Guild Logo-OrangeBG

You are invited...

Thursday, October 22, 5 - 8PM
at The Folk School
2861 Beverley Lane

You and your guests are invited to NBG's first Annual Meeting! 
Join us!  
  • Enjoy a delicious potluck dinner 
  • Approve the slate of Officers to the NBG Board 
  • Bring something for the (low-key) Silent Auction
  • Take home a treasure from the Silent Auction (unusual papers, bookmaking items to be included!!)
  • Print a keepsake on our new Letterpress!!
  • Shop at Paper Birches

Consider bringing a friend interested in Book Arts, and, of course, a potluck dish to share. Read more


Sunday, October 18
NBG Studio at The Folk School
Join us for an afternoon of book arts! Bring your latest project or 
just come  to visit, see what's happening with the Letterpress Project, and shop Paper Birches!  Free to NBG members.

Mark your calendars - UPCOMING EVENTS:

Sunday, November 1, 1-4PM
OPEN BOOK - NBG Studio at The Folk School

Friday, November 6, 5-8pm
Celebrating Handmade Books at  If Only...a fine store
215 Cushman Street, Fairbanks
call 457-6659 for more information

Sunday, November 15, 1-4PM
OPEN BOOK - NBG Studio at The Folk School

Thursday, Nov. 19, 5-7PM
 Program Meeting, Blue Room, Fairbanks Arts Association
Exchange Theme: Holiday Card

Sunday, December 13, 1-4PM
OPEN BOOK - NBG Studio at The Folk School


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