
A 501(c)(3) Certified Non-Profit Organization

October 2023 Newsletter

October is Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month

October is Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month. Our non-profit works to educate the public on the importance of AEDs, CPR, and Sudden Cardiac Arrest. We sincerely feel that the placement of Outdoor AED Smart-monitored Cabinets, as well as our education program, are critical in improving the outcomes of Sudden Cardiac Arrest occurrences. Our objective is to make AEDs available to the public and to educate communities about their usefulness. Please use the month of October to stay aware of AEDs in your area, what to do in the event of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest, to stay current on CPR/AED training, and to help get more AEDs placed in public. 

Reach out to us at to learn more about getting an Outdoor AED and training in your community.

Learn CPR/AED use Today!

This Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness month refresh your knowledge or learn something new about how you can assist in a Sudden Cardiac Arrest Situation. You can learn CPR and how to use an AED from the comfort of your home right now. Click the link below and watch the amazing videos that guide you through the process. Using an AED is as easy as applying pads and pushing a button, however, the first step is to have the confidence of training and not be scared to use the device. Educating yourself on the process can help you potentially save a life one day. Sudden Cardiac Arrest can happen anywhere anytime and knowing the basic steps ensure you know what to do in the situation.

Click Here to learn CPR/AED Training

The File of Life Donation Campaign

As a nonprofit, we need your help to fund our mission and save more lives! We want to raise more money to continue placing more Outdoor AED Smart Monitored cabinets and bring more life-saving initiatives to life. We are holding our File of Life campaign for the rest of the year. Pictured below is a File of Life that gets placed inside your home. You fill out your medical history and place it in an easily accessible area. This file is for emergency responders to get information quickly in an emergency. It can also be helpful for family and friends to access in an emergency when dialing 911.

For every $25 donation, we will send you 2 Files of Life.

*Please use the donate button below and donate through the secure GiveMN site. Once your donation is complete please fill out the Information Survey so we can send the File of Lives to the correct address.

Donate Here
 File Of Life Information Survey ...

5-Year-old Girl Raises Money to bring Outdoor AED to Albany, MN

Parker Rosen of Albany, MN took it upon herself this summer to raise money for the Outdoor AED Cabinet being placed at the Albany Family Dentist office. She sold lemonade from "Parker's Lemonade Stand" for several weeks throughout the summer. Parker raised over $750 to put toward the cabinet. The rest of the Outdoor AED Cabinet was funded by the Albany Family Dentistry and Joel Birr Memorial Foundation. The Joel Birr Memorial Foundation also donated money to place 2 more Outdoor AEDs in Albany. One will be at North Park in Albany and the other at Albany High School. The 3 cabinets are set to be installed soon.

Naples Girl Scout Troop Earns Silver Award By Placing Outdoor AED

3 girls in Naples, FL earned their Girl Scout Silver Award, which is the 2nd level in the 3 awards girls can earn. The girls raised money to place an Outdoor AED Smart Monitored Cabinet at their local Girl Scout House where meetings and events are held. The girls showcased their project and showed how to do CPR and use an AED. The front graphics display all of their sponsors who helped make the project possible.

Support local communities in fundraising for Outdoor AED Smart Monitored Cabinets

Many local communities are looking for fundraising help to install Outdoor AED Smart Monitored Cabinets in their neighborhoods and community. Check out the link to see all the various communities you could donate to and support their fundraising efforts. Are you looking to set up a fundraising page to raise money for an Outdoor AED in your community? Contact for assistance/information.

Find a Location to Support

200+ Installations

Check out our website to see all the installations we have done over the years and where you can find an Outdoor AED Smart Monitored Cabient.

Visit our Website- Installation Tab

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