Personal Trainers Who Care
October 2010

24 Foods For The Bedroom

By Jean-Luc Boissonneault

  1. Almonds, a source of essential fatty acids aids in the production of male hormones thus regulating the sex-drive. The smell of almonds is found to arouse passion in females.
  2. Asparagus, rich in foliate; a B vitamin helps increase the production of histamine, essential for the sex drive of men and women. Asparagus is rich in 'the sex vitamin', Vitamin E.
  3. Avocado contains folic acid, vitamin B6 and potassium. B6 improves male hormone production; and potassium helps regulate a woman's thyroid gland.
  4. Bananas (as in pineapple), contains the enzyme 'bromelain' which helps boost the male libido. Bananas are a good source of B vitamins and potassium; both increase the body energy levels and are vital for sex-hormone production.
  5. Basil increases circulation, stimulates the sex drive and boosts fertility. It also produces a general sense of well being.
  6. Beans, all varieties are zinc-rich vegetables. Zinc is critical for healthy sperm.
  7. Broccoli (like brussel sprouts), contains Indole-3-carbinol, a compound that helps reduce estrogen levels, broccoli and brussel sprouts are a libido booster in men, although they can have the opposite effect in women.
  8. Cardamom is beneficial in treating impotence. It is high in cineole, which increases blood flow to the sex organs.
  9. Celery contains androsterone, an odorless hormone released through male perspiration. While you can't smell it, androsterone may act as a pheromone, triggering female attraction.
  10. Chilies contain capsaicin the substance that gives kick to peppers, curries and other spicy foods. Capsaicin triggers the release of endorphins, the feel good chemical for your brain.
  11. Dark Chocolate contains serotonin, which boosts your mood, and phenyl ethylamine, which mimics the brain chemistry of a person in love. Women who eat chocolate on a daily basis have higher sexual function than those who don't.
  12. Eggs contain vitamin B5 and B6 essential to maintaining balanced hormone levels and for reducing stress. Eggs are an excellent source of cholesterol, an important precursor to testosterone and estrogen production.
  13. Figs are high in amino acids which are critical to increasing your libido and boosting your sexual stamina.
  14. Fish, particularly mackerel and salmon contain large amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, which enhance the nervous system and boost circulation. Healthy sex for both men and women is gained by increasing blood flow.
  15. Garlic contains high levels of allicin a compound that can improve blood flow to the sexual organs. Allicin is produced once garlic has been chopped.
  16. Goji Berries, also called Wolfberries, are reputed to increase testosterone levels.
  17. Maca, a less common food, increases testosterone and helps with erective dysfunctions and impotency. For women, maca increases the sex-drive and increases fertility.
  18. Nutmeg can unlock your libido.
  19. Nuts contain essential fatty acids critical to the production of the love hormones. They are rich in L-Arginine which improves circulation and enhances erectile response. Pine nuts are packed with zinc, critical for healthy sperm.
  20. Oysters contain zinc which is essential for testosterone production and the maintenance of healthy sperm. Oysters also boost dopamine, a hormone that increases libido in both men and women.
  21. Pumpkin Seeds contain zinc, which is important in testosterone production for men and helps to sustain sexual desire in women. Pumpkin seeds are rich in the essential fatty acid omega 3, which acts as a precursor of prostaglandins, hormone-like substances that play a key role in sexual health. A diet rich in pumpkin seeds will enhance potency, drive and fertility. Note: Zinc deficiency can make a woman completely lose her sex drive.
  22. Sauerkraut can unlock your libido, making men more "sexually active".
  23. Steak boosts testosterone levels, plus it's packed with protein, iron, magnesium, and zinc.
  24. Watermelon is rich with citrulline, an amino acid that helps improve blood flow to the heart and genitalia.


1. We now have a sharing option for Facebook and twitter directly in this newsletter. All you have to do is click on the Facebook icon. Log in to your Facebook and press SHARE.

2. Tickets for our upcoming bodybuilding and figure show are available at any Popeyes location in Ottawa and at the Free Form Fitness downtown and Kanata location. Get them now because they are selling out fast. Here's the website for the show.

Questions and Answers

By Jean-Luc Boissonneault

I can't stand whey protein, is rice protein ok?

It's nowhere near as complete of a protein as whey but it's an option. A better option would be to get egg protein it's much more complete in terms of amino acids than rice protein.

How often should I work my abdominals?

That depends on your posture but as a general rule you can train them every 48 hours. I've found that the abdominals are a muscle group that can take beating. Focus on full range of motion and not just crunches on the floor.

