National Focus
October 2019
The Prepared Senior eNewsletter
October 2019
eNews Review

Health Resource

Event Highlights

Good To Know

Seniors Resource Guide
Seniors Resource Guide

Senior Housing 
Click on Photos

Contemporary Urban Living
 at 16 Penn Apartments
Denver, Colorado

Concordia on the Lake
Littleton, Colorado

Balfour Retirement Community
Louisville, Colorado

Vita Littleton
Littleton, Colorado

Rigden Farms
Fort Collins, CO 

Below are non-profit organizations that are good to know about.

Seniors eGuide
Questions to Ask Series

For Professionals serving the senior industry ...  Visit Senior Business Connection Newsroom

Submit your event

Welcome to The Prepared Senior eNewsletter. Below are links to our interesting articles and events. Explore our links!

National Google Calendar - CLICK HERE 

Local Google Calendars - CLICK HERE
eNews Review enews_review 
As our name suggests, The Prepared Senior eNewsletter is all about being prepared as one ages. This means knowing about senior resources and services before you need them. We focus on educational websites from the government, non-profits and the private sector, that offer information on being a "Prepared Senior".

Absolutely Amazing
Amazing medical breakthroughs is the focus of a new website from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus located in Denver, Colorado. Below are links to short videos that highlight breakthrough research happening on the campus. Visit the links below and click on the arrow in the video.
Dr. Terry Fry - Car-T Cell Therapy - CLICK HERE
Dr. Evalina Burger - Spinal Surgery - CLICK HERE
Dr. Naresh Mandava - Eyesight Innovator - CLICK HERE

So what is "REAL ID" Compliance?
REAL ID-compliant licenses are marked by a star on the top of the card. Michigan, Vermont, Minnesota, and New York states issue both REAL ID and state-issued enhanced driver's licenses, both of which are acceptable. Washington state issues enhanced driver's licenses only. These documents will be accepted at the airport security checkpoint when the REAL ID enforcement goes into effect. Travelers who are not sure if their state-issued ID is
compliant should check with their state driver's license agency

Radio and Podcast Highlights from Pamela D. Wilson
Save your Wednesday evenings to listen to The Caring Generation® weekly radio program that helps caregiver and aging adults solve caregiving problems. Each week Pamela D. Wilson talks about caregiving issues faced by millions of caregivers around the world. Special guests join Pamela to share expertise about a wide range of subjects. Upcoming topics include:
Oct 16 - Is Healthcare Forgetting the Elderly?
Oct 23 - The Sandwich Generation: Caring for Aging Parents

Listen to Pamela's LIVE Weekly Program Wednesday Evenings
6PM Pacific, 7PM Mtn, 8PM Central, 9PM Eastern
Find podcasts of previous shows on the website - CLICK HERE

Are Older Americans Unwilling or Unable to Retire?
Interesting article about the changing demographics of older adults as they approach retirement. Many are still working but are they working because they have to or because they need to?

Did you get your Flu Shot?
You may or may not have gotten your flu shot yet but what we all want to know is - Will it be effective this fly
season? - READ MORE

  An Interesting Story on what Technology can do for us
This is out of Spokane, Washington where a bike crash caused a person to be knocked-out and his Apple watch with its fall-detection feature called 9-1-1 and sent a text message to his son. Wow!

As long as we are talking about Smartwatches ...
Read more about the difference between smartwatches and fitness tracker watches. The article link below reviews smartwatches and gives advice on comparing smartwatches to fitness trackers. You also have to consider available apps, matching the watch to your phone type, battery life, and more - READ MORE

  Mobility Plans and Staying Safe
Do you or your loved ones have a plan to stay safe, mobile, and independent as you age? Many people make financial plans for retirement, but don't consider how to plan for potential mobility changes. The mobility planning tool Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Mobility Guide pdf can guide you to take action today to help keep yourself or your loved ones safe, mobile,
and independent - READ MORE

Health Resources laptop-glasses-girl.jpg more_online_resources 
Find healthy aging resources online:


5 Things you to need to know about Shingles
"Shingles is a disease that causes a painful skin rash.About 1 in 3 people will get shingles, and your risk increases as you age. It comes from the same virus that causes chickenpox. Although there is no cure, shingles can be prevented and treated ..."
View this infographic - CLICK HERE
More about Shingles - CLICK HERE
Event Highlights local_news_highlights

