The Alameda County Arts Commission is pleased to share this newsletter with information about the upcoming Regional Conversation with Californians for the Arts, Small Business Recovery Grants, National Arts and Humanities Month, the Veterans Art partnership exhibition, public art for the Dublin Transit Center Parking Garage, the launch of the Arts Commission's new website and logo, and more!
All of the programs and services of the Arts Commission are based on the belief that arts and creativity are essential to every successful and thriving community. Thank you for your support of the arts in Alameda County!
Californians for the Arts' Regional Conversation for Alameda County and Northern CA
You are Invited to a Regional Conversation for Northern California, including Alameda County, taking place on Friday, November 18 from 12:00 - 1:30 pm. This Regional Conversation is part of a series of free convenings that are taking place across the state of California, organized by Californians for the Arts (CFTA). They bring together artists, arts organizations, creative workers and businesses, and supporters of arts and culture to hear updates on legislation affecting the sector, to learn about advocacy, and to share what is impacting arts and culture in each community.
This event will feature CTFA updates on policy, advocacy, and funding opportunities, as well as a listening session to hear from attendees about the issues impacting their work. CFTA will also provide information on new catalytic initiatives such as the Community Economic Resilience Fund and California Creative Corps.
The Northern California Regional Conversation will take place on Friday, November 18 from 12:00 - 1:30 pm on Zoom. To join the conversation, register HERE.
Alameda County Small Business Recovery Grants
Alameda County Small Business Recovery Grants are available for small businesses negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Eligible brick-and-mortar businesses can receive a one-time grant of $10,000 and $5,000 for home-based businesses. The program is open to all eligible for-profit small businesses with 1 to 25 employees. Visual and performing artists and sole proprietors in the creative industry may be eligible.
The program was authorized by the Alameda County Board of Supervisors when it appropriated American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds in response to and recovery from the public health emergency and negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Applications are due October 31, 2022. To learn more about eligibility, FAQs, and to apply, click HERE.
Alameda County Board of Supervisors Celebrates National Arts and Humanities Month
Board President Keith Carson and the Alameda County Board of Supervisors celebrated October as National Arts and Humanities Month with a proclamation and recognized this year's Arts Leadership Award Recipients during the Board of Supervisors' meeting on Tuesday, October 4. You can watch the recording of the presentation here. The presentation starts 22 minutes into the recording.
The goals of National Arts and Humanities Month of October are:
- Focusing on equitable access to the arts at local, state, and national levels;
- Encouraging individuals, organizations, and diverse communities to participate in the arts;
- Allowing governments and businesses to show their support of the arts; and
- Raising public awareness about the positive impact of the arts and humanities in our communities and lives.
The 2022 Arts Leadership Award Recipients are: Dennis Baker, Tina Blaine, Anne Giancola, Naomi Johnson-Diouf, Naru Kwina, and Ruey Lin Syrop. To learn more about the program and the award recipients, please see our press release.
This image from the October 4th Board of Supervisors' meeting includes (from left to right) Alameda County Supervisor Nate Miley, Alameda County Auditor-Controller/Clerk-Recorder Melissa Wilk, Arts Commission Director Rachel Osajima, President of the Board of Supervisors Keith Carson, and Alameda County Supervisor Dave Brown. Attending the meeting by teleconference were Alameda County Supervisor David Haubert, appointed members of the Alameda County Arts Commission, and the six Arts Leadership Award recipients.
2022 Arts Leadership Award Recipients
Alameda County Veterans Art Partnership Exhibition
Visit the Alameda County Veterans Art Partnership exhibition at the Hayward Public Library! You are invited to attend the Exhibition Reception on Monday, Nov. 7 from 2:00 - 4:00 pm. In honor of Veteran’s Day, Melissa Wilk, Alameda County Auditor-Controller/Clerk-Recorder, and Richard Valle, Alameda County Supervisor and a Vietnam Veteran, will be in attendance. Melissa and Supervisor Valle will meet with Alameda County Veterans and their family members who created the exhibition artwork through the Veterans Art Partnership program. Since 2015, this unique partnership between the Alameda County Arts Commission and the Oakland Vet Center has provided Alameda County Veterans with an opportunity to express themselves in a supportive environment, learn new art skills, and build community.
