Louisiana to lead our area 12 youth conference at Concordia University Irvine. While in town, he presented a 2 hour lecture on handbell pedagogy in education. We will share the video recording of that lecture in the next few weeks. Enjoy these photos from the event and remember that registration is open for Concordia's annual Young Ringer's Festival and High School Invitational: 

Young Ringer's Festival (3/29/25):

High School Invitational (3/10/25):

For information on Los Angeles Metro concerts, events, and other opportunities, click here.


Maggie Paton

Hi Cen Cal!

My name is Maggie Paton, and I’m excited to introduce myself as the new Regional Coordinator for Central California. I discovered my passion for handbells in high school when I enrolled in "Introduction to Handbells" as a fun and unique Fine Arts class. I’ve now been ringing for over twenty years and currently play with the Opus Handbell Ensemble in Modesto. I also direct the Laudate Ringers of St. Joseph Catholic Church / Mission San Jose in Fremont.

Several of my ringers attended the Go Nuts conference in June, and we had a fantastic time exploring the many learning opportunities and connecting with inspiring instructors. I’m also looking forward to attending the Redding Handbell Festival this October, featuring clinician Matthew Compton.

Please reach out with any ideas, questions, or suggestions you have for the region. I can’t wait to collaborate and make our handbell community even stronger!


Nancy Schmitt


Saturday, October 19, 2024

9:10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. 

CrossPointe Community Church

Redding, CA

Fall into the ringing season with a trip to Redding and enjoy the fun and fellowship of ringing with other bell choirs under the baton of Matthew Compton and have music to get you started for the new ringing year.

Registration:  $40.00 

Massed Ringing, Classes and a Final Concert open to the public

Jeffers Handbell Supply will have merchandise for sale such as binders, gloves, polishing clothes, mallets, music, and much more.

This festival is open to full bell choirs, partial choirs, and individuals. 

Massed choir selections:

An American Medley, arr. Anna Laura Page, Code 20043

Simplicity, by Matthew Compton, EGM109

Morning Dance, arr. Cathy Moklebust, CGB218

Simple Gifts, arr. Brenda Austin, AP44245

Red Zone song:

Siorai Athas (Eternal Joy), by Matthew Compton, EGM106


Basic Ringing and Damping for beginners and veterans

Planting Bell Trees

Revving Up for the Red Zone Bronze choir

8 Bell Ringing

The Human Experience (The Rainbow Connection)

Simplicity, Easy as 1-2-3 Conducting class

This festival is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America, dedicated to uniting people through the musical art of handbell and handchime ringing.

Still have questions? Send those to

Happy Ringing,

Nancy Schmitt

Area 12 is always grateful for volunteers. If you have ever considered being a volunteer, whether it’s for a short time, such as an event (planning or helping at the event), being on a committee such as our election committee, or a longer term, such as being on the board, as an all-volunteer organization we would love to have you. 

Our National Organization (click logos to get more info!)
Handbell Musicians of America
The Twelfth Tone is published on or around the first of each month, except July, by Area 12 of the Handbell Musicians of America (The Guild). The Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell/handchime ringing through education, community, and communication. The editor of this publication reserves the right to reject or modify copy.
We have over 1500 contacts, a 40% open rate (17% higher than the industry average) and a 13% click rate. Book your ad NOW!

For advertising types and rates:
Visit our website
Payment is due prior to publication. Submission DEADLINE is the 20th of each month. No issue in July.

Please submit your ads via email to:
Communications Director
Area 12 Bell/Chime Loan Program
Teachers: Would you like the use of a three octave set of handbells or handchimes to add interest and a new dimension to your music class?

Area 12 encourages schools and other educational institutions, both public and private, to develop educational programs using handbells and handchimes.

To support the development of such programs, Area 12 has six 3-octave sets of handbells and three 3-octave sets of handchimes for loan.

To learn more about the responsibilities and procedures for participating in this program, click here.
Looking for a previous issue? We archive the Twelfth Tone on our website:

Your Area 12 Board

Elected Officers

Chair Elect
Past Chair


Appointed Officers


Cathryn Griggs


Beth Loebig


Cyndi Tully


Robyn Baird

Social Media

Daniel Ujifusa


Gail Berg

Vendor Liaison

Fran Sanders

Regional Coordinators

Central California

Maggie Paton

Far Northern California Liaison

Nancy Schmitt


Karen Carlisle

Los Angeles Metro

Erik Der

Northern California

Cindy Ksiazek

Northern Nevada

Barbara Walsh

San Francisco Bay Area

Marquise Usher

Southern California

Position Open

Southern Nevada

Alison Pruett

Area 12 Handbell Musicians of America |
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