Send your questions to info@freeformfitness.ca and we might answer them in the next newsletter

Beef Jerk Rub

Ingredients (makes about 10 strips):
- 1 Lb flank steak
-� Tbsp of: onion powder, garlic powder, allspice, coriander.
-1 Tbsp thyme
-1 tsp of: nutmeg, cinnamon, chili powder, cayenne pepper
-3 Tbsp fresh lime juice
-1 Tbsp olive oil
-1 Tbsp tamari (wheat-free soy)
-fresh ground pepper

Combine all ingredients except steak in a bowl and mix thoroughly Rub onto flank steak and marinate in a sealed bag in the fridge for a few hours or overnight Bring flank steak out of the fridge for 30 minutes before grilling Grill on high heat for 2-3 min per side (depending on thickness and how rare you want it. Recommended: Medium-Rare) Remove from grill - Tent the meat under foil and let it rest for 5 minutes Slice into thin pieces (slice against the grain of the meat) and serve

3 Most Viewed Blog Posts

Here are the 3 most shared blog posts this month;

Chicken McNuggets Anyone? (record: 88 people shared this on Facebook)

Jersey Shore: Getting Ripped With Pasta, Booze & Cigarettes

"I Don't Have Time"

Where Do You Live?

by Jean-Luc Boissonneault

Do you live your life 'at cause' or 'at effect'? When you operate your life 'at cause' you take responsibility for your life and are in command of your destiny. To be 'at cause' means you have choices in your life, and you can choose what is right for you.

When you live your life 'at effect' you make excuses for not living your life. You blame others for your destiny and you can't see that you have choices. Being 'at effect' makes you a passive observer of your life. The irony is that you do have a choice, and you have chosen not to choose but to be responsive to whatever is given to you.

It may be challenging to live your live 'at cause'. However, far too many of us spend too much of our time being 'at effect'.

I encourage you to be 'at cause' when it comes to scheduling your weekly exercise sessions. You know what is good for you. Take responsibility for decisively creating the time in your schedule for getting to the gym. When planning your day, ask yourself "What do I need to do to get myself to the gym, today?"

On a more general note, learn to identify those times in your life when you find yourself living 'at effect'. Once identified, get back 'at cause' and realize that you always have choices.

So, where are you when it comes to going to the gym for a workout, today? Are you 'at cause' or are you 'at effect'. Starting today, I invite you to consider being 'at cause' for as many aspects of your life as possible.

Now, get to the gym!

Success Story

By Cheryl Laite Whitman
Almost a year ago now I started with a personal trainer at a large corporate gym with the distant thought of 'possibly' competing in a Figure competition...someday. I've never been caught up in appearances and I believe that attractiveness begins - or ends - when a person opens their mouth and by their actions. Appearance was never my driving force to achieve a 'competition body' - but the challenge of it was. I've always struggled with my weight and I knew this would be a HUGE challenge for me - ask anyone who knows me and they will certainly tell you how much I LOVE food. I've been through veterinary school, I jump out of planes and ride motorcycles - just to name a few things - but by far, I really hadn't found anything harder than trying to lean out and develop muscle to be anything near a Figure Competitor. And I say this with brutal honesty - I found it to be one of the hardest things I have ever done and I often felt very frustrated. However, about 4 � months ago, I began to see serious results and even more so, I learned 'why'.

I had lost some weight and built some muscle in the past year, but my greatest gains (or losses!) really happened when I committed to a November show which, through a friend, led me to try Free Form Fitness. I ended up with a fantastic trainer - Shelley - who seems sweet as pie but really knows how to kick someone's a#! So don't let her soft voice fool you - she will definitely make you work. Not only from a physical training aspect, but Shelley also excels by providing knowledge and encouragement along the way. This behaviour I see resonates throughout the other trainers as well - they WANT you to succeed and they DO what they can to get you there. They are not going to do the work for you - nobody can do that but yourself - but they will give you the 'know how' and the support you need to succeed.

I think Free Form Fitness has an edge over other places in that they strongly emphasize motivation and accountability. You don't just train and go home - they weigh you, assess your progress, and also help with diet recommendations on a regular basis. Most of all - they encourage you, support you, and are there to answer any questions you have. And being the nerd that I am, I have a lot of questions. I ask, I read up on everything, and then I ask more. And like me, they are very goal orientated - even if they're small goals. It's a goal - it's something to strive for, it's a personal reward to achieve it and it becomes your motivation to continue. They know this, and they train this way.

So here I am, 3 � weeks away from my first Figure Competition. I look forward to the rest of the journey and what once seemed like an unattainable goal is just around the corner. Over a year ago I was a pleasantly plump 156 pounds and now I am much leaner and developed 121 pounds (still pleasant, of course :o). My greatest moment will be when I walk out on stage where, inside, the only thing I'll be thinking is "I did it"...and possibly "For God's sakes will someone finally hand me a cupcake?!!" :o)

And it happened - one pound at a time.

"Anything we achieve, or don't achieve, in life is usually a measure of how bad we really want it"

Tip of the Month

Drinking a can of Pepsi is exactly the same to the body as drinking a can of beer without the buzz. If you want to avoid the beer belly you have to drop the pop too.

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