Link to National Event Calendar - CLICK HERE

Wednesdays in October
The Caring Generation Radio Show with Pamela D. Wilson
Join Pamela D. Wilson and the The Caring Generation® weekly radio program that helps caregiver and aging adults solve caregiving problems. Each week Pamela D. Wilson talks about caregiving issues faced by millions of caregivers around the world. Special guests join Pamela to share expertise about a wide range of subjects. 
  • Listen to Pamela's LIVE Weekly Program Wednesday Evenings 6PM Pacific, 7PM Mtn, 8PM Central, 9PM Eastern. 
  • Listeners can participate live on this radio show by calling 866-451-1451 during the show to share stories, give opinions, and ask questions. 
  • Podcasts of the weekly radio show are on the website, along with information about future radio shows.
  • Radio Show link for Wednesday evenings:
  •  Website:

October 18 - 20, 2019
World Wide Antique & Vintage Show
Denver Mart, 451 E 58th Ave, Denver, Colorado
Come enjoy the show of antique and vintage collectibles. Stay for lunch or a coffee as you stroll through time. The show provides ample free parking for all.

October 18 - 20, 2019
Natchez Balloon Festival
Natchez, Misssissippi
This is a weekend of hot-air balloons and outstanding live music that has become the largest and most successful festival in Southwest Mississippi. The festival site is located in historic downtown Natchez in the park-like grounds of the columned mansion Rosalie.

October 27, 2019
One Day University® - A Day of Genius with The Denver Post
Denver Performing Arts Complex, Denver, Colorado
One Day University® brings stars of the academic world to cities across the country to give their most thought-provoking talks. A Day of Genius covers the genius of Einstein, Marie Curie and Shakespeare.

October 30 - November 10, 2019
Denver Film Festival
Denver, Colorado
Experience the largest film festival in the Rocky Mountain region. Over 250 films will be shown, in-person film-makers, special events and more. Tickets available online

November 6, 2019
The Past, Present and Future of Fall Prevention Webinar
Over the past 20 years, falls have been increasing despite everyone's best prevention efforts. In fact, we have doubled the mortality rate for falls in those over 75 years of age in the last decade. Why is this? Falls among older adults are changing, but the way we are addressing them isn't ... until now. Learn why and understand how research points us in a new direction for fall prevention.
Register Today - CLICK HERE

November 16, 2019
One Day University® with the Arizona Daily Star
Tucson Jewish Community Center, Tucson, Arizona
One Day University® brings stars of the academic world to cities across the country to give their most thought-provoking talks. This event combines presentations on The Supreme Court, a discussion on turning points in American history and films that have changed America.

Looking for other events in your area?

Alzheimer's Association Classes & Workshops
The Alzheimer's Association can help you get the information you need about memory loss and dementia - LEARN MORE

Senior Centers
Find local senior centers in your area. Many host small senior resource shows and educational workshops for older adults. Don't know where your local senior centers are? Call Eldercare Locator to connect to your local Area Agency on Aging - Call the Eldercare Locator at 1-800-677-1116, Monday through Friday, 9AM to 8PM eastern time.
Read more about Senior Centers - CLICK HERE

Local and City Newspapers
Be sure to check your local and regional city newspapers to find local events, along with looking at their online editions.

Senior-Oriented Newspapers
Another great resource for anything senior are "Senior-oriented Newspapers." Check out these local senior papers which have print and online editions:
Google It - Search on "Your City Senior Expos" or "Your City Senior Events" to find local senior resource events and shows in your area put on by members in your community -

We hope you have found the Seniors Resource Guide "The Prepared Senior" eNewsletter helpful. If you have questions, suggestions or topics you want to see in the future please contact us and we wish everyone a Happy New Year!

The Staff at Seniors Resource Guide,
Our Supporters & Advertisers
Email Us - Find Resources, news & events - Educational Questions to Ask - Compatible with web-enabled Mobile - Networking Media Resources

Mailing Address:, LLC
P.O. Box 237, Littleton, Colorado 80160-0237 
Disclaimer: References to specific companies mentioned does not warranty, imply or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy or usefulness of said company. Consumers and professionals serving seniors are highly encouraged to check all references and interview all companies before engaging services. In regard to event listings always check and confirm with the event host that the date or time has not changed.

The Federal website provides a variety of information on staying safe such as identity theft, fraud, scams, recalls, credit reports, complaints, debt, etc. Learn more at