This exhibition features 60 prints of artworks by 32 Veterans Art Partnership participants. The display includes art projects from 2018-2022 sharing the vision and voice of local Veterans and their family members. It celebrates the transformative power of the arts and is an opportunity to learn about the Veteran experience. To view the exhibition, visit the 2nd floor galleries of the Hayward Public Library through November 28. The exhibition is made possible through a collaboration between the Alameda County Arts Commission, the Oakland Vet Center, the Hayward Arts Council and the Hayward Public Library.
Alameda County Arts Relief Grant Program
On October 12, Rachel Osajima, Director of the Alameda County Arts Commission, and Melissa Wilk, Alameda County Auditor-Controller/Clerk-Recorder, visited the Oakland Museum of California and met with Lori Fogarty, Director and CEO of the Museum. They toured the outdoor gardens and galleries and discussed the impact of the Alameda County Arts Relief Grant on the Museum. The grant program was established to provide funding assistance to nonprofit arts and cultural organizations negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. On July 19, 2022, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors approved awarding $1,000,000 of American Rescue Plan Act funds to 182 nonprofit arts and cultural organizations in Alameda County through the Alameda County Arts Relief Grant Program. The complete list of grantees and the award amounts can be found here.
“The Oakland Museum of California and nonprofit arts and cultural organizations throughout Alameda County greatly appreciate the County’s Arts Relief Grant Program. The Covid recovery grant received by OMCA was extremely helpful in enabling us to retain staff and resume programming following several difficult months of closure. The grant support reflects that the leadership of Alameda County understands and supports the importance of arts and cultural organizations throughout this region. Thank you to the Board of Supervisors and Melissa Wilk for your leadership and support!”
- Lori Fogarty, Director and CEO of the Oakland Museum of California
Public Art Project for the
Dublin Transit Center Parking Garage
The Alameda County Arts Commission is pleased to announce that the Artist Selection Committee, comprised of Dublin community members, has selected the public art proposal created by Bay Area artist Phillip Hua for the future Dublin Transit Center Parking Garage. Read the October 2022 Community Update about the project.
Artist Phillip Hua’s public art project will be a collaboration with the Dublin community. Hua will invite community members to observe Dublin’s natural world and to share ideas and photos of animals, birds, insects and plants to include in the smaller dots found within the overall image. The overall image features a flock of birds flying together through the sky, symbolizing movement in a natural form. This idea of movement celebrates community members who are in motion, using the parking garage and traveling throughout the Dublin community and beyond. Hua’s proposal was approved by the Members of the Alameda County Arts Commission in September 2022. For final approval, Hua’s contract will be presented to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors early November (date to be determined).
Alameda County Arts Commission
at Science in the Park
The Alameda County Arts Commission participated in this year's Science in the Park event on October 4. Science in the Park is a biennial event organized and hosted by Supervisor Richard Valle. The event was held at Cal State East Bay in Hayward and provides an opportunity for community members to learn more about STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math), the environment, and health.
The Arts Commission presented a fun hands-on watercolor activity as part of the information booth presented by Melissa Wilk, the Alameda County Auditor-Controller/Clerk-Recorder. The event included a wide variety of hands-on STEAM activities for people of all ages. Multiple County agencies were in attendance to provide information to community members about the various programs and services. Our office was delighted to participate in this important community event with the Alameda County Auditor-Controller/Clerk-Recorder Agency. Learn more about Science in the Park here.
Image from the event includes Alameda County Supervisor Richard Valle (center) with Rachel Osajima, Director of the Alameda County Arts Commission, and Auditor-Controller/Clerk-Recorder staff at the Science in the Park event.
Alameda County Arts Commission
NEW Website and Logo!
We're pleased to share the news that we have a new website and logo! The website has been streamlined to help community members easily navigate information, news and updates on a computer as well as on a mobile device. An added feature allows community members to translate the website content by selecting their preferred language. Visit our new website and learn more about our programs and services.
Resources for Artists and Arts Organizations
Federal Arts Advocacy
Grant Opportunities
News, Resources and Events
Arts Advocacy
Arts Education Advocacy
Top artwork image: Nature by the Bay created by artist Karen Kramer. This artwork is part of the Alameda County Art Collection and was commissioned for the Cherryland Community Center.
Artwork copyright the artist.
Alameda County Arts Commission
The Office of the Arts Commission is proud to be a division of the County’s Auditor-Controller/Clerk-Recorder Agency led by elected official Melissa Wilk. The support and leadership provided by Melissa Wilk is critical to the work of the Arts Commission. The Auditor-Controller/Clerk-Recorder Agency has an extensive leadership role with the County government and the Arts Commission.