Second Helpings
The Food Bank of Delaware's Monthly E-newsletter
Thanks to attendees and supporters of our
Oktoberfest Blue Jean Ball! 
Click here for pictures!
Help DART Stuff the Bus!
Click here  for
dates and locations!
Food items of the month
The Food Bank's most-needed food items for this month is:
Canned Fruit
Peanut Butter
For a list of drop-off locations, please click here.
Turkey Round-Up 
Save the Date! The annual Turkey Round Up will take place November 15 and 16 at Buffalo Wild Wings in Bear and Dover!
In need of emergency food assistance?
The Delaware Helpline can assist locate community organizations that can help!

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Food Bank of Delaware
14 Garfield Way
Newark, Delaware 19713
(302) 292-1305

1040 Mattlind Way
Milford, Delaware  19963
(302) 424-3301





Expanded Milford Branch Opens

The Food Bank of Delaware cut the ribbon on its newly-expanded Milford branch on Friday, September 20.


The $2.6 million expansion includes the new Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware Culinary Kitchen, DuPont Volunteer Room and Harry and Jeannette Weinberg Culinary Classroom.


The expansion doubles the size of the existing 8,000-square-foot warehouse. The project, designed by Delaware Architects, and managed by Richard Y Johnson & Son, allows the Food Bank of Delaware to increase hunger-relief programming through the creation of a new volunteer room and train adults for the food service industry and prepare meals for the food bank's Children's Nutrition program through the new industrial-sized kitchen. 


"We are so happy to welcome everyone here today, a day, that at times, we thought would never come," said Beebe. "We have this beautiful new facility, and it's already being used. On September 9 we welcomed fourteen members of the inaugural class here at the Milford Branch. And best of all, I'm happy to report that the project is paid for in its entirety. Thanks to the generosity of our community, we didn't borrow a penny for this project."


Coalition to End Hunger Announces Priorities    

Lieutenant Governor Matt Denn and Delaware Department of Agriculture Secretary Ed Kee joined the Coalition to End Hunger, an initiative of the Food Bank of Delaware, on September 17 at Highland Orchards to announce the coalition's priorities for the coming year.


The mission of the Coalition to End Hunger is to coordinate the collaborative development of an equitable, accessible and just regional food system for the state of Delaware's New Castle, Kent and Sussex counties. The Coalition will focus on four areas in the coming year - increasing access to school breakfast for Delaware's children, advocacy, healthy food financing and connecting area farmers to low-income Delawareans.


"We should make sure that kids who may not be getting breakfast at home are getting it at school, especially because we may be able to provide it to them at little cost to the state," said Denn. "We will be working with our school districts over the coming months to increase the percentage of eligible kids who receive breakfast at school, with the goal of no kid going through the school day hungry." 


Thanksgiving for All Food Drive

The Food Bank of Delaware will kick off its annual Thanksgiving food drive on Monday, October 14.


Food collected from the food drive will be used to create 2,700 Thanksgiving meal boxes for families in need.


Food for Thanksgiving boxes must be received by Friday, November 15. 


The Food Bank is in need of:

  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Canned or packets of gravy
  • Pie crust
  • Chocolate pudding mix
  • Canned pumpkin
  • Cranberry sauce
  • Seasoned stuffing mix
  • Biscuit mix
  • Instant mashed potatoes
  • Canned vegetables (green beans, corn, yams and peas)
  • Canned fruits (pineapple and apple sauce)
  • Pancake mix and syrup
  • Apple juice
  • Shelf-stable milk (32 oz.)
  • Turkey roasting pans
  • Frozen turkeys (drop off to Newark or Milford warehouses only)

Boxes will be distributed to local agencies who provide assistance to those in need. Households in need of food assistance may call the Delaware Helpline by dialing 2-1-1 (or 1-800-464-4357).



A Place at the Table

The Coalition to End Hunger will host a screening of the documentary, A Place at the Table, on Thursday, October 24 at Penn Cinema (401 S. Madison Street, Wilmington). 


Doors open at 5:15 p.m. and the film will begin at 6:00 p.m. followed by a discussion.  will benefit from a special showing of the documentary, "A Place at the Table.


50 Million Americans -1 in 4 children - don't know where their next meal is coming from. "A Place at the Table"  tells the powerful stories of three such Americans, who maintain their dignity even as they struggle just to eat. In a riveting journey that will change forever how you think about the hungry,  this film shows how the issue could be solved forever, once the American public decides-as they have in the past-that ending hunger is in the best interests of us all.

Milford Volunteer Evening Hours

Evening volunteer shifts are now available at the Milford Branch.

The new volunteer room offers space for additional evening hours, from 4:30 - 8 p.m., in addition to the morning hours from 8-11 a.m. and afternoon hours from noon until 4 p.m.


Volunteer opportunities include food sorting, assembling bags of food for the Backpack Program and meals for children's nutrition programs, clerical volunteers and helping with general tasks in the volunteer room. Special arrangements can be made on Saturdays or Sundays for volunteer groups of 10 or more.


Volunteers can register online at For more information, e-mail Matt Brandi at

Trustees of Color to Hold Info Session at Milford Branch

Trustees of Color, an organization that works to expand the current pool of people of color serving on Delaware's nonprofit board to ensure diversity, will hold an informational reception at the Milford facility on Tuesday, October 15.


Individuals of color interested in serving on boards and nonprofits seeking new board members are invited to attend the free reception. The evening will include networking opportunities and a panel discussion comprised of United Way of Delaware President and CEO Michelle Taylor, Food Bank of Delaware President and CEO Patricia Beebe and the following board members from local nonprofit organizations:

  • Noreen Poole (Food Bank of Delaware and Habitat for Humanity)
  • Al Spencer (Delaware Futures)
  • Lourdes Puig (Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts)
  • LaKresha Roberts (Food Bank of Delaware) and more.  

The evening reception included hors d'oeuvres catered by students from the new Culinary School at the Food Bank of Delaware's Milford Branch.


To learn more about Trustees of Color, visit To RSVP, please email Ashley Michini at