Parent Contact Update
-October 2017-
The Early Intervention Parent Leadership Project (EIPLP) would like to welcome all of our new Parent Contacts! 
As a Parent Contact for your Early Intervention program, you will receive updates from the us each month. Please feel free to share the information in them with your service coordinator and other families you may know receiving services!
Did you know...

the EIPLP has a website? All of our past Parent Contact Updates are available there! These updates have information for families in EI, especially those who may want to get involved on a level beyond their individual services. Read them  here, or by visiting   

You can also access all of the information from your Parent Contact Resource Guide on our website! Go to the "Parent Contact" tab and hit
Did you know...

we have a private Facebook group for Parent Contacts? Parent Contacts often tell us they would like to be in touch with other families in this role, but that traveling to meet can be difficult. If you are on Facebook, and would like a way to talk with other Parent Contacts, you can request membership to the group by clicking here, or searching for "EIPLP Parent Contacts " on Facebook. All requests from current Parent Contacts will be approved.  
Did you know...

there are lots of conferences and workshops relevant to families of infants and toddlers that occur throughout the year? We want to let families know about them! We will send out notices in these updates, and you can always check out the "What's New" section at for upcoming events. Many conferences have registration fees, and families can apply for funding to attend these events through the Council Empowerment Funds Program.
Did you know...?

Transition is the process by which a child and family are assisted in preparing for discharge from an early intervention program. 
We love that you are here!

Parent Contacts are an important part of the Massachusetts Early Intervention System. Parent Contacts are parents and guardians of children currently receiving EI services who volunteer to receive information from the EIPLP and share it with other families. 
If your child is no longer receiving services, or you no longer wish to be the Parent Contact for your EI program, please let us know by calling 
1-877-353-4757 or emailing so that we can identify another family from your program.