October 2018
Your monthly news & updates
President's Message

Greetings NTMCA Members!

I would like to send a HUGE thank you to Sheila for her commitment and professionalism she provided to our Chapter over the last year as President. Sheila is a true servant leader. Author J. Carla Nortcutt states, "The goal of many leaders is to get people to think more highly of the leader. The goal of a great leader is to help people to think more highly of themselves." Sheila was always the first to show her appreciation to those of us who served with her and for that, I am truly thankful.
September Meeting Summary
Many thanks go to Kelly Ballard and Andrea McDonald for hosting the September meeting in Keller. The cozy room, food, table arrangements and decorations were very much appreciated. The table decorations made for fun door prizes too!
Our guest speaker Angie Whitney helped us to better understand emotional intelligence by explaining how the data and information we receive is processed in our brain. Processing that information quickly becomes a reaction of the data dump; however, forcing yourself to pause facilitates a rational reaction of the data dump. Make sense?
Forcing yourself to pause allows you to take control of the situation, clearly explain decisions, and make rational responses. Angie challenged us to manage our pauses and realize no response is sometimes the best response.
President Sheila Morales expressed her appreciation to each of her Board members, and then provided the Oath of Office to the incoming Board members.

Amy Shelley, President
Amy has served as Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Historian during her board service. She is the Deputy City Secretary for the City of Southlake. Amy received her TRMC certification in January 2014, and is currently finished with her first recertification. She has also served NTMCA on the Professional Seminar and Technology/Communications Committees.

Monica Solko, Vice President
Monica has served as Treasurer and Historian during her board service. She is the City Secretary for the City of Lake Worth. Monica received her TRMC certification in 2009 and is currently working on her 2 nd recertification. She has also served NTMCA on the Holiday and Technology/Communications Committees.

Traci Henderson, Treasurer
This is Traci’s first year on the board, and we are happy to have her! She is the Assistant City Secretary for the City of North Richland Hills. Traci received her TRMC certification in January 2011, and is currently working on her 2 nd recertification. She has also served NTMCA on the Alyce Deering Scholarship and Municipal Clerk of the Year Committees.

Christine Green, Secretary
Christine has served as Historian during her board service. She is the City Secretary for University Park. Christine is currently working on her TRMC certification. She has also served NTMCA on the Professional Seminar Committee.

Erika McComis, Historian
This is also Erika’s first year on the board, and we are happy to have her too! She is the City Secretary for the City of Bridgeport. Erika received her TRMC certification in August, 2017, and her CMC certification in September, 2017. She has also served NTMCA on the Holiday Luncheon Committee.

The membership approved the following business items:
  • August 16, 2018 minutes
  • August 2018 monthly treasurer report
  • Annual transfer of $450 from Membership Dues to Special Projects
  • Annual transfer of $150 to the Dorothy Byrd Scholarship
  • Annual transfer of $150 to the Dr. Joyce Snay Scholarship
  • FY18-19 Budget

October 18 Meeting

Our next business luncheon is scheduled for Thursday, October 18 th in Southlake. Our special guest will be Kelly O’Brian, President of the Dallas ARMA Chapter, and she will discuss a topic she has become very passionate about, “Preparing for Your Next Job While Becoming excellent at Your Current One.” The presentation is not about career, career, career…meaning, pushing people to formalize where they expect to be in three, five, or seven years. She will facilitate a conversational-type presentation versus the more formally-structured PowerPoint presentation. Yay!
Brief Reminders for Important Dates and Events
  • October 25-26, 2018 – TMCCP Graduate Institute, South Padre Island
  • (Fellow NTMCA member, Kim Sutter, will be installed as President of TMCA)
  • November 14, 2018 – Business Luncheon, White Settlement, Splash Dayz
  • December 13, 2018 – Holiday Luncheon, Denton County Southwest Courthouse Community Room
  • January 17, 2019 – Azle, Azle Memorial Library
  • January 24-25, 2019 – Election Law Seminar, Frisco
  • February 20, 2019 - Bridgeport

Respectfully Yours,
Amy Shelley, President

Looking Ahead

Membership Drive
We encourage all of you to submit your membership applications and FY18-19 dues as soon as possible. Click here for the membership application or visit the Membership section on the website here . Checks must be made out to NTMCA, and mailed to Traci Henderson as indicated. For more information, please contact Laurie Garber, Membership Committee Chair at 972-466-3005 or here by email .
Laurie Garber, Membership Committee Chair

Holiday Luncheon and Charity Information – SAVE THE DATE
The Holiday Luncheon will be held on Thursday, December 13 at the Southwest Courthouse Community Room in Denton/Argyle. Save the date on your calendar and make plans to join us for an afternoon filled of fun, food and comradery.
Please be prepared to bid on our incredible selection of Silent Auction Items benefitting the Alyce Deering Scholarship Fund.

Gift card donations will be accepted for our Charity this year – Wise Hope Shelter & Crisis Center.
Wise Hope has been offering services to victims of sexual assault as well as domestic violence since 2008. They operate a shelter in Wise County that houses these victims as they are in transit and helps them put their life back together. Wise Hope Shelter & Crisis Center is dedicated to providing compassionate, comprehensive services to any person impacted by rape, sexual abuse, domestic violence, dating violence and/or stalking while partnering with our community to promote safety, healing, and prevention. If you would like more information about this organization you may visit www.wisehope.org .

The gift cards will be used for their adults during Christmas, as the shelter participates in a local angel tree for the kids; however, they try to bring joy to the adults in the shelter as well during the holiday.
Tina Stewart, Holiday Celebration Committee Chair

Join TMCA!

Join TMCA with 2019 membership today! Purchase dues  online  or via  mail .

Upcoming Events and Meetings
October 18, 2018 - City of Southlake, Kelly O’Brian, President of the Dallas ARMA Chapter REGISTER HERE

November 14, 2018 - City of White Settlement

October 25-26, 2018 – TMCCP Graduate Institute, South Padre Island - Fellow NTMCA member, Kim Sutter, will be installed as President of TMCA

December 13, 2018 - Holiday Luncheon, Denton County  Southwest Courthouse Community Room

North Texas Municipal Clerks Association | [email protected] | www.ntmca.org

President:  Amy Shelley , Southlake | 817-748-8015

Vice-President:  Monica Solko , Lake Worth | 817- 237-1211 x105

Treasurer: Traci Henderson , North Richland Hills | 817-427-6060

Secretary:  Christine Green , University Park | 214-987-5302

Historian:  Erika McComis , Bridgeport | 940-683-3417