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October 2015
In This Issue
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Fall abounds and with it comes a refreshed sense of appreciation for this beautiful place we live in... Humboldt County.

I want to begin by welcoming our new community and school partners to the Decade of Difference (DoD) Initiative as well as extend my appreciation for those who have been and who remain committed to the work of improving outcomes for our local youth as well as for our community.

As we embark on year six, we remain steadfast in our pledge to support others with similar purpose to have access to the resources we have developed in an effort to extend the vision for improving reading and math proficiency rates, improving high school graduation rates and improving rates of youth who pursue and complete training beyond high school with the overarching outcome including improving our local economy and quality of life on the North Coast...none of which is possible without a whole lot of dedicated and caring people coming together for a similar purpose. 

Heidi Moore, Coordinator

    Decade of Difference News!
Humboldt Crabs Junior Giant's Night

The Decade of Difference was part of an exciting summer partnership between the Boys & Girls Club of the Redwoods, the Jr. Giants, the Crabs, the Humboldt County Library, and PG&E which culminated in Literacy Night at the Crabs Baseball Park.

This event supported the Jr. Giant's efforts to encourage summer reading of its youth baseball participants through their Round the Bases Reading Program. 80 members of the Boys & Girls Club of the Redwoods Jr. Giants baseball teams were in attendance along with over 200 more youth.

The event included interactive literacy focused activities with a Dr. Seuss Photo Booth, distribution of over 400 books, crafts, games, and more. It even featured a reading by Crusty the Crab. Karen Brooks from the Decade of Difference stated,  "Between the Doctor Seuss photo booth, the parachute play, and giving away books and baseball cards, the children had a blast".

Fun was had by all.


College and Career Night
In an effort to support our students across Humboldt, Del Norte, and Mendocino Count ies, the North coast Cal-SOAP program hosted the 32nd annual College and Career Night. Over 1 ,000 high school students and family members attended this event that featured over 40 college and career representatives from all over the country and offered workshops ranging from:  Financial Aid Basics, Preparing Your Application, Career Technical Options, CSU and UC Overview, College Planning, NCAA Eligibility, and Community College Options. 

This well attended event provides an extremely important resource for our community. According to the lead planner for the event, Cindy Porter, "The event is for students from all high schools, all grade levels. There are workshops that have been created specifically for 9th and 10th graders, as well as, advanced workshops for seniors. Planning for college is most effective if done early." Please visit the event webpage for more information:
Partner Spotlight: PG&E
We want to extend our appreciation to our local PG&E office and employees. Recently, they invited us to their yearly Community Giving Breakfast and Campaign. The opportunity to talk about the impact the Decade of Difference is making within our community was well received. At the conclusion of the presentation, employees from PG&E participated in a raffle drawing. Once the prizes were distributed to the winners, it was announced that the Decade of Difference would be receiving half of the dollars donated to the raffle. This equaled close to  $600 that will be used to purchase books and supplies for our Early Literacy Partner's program. 

Over the summer, PG&E graciously offered to underwrite the costs associated with the Literacy Night at the Crabs which was a partnership with the Decade of Difference, the Boys and Girls Club of the Redwoods, the Jr. Giants, the Humboldt County Library and PG&E. They covered the costs for admission for eligible youth who were active members of the Jr. Giants baseball program and who had turned in a reading log over the summer demonstrating their commitment to keeping up with their reading skills.
Thanks PG&E for your contributions to the youth of Humboldt County! You are a Part of it!
books-apple-icon.jpg Early Literacy Partners            
Making a difference for today's students ... AND tomorrow's teachers.
Undergraduates in HSU's elementary teacher preparation program have served as Early Literacy Partner (ELP) tutors for grades K-2 learners in Decade of Difference schools for the past 5 years.  The tutoring experiences are designed to help prepare the undergraduates for success as beginning teachers.  This year requests for early literacy tutors included two from new Eureka City Schools teachers Kelcie Vook (Kdg) and Samantha Schrum (2nd grade).   Because of their personal, positive experiences as tutors, they now are looking forward to hosting newly-trained tutors to assist struggling learners in their classrooms ... and at the same time, help prepare the next generation of beginning teachers! 

Financial Aid Events  
The Go! Beyond FAFSA Completion Project is coordinating a series of financial aid events for local graduating seniors and their families, starting in November and running through February. The Financial Aid Nights will provide an informational overview of the financial aid process, while the Cash for College Workshops offer hands-on, individual assistance in completing financial aid applications. For a schedule with times and locations,  click here:    Workshop Schedule  
It's college application time! 
Many of our local high school seniors are actively applying to an array of colleges and universities across our nation. This can be very exciting, but it can also provoke some anxiety. What schools are right for me? Do I meet the requirements? How will I pay for College? How do I narrow my options down?   These are just a few of the questions many students face when entering the college application arena.  For support and resources click here.
         The day is called ICOM 
Innovate, Create, Originate & Make! 

Ideas can become amazing things if their inspiration is allowed to mobilize.  
Just think about the possibilities when 300 young people, aged 13-18, collaborate for a day with young adult trend setters.  

Saturday, Nov. 7th at CR from 9a-3p.  Download a flyer.   Register online