October 2024 Newsletter

Dear Beloved Members, Pastors, and Supporters,


What a year it has been! On January 4, I began my tenure as Director of the Corpus Christi Baptist Association (CCBA), and it took some time to fully grasp this new position. During the first few months, I focused on understanding the expectations, learning the history of the association, and building relationships with pastors. If I haven’t had the privilege of meeting you yet, please accept my apologies. I genuinely want to connect with you and explore how we can better support you and your church.


Early on, several pastors asked me to clarify who we are as an association and why we exist. To that end, the following statement embodies my response; The CCBA is a Network of Churches, United in the Mission of Reaching and Mobilizing the Body of Christ!


The CCBA is not the “Church.” The “Church” is tasked with the Great Commission—to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). No single church can fulfill this mission alone. Therefore, the association exists to unite churches in their efforts, energies, and resources, because we are stronger and more effective together. In essence, the association exists to help churches accomplish their Great Commission assignment.


This year’s Annual Meeting theme, “We Are One” (Ephesians 4:4-6), serves as a reminder that we are called to be united under the authority of God, working together in Corpus Christi and beyond, for His glory.


We are honored to have Dr. Craig Christina as our featured guest speaker for the evening. His heart for the church and his passion for the Gospel will surely inspire and challenge us all.


In addition to this, we are planning to feature a unified choir comprised of members from all CCBA churches. This choir will lift a single, powerful voice in worship, symbolizing the unity we have in Christ. It promises to be a magnificent experience that you won’t want to miss. Please plan to join us at 5:00 pm on Sunday, November 3, 2024 at Second Baptist Church.


By His Grace Alone!

Richard Taylor, Director; Corpus Christi Baptist Church Association


Greetings CCBA churches!

For this year's annual celebration on November 3, 2024 at 5:00 p.m., we are organizing a mass choir to lead in worship. We would love for you to sing with us! Anyone ages 12 and up may participate. We will sing four selections: Two anthems "The Majesty and Glory of Your Name" and "He Never Failed Me Yet" as well as leading 2 congregational songs "Holy Forever" and "Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me." Sheet music and recordings for all these songs can be downloaded from the dropbox folder below. We will have only one rehearsal: October 27, 2024 from 3:00-5:00 p.m., at Second Baptist Church in the worship center. You are welcome to use your own tablet for your sheet music if you prefer. We will have printed copies available, but you will need to provide your own black binder. There is no specified attire for the annual celebration. You are welcome to contact Kris Redus, minister of music at Second Baptist Church with any questions at kristopher.redus@yahoo.com.


Second Baptist Church (Worship Center)

6701 S. Staples


10/27 - 3:00 p.m. - Rehearsal

11/3 - 3:30 p.m. - Arrival/Sound Check

11/3 - 5:00 p.m. - CCBA Annual Celebration

Sheet music and recordings are available HERE.

Kris Redus

Minister of Music

Second Baptist Church Corpus Christi

6701 South Staples

Corpus Christi, TX 78413


Read More on Conclave Conference

Messengers to the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention will gather in Houston November 11 and 12 to conduct the convention’s annual meeting.

Sagemont Church

11300 S Sam Houston Pkwy E

Houston, TX 77089

Phone: (817) 552-2500

Senior Adult Game Days

Are you a senior adult looking for a fun and engaging way to spend your afternoons? Do you enjoy meeting new people and stimulating conversation? If so, we have the perfect invitation for you!

We are thrilled to invite all senior adults in our community to join us for our weekly Game Days on Thursdays. Our rowdy bunch meets at 9:30 AM in our recreation center. These sessions are designed to provide a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere where you can reconnect with old friends or make new ones, all while enjoying playing Mexican Train, 42, SkipBo and more.

All seniors are encouraged to come! Join us and bring a friend or two who needs some fun and laughter!

First Baptist Church Recreation Center

3115 Ocean Drive

Corpus Christi, TX 78404

Community-Wide Events

The primary purpose of the Corpus Christi Baptist Association is to support the churches affiliated with our association. Should your church be involved in community-wide events, conferences, festivals, or have uplifting news about how God is impacting your congregation, kindly reach out to us at info@ccbaptistassociation.org. We welcome the opportunity to include your article in our monthly newsletter.