Newsletter of the Platte County Democratic
 Central Committee

Volume 15 No. 10                               October 2023


November 13 - Platte County Federated Women's Democratic Club, KCPD North Patrol, 11000 NW Prairie View, KCMO. 6:30 pm. Andrea Denning, candidate for 13th House District, will speak.

November 14 - Democratic Women's Coalition for Northern Platte County, Weston Bend Acres, 17415 Highway 45, Weston. 7:00 pm.

November 15 - Northland Town Hall - Parkville Mid-Continent Library. MO Representatives Ashley Aune and Jamie Johnson will host. 6:00 - 8:00 pm.

November 16 - Platte County Democratic Central Committee, KCPD North Patrol, 11000 NW Prairie View Road, KCMO. 7:00 pm.

November 21 - Northland Democratic Club, ACA Business Club, 1400 NW Vivion Road, KCMO. 7:00 pm

Northland Democratic Club - click here.

Platte County Federated Women's Democratic Club - click here.

Clay County Democrats - click here

Jackson County Democrats - click here

Indivisible Kansas City - click here.

Greater KC Women's Caucus - click here.

Buchanan County Democrats - click here


Thank you Kentucky, Ohio, and Virginia! You’ve given us much to be grateful for as Presidential Election Year 2024 begins. The November 5, 2024 election looks more hopeful every day. We have work to do!

Platte County Federated Women's Democratic Club

The PCFWDC met on October 10 at the KCPD Northland Patrol building. Guest Speakers from Northland Pride Network (NPN) were Beth and Chris Sanders- Helping with resources in the Northland. Check website for counselors and businesses for employment. Check for doctors etc. that are supportive. They are reaching out to schools, families, and want to start support groups.You can also find them on Facebook.

Rita McGuire called meeting to order and the Treasurer's Report was given. $2392.71 Balance + ActBlue @$100 checks. Fundraising: Total amount from raffle $760. Tracy Holthaus won the raffle ($380); she donated her winnings to the Club. Thank you Tracy!!

We talked briefly about potentially setting up donor levels, to be discussed at Executive Committee. ActBlue contributions totaled $365 in August and September. We had donors and several members also paid dues via ActBlue. If they wish, members were encouraged to set up a recurring donation to the Club through ActBlue. Dues can also still be paid through ActBlue.

Membership Committee Report: Elisa Nielsen continues to contact inactive members. We have new members from the Big Shots event in September: Gwen Van Asselt, Barb Luetke, Emily Alford, Andrea Denning. Several guests were present also and enjoyed the camaraderie.

We discussed “adopting” the Southern Platte Emergency Assistance Center (SPEAC). They are always in need of personal care items as these cannot be obtained through Harvesters. We will collect items and bring to our December meeting.

Our December meeting will be a fun event - cookie exchange, snacks, etc. If you bring cookies or other goodies to exchange, include a recipe. We will have this event at a location where we can have adult beverages if desired.

Platte Country Democratic Central Committee

The Platte County Democratic Central Committee met on October 19th at the KCPD North Patrol meeting room.

Chair Meredith Peace called the meeting to order and introduced Wesley Bell, Candidate for the U. S. Senate. Mr. Bell, currently serving as prosecutor for St. Louis County gave a rousing presentation emphasizing his strategy of identifying and engaging low frequency voters. Sadly at the end of October, Mr. Bell withdrew from the race for the Senate and announced that he will challenge Representative Cori Bush for the 1st District Congressional District. His new website is .

Chair Peace announced that Ken Hunt, who has been the master of Constant Contact since 2009, keeping track of contacts, editing, formatting and distributing our Newsletter and sending out announcements of special events, has decided that December will be the last month he will provide these essential services. The Central Committee is seeking a volunteer to take on these important tasks so we can continue to keep in touch with our email list.

Meredith also announced that plans have been proposed for a Trivia Night with Clay County Democrats at a cost of $5 per person or $20 for a team. The proposed date is December 6th. More as plans develop. Also proposed is a re-run of last year’s gift wrapping event for Synergy Services proposed for December 18th. More later as plans are set.

The balance of the meeting was turned over to Dustin Box of the Missouri Democratic Party. He provided a description of and training on how to use the VAN platform. He emphasized that the data is only as good as the input and explained that is why it is so important to use the platform carefully. He explained the uses of Votebuilder, My Voters vs the searchable MyCampaign. Meredith promised to forward a link to the VANual and Mini-vanual. Copies of the slides in Dustin’s presentation will also be made available.

The meeting was adjourned after the presentation.

Wesley Bell

Dustin Box

Northland Democratic Club

The October 17th meeting of the NDC was a social event /picnic held at the Happy Rock Park West in Gladstone. The weather was perfect and participants enjoyed good food and the opportunity to meet with and hear from the following candidates: Maggie Nurrenbern for Missouri Senate District 17 pictured separately as she had to leave to attend her son’s soccer game, from Left to right in group picture Greg Smith (HD 15), Jim Bates (HD 38), Ashley Aune HD 14 incumbent, Marty Jacobs, Eric Woods (HD 18), Richard Brown, (Lt. Governor), and Andrea Denning (HD 13).

l to r - Greg Smith, Jim Bates, Ashley Aune, Marty Jacobs , Eric Woods, Richard Brown, Andrea Denning

Maggie Nurrenbern

Platte Country Democrats T-Shirts
The Platte County Democrats T-Shirts are available.

Blue with logo and union bug.


S,M,L XL and XXL.

Send a request to [email protected] to purchase.
Paid for by PCDCC, John Kirchmeier Treasurer