
A backwards glance
What's New at the Gallery
I wish that every day was Saturday and
every month was October.
-Charmaine J. Forde
Cruisin' the Coast
Decorating for Halloween
Special delivery by artist, Stig Marcussen

Furry Friends
Charlie Brown
Zeebaby and her mama
Collectors and Visitors
always brighten our day!
In the cookie of life, friends are the chocolate chips.
The Pink Rooster is honored to be a part of
Celebrating a special birthday

Our working studio is alive with creative energy.

Stop by to inspire the artists and possibly pick up a few tricks of the trade.
Always welcoming to all visitors
Mississippi Painters Plein Air Event
Plein air event 2021
It was a pleasure and an honor to have the opportunity
to host the lunch for the Plein Air painting event.
Artists from other areas jointed
The Mississippi Plein Air Painters Association
for a weekend of painting around the
beautiful Mississippi Gulf Coast '

Photo gallery of special moments
Signs of fall are always welcome
Creativity is the intelligence of having fun.
- Albert Einstein
The Pink Rooster/Gallery Garbo
Proud to be selected as winners of the
2021 Fall Decorating contest in
Ocean Springs
It was a treat to meet the watercolor master Wyatt Waters and his lovely wife Kristi.
We are pleased to offer his book
"An Oxford Sketchbook"
in our gallery.

The Pink Rooster/ Gallery Garbo
622 Washington Ave.
Ocean Springs, MS 39564