From Ann Vaughn, President


Fall greetings to Impact100 DC members and friends!!

I have two agenda items in this October letter. The first is short and sweet: RENEW NOW—JOIN NOW—RECRUIT NOW!! Impact100 DC is firmly on a growth trajectory. We are a fantastic, active, vibrant and diverse community of women with a leadership team that is passionate about our mission and vision. Truly, NOW IS THE TIME: JOIN, RENEW, RECRUIT!!

My second agenda item is the 11th Street Bridge Park Project. I’m so excited that Impact100 DC will host members and guests for a tour of the site and a presentation about the park, because this is one of the most exciting local initiatives that I can recall in my nearly 50 years of living here. Thanks to Project Director Scott Kratz for leading our tour!! See details below for this November 5th event. (And RSVP here.)

The plan, 10 years in the making with groundbreaking approaching in 2023, is to put a new deck over the old 11th Street Bridge piers and pilings and on it to include gardens, public art, community events, play areas, a solar-powered environmental education center, and more. The bridge links two very disparate communities: Capitol Hill and Anacostia. In Scott Kratz’s words, “These communities are separated by 900 feet of water. They have been divided for generations.”

For 10 years, the process has been a model of equitable planning, with a laser focus on avoiding the gentrification and displacement that accompanies so many urban infrastructure projects. Unlike so many projects that pay lip service to community involvement, the 11th Street Bridge Park Project has already dedicated $84 million of its $177 million budget to pre-construction initiatives designed to strengthen and maintain the health of communities east of the river.

For me, the 11th Street Bridge Park Project resonates with our vision of bridging demographic divides through the creation of a vibrant and diverse community, and it encapsulates the kind of nonprofit work Impact100 DC aspires to fuel. The prospect of this park fills me with hope and joy – two feelings that don’t come so easily these days!!!



First Things First: Renew or Join!

Our goal for our 2023 grant is big: Two $100,000 grants and three $10,000 grants. So renew or join now to help us make our biggest impact yet.

New 2023 members joining now will be able to participate fully in all Impact100 DC activities for the remainder of 2022 as well as all of 2023—including educational programs, social and networking events, and volunteer opportunities. Feel free to share this video far and wide to communicate what we are all about. 


Meet & Greets for members and guests!

Join Board Members at their homes to learn more about Impact100 DC.

There's still time to sign up for two meet and greets on Nov. 7 and Nov. 17 -- hurry while slots last! They are great opportunities to learn more about our organization or introduce a friend to what we do together.


Special Fall Tour In One Week! 11th Street Bridge Park

The 11th Street Bridge Park project ties together so many of our values as an organization: a focus on the environment, health, arts, and community. 

The 11th Street Bridge Park will be built on the original pillars of the old road bridge crossing the Anacostia River between Wards 6 and 8, connecting Anacostia to Capitol Hill. The multi-year effort to design the park has been a model of community involvement and includes an equitable development plan focusing on housing, employment, small business development and cultural equity.

Read this Washington Post article and this New York Times article to learn more and engage with this important project. 

Then, sign up for a special tour for Impact100 DC members and their guests on Saturday, November 5 at 10:30 am.


Mark Your Calendars: Dec. 6 Member-Guest Reception


Mark your calendars now for a special evening designed for prospective members!

Generously hosted by the law firm of Stein Sperling in their Rockville office, this reception will be a chance for prospective members to learn more about Impact100 DC.

Members and non-members alike can sign up, and are encouraged to RSVP for a prospective member guest as well! (Or three!)


Member Highlights 

Impact100 DC members are movers and shakers from all walks of life. 

  • Don't miss out on our latest membership profile by Joan de Pontet, featuring Mayu Molina Lehmann. Lehmann recently wrote, produced, and staged the musical Monarch: A Mexican-American Musical, which premiered in Los Angeles this year. Read more. 
  • Impact100 DC Board Member Carole Mumin was honored this fall by Mayor Bowser as part of the 37th Annual Mayor's Arts Awards. The awards are designed to honor "local creative leaders, visionaries, and trendsetters," and we feel lucky to have a woman who fits that description to its fullest on our Board. Read more
  • One of our Impact100 DC Fellows, Lavontte Chatmon, was just named Executive Director of Nonprofit Montgomery. We're honored to have a fellow who is such an experienced leader in the local nonprofit community. 

Know an Impact100 DC member who is making waves in our community and beyond? Email [email protected] so we can feature them in the next newsletter!

Nonprofit News

As temperatures dip and we head into the holiday season, we know that our next annual grant cycle must be just around the corner. This year, we will host a single online workshop on November 18, 2022 for nonprofits to learn more about Impact 100 DC and our application process. In the workshop, we will discuss the application process, our funding priorities, and our evaluation criteria in detail. Prospective applicants can register here.

Please note: The grant application window opens on December 5, 2022 this year. The deadline for all submissions is January 30, 2023. 

To ensure you receive timely updates about the 2023 grants cycle, be sure you are signed up for our Nonprofit Mailing List here.

News from our 2022 Finalists

Audubon Naturalist Society, which teamed up with The Urban Studio in our 2022 grants cycle and was the Finalist in the category of Environment, recently announced a new name. 

Director of Conservation Eliza Cava reports:

"Following input and feedback from more than 1,000 stakeholders and after considering more than 100 possible names, our members enthusiastically affirmed Nature Forward as our organization’s new name at our October 20th Annual Meeting. Nature Forward reflects the impact we can have as stewards of the environment in our region when we move forward together.

Please know that we remain committed to our mission to inspire people across our region to appreciate, understand and protect their natural environment. Creating a larger and more diverse community of people who treasure the natural world and work to preserve it continues to be our vision. We are confident that our commitment to inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility will be well represented under the banner of Nature Forward. You can learn more and sign up for our eNews electronic newsletter at natureforward.org."

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Impact100 DC
PO Box 40121
Washington, DC 20016
Phone: 202-379-4773