Hi All,
WOW, another month whizzed by! We have been signing up new members and getting activities started.
Spanish classes with Helene get underway on Friday, October 6th. Helene has told me she will be having conversations with the class in Spanish. This is a good way to learn I am told. Helene will use Jessie's Room from 10 to 11 on Fridays.
Our Eucher Tuesday and Scrabble Thursday have been a success. Euche starts at 11:30 in Jessie's Room on Tuesday mornings. The Scrabble start time is 1:00pm on Thursdays in the Dining Room.
We will be experimenting with the Indoor Lawn Bowling equipment that we received from Quadra seniors. The two green mats and 32 lop-sided bowls are in very good condition. We start on Thursday, October 4th, at 10am, in the Dance Room.
There is always more room for more members in each and every activity, so come on out and have some fun.
The five day opening has started slowly but is gradually building with more lunches being served every week on Mondays and Tuesdays. There are a few members and guests playing Bingo on Mondays but those who come are having a good time. .
We have crib boards on some dining room tables, something to do while you are chatting with your morning coffee.
President's Message, continued
Marcia and I visited City Hall to apply for a rental renewal. We asked for a 4-year renewal but because of a lot of changes being made in all the programming we may only get one year.
Thank you to you all for making our senior center THE place to go for good food and fun times.
Take care, Dot