Join Saginaw 4-H!
Enrollment for the 2022-2023 4-H year is OPEN
Interested in joining Saginaw 4-H? Well, you've come to the right place! Joining as a 4-H member is FREE and there are several different membership options to choose from. 4-H members can enroll in as many Clubs and programs as they wish.
You do not need to own an animal or live on a farm to join 4-H!
We have many 4-H experiences, programs, and clubs that focus on crafts, science, shooting sports, archery, outdoor education, sewing, baking, gardening, hiking, fishing, camping, and more!
1.Look through the club directory.
2.Contact the club leader(s) to inquire about club-specific information.
3.Choose a primary Club(s) to join. Youth can enroll in more than one 4-H Club.
4.Enroll in 4-H Online once you have spoken to the club leader(s).
Independent 4-H members participate in programs and events outside of a 4-H Club.
1.Enroll in 4-H Online.
2.Select the "Saginaw New Members Club" as your primary club.
Stay connected to select the 4-H experience you want to join. Sign up when available.
1.Enroll in 4-H Online.
2.Select the SPIN Club or Event you want to join. Events very through the year.
3.Stay tuned for program details and meeting information from event organizers.
Contact or call 989-907-6500 for more information on getting involved with 4-H!
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Save the Date! Fall 4-H County Awards
Saginaw 4-H, it’s your turn to be recognized! Consider applying for a county 4-H award for all your hard work throughout the year! It does not matter how you did at fair or even if you went to fair - if you learned and grew in 4-H, you should apply!
Join us on Sunday, October 2nd 2022 at 6:30pm for the Saginaw 4-H Fall Awards Celebration at the Saginaw Field and Stream Club located at 1296 N. Gleaner Rd. Saginaw MI 48609.
The evening will start with an ice cream social followed by the announcements of the award recipients. All 4-H members, volunteers, families and supporters are welcome to attend!
More information on the submission process can be found at
Questions contact
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4-H Archery Program
Interested in learning about archery? Have you ever wanted to learn how to safely use a bow or practice your archery skills? Sign up today for the Saginaw 4-H Archery Program!
The program will run each Wednesday from October 26 – December 7 and take place at the Saginaw Field and Stream Club located at 1296 N Gleaner Rd, Saginaw, MI 48609. Youth will learn basic archery skills from a 4-H certified archery instructor including, range safety, shooting techniques, eye dominance, target scoring, and marksmanship.
Get your friends together and join us for this program! Perfect for beginners or youth with advanced archery skills who want to practice! No experience necessary for beginner classes. Advanced class participants must be able to shoot from 15-yard line with accuracy. Cost is $15 per youth for the 6-week session. The program will be open to 4-H members ages 9-19. Space is limited!
Learn more at
Youth may choose from one of the following session times:
Session 1: 5:00-5:45pm - Beginner
Session 2: 6:00-6:45pm - Beginner
Session 3: 7:00-7:45pm - Advanced
Registration – youth will register for archery in 4-H Online by following the steps below.
CURRENT 4-H members enrolled in the 22-23 year –
Register by logging into with your family account and SCROLL DOWN to the “Saginaw 4-H Archery Event” at the bottom of the screen. Click on blue registration tab to start registration.
NEW 4-H members – Create a family profile at Select the “Saginaw New Members Club”. Once your 4-H membership is approved (you will receive email notification), log back into your family account at and SCROLL DOWN to the “Saginaw 4-H Archery Event” at the bottom of the screen. Click on blue registration tab to start registration.
Have questions or need assistance contact
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Open Officer Positions
Saginaw 4-H Council
The Saginaw 4-H Council has open Officer Positions!
Now is an exciting time for 4-H youth and volunteers to get involved and share their passion and expertise by becoming an officer and/or by attending meetings! Use your skills to help with fundraising and scholarships, youth recognition, planning youth camps, clinics, leadership events and more!
Open Officer Positions
Nominations are open for council officer positions of Vice President, Secretary, and Communications.
Youth Can Be Officers!
4-H youth can be and are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to sign up for officer positions and attend meetings. Youth participation in a 4-H council is a great way to learn leadership skills guided by adult mentors, make connections and friendships, and even build your portfolio!
Interested in learning more or would like to consider becoming an officer? Attend the upcoming October 11 council meeting or contact the Saginaw 4-H office at 989-907-6500 or email
Learn more about 4-H councils at
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Help Needed!
The 4-H Rising Star Equestrian club is looking for help!
This club is a 4-H Proud Equestrian Program (PEP). These are therapeutic horseback riding programs for people with disabilities that helps to improve balance, coordination, posture and muscle tone. Opportunities to participate exist for riders, volunteers, instructors and horse owners.
This club meets in the Freeland area. Training to learn to work with youth riders and horses is available. This club is looking for experienced and new young people and adults who can assist riders as needed until the riders develop the skills they need to ride independently.
Contact Tina Bennet at 989-274-5466 or email to learn how you can get involved!
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Tractor Supply Company
Paper Clover Time
Tractor Supply Company (TSC) customers across the nation will have the opportunity to support 4-H youth by purchasing a $1 clover at checkouts when shopping both in stores or online at from Oct. 5-16.
Funds raised will support county, state and national
4-H programming. To learn more regarding the campaign, visit https://www.tractorsupply
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4-H Scholarships
Outstanding Michigan 4-H members who are involved at county, regional, state, national or international levels are eligible to apply for Michigan 4-H scholarships to help fund their college experience. All applications are due by November 1.
A number of scholarship opportunities exist, ranging in value from $500 to $10,000 (over the course of four years).
Learn more and access applications materials at
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Michigan 4-H Foundation Annual Membership Meeting - October 7, 2022
Michigan 4-H Foundation members are invited to attend and vote on all items at the meeting. Members are individuals or organizations that donated $25 or more to Michigan
4-H in the past year. Agenda items include: 2022 president’s report, audited financial statement report, trustee elections, and recognition of major donors to Michigan 4-H within the past year.
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Upcoming Council Meetings
- October 11: Saginaw 4-H Council Meeting
- October 17: Saginaw 4-H Horse Council Meeting at 7:00pm (Zoom)
Saginaw 4-H Council:
All Saginaw County 4-H youth, volunteer and families are invited and encouraged to attend! Please join us for the next Saginaw 4-H Council meeting on Tuesday, October 11 at 7:00pm. This INPERSON meeting will take place at the Saginaw 4-H office located at 723 Emerson St. Saginaw MI 48607.
Saginaw 4-H Horse Council:
Meeting information will be sent out to Club Admin leaders and through 4-H Online. All are welcome and youth are encouraged to attend. If you are interested contact for more information.
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Pawsome Pups 4-H Club
Join Today!
Do you like dogs? Interested in learning how to train your dog? Come and have some fun while learning about dog agility, obedience, and showmanship!
This club hosts workouts, games, dog demonstrations, team shows, and more! Join the Pawsome Pups 4-H Club today! The club is open to youth ages 5-19. No dog experience necessary.
The Club meets at the Saginaw County Fairgrounds. Contact the Club Leaders for meeting schedules and information. Laura at or Jessica at or call the Saginaw 4-H office at 989-907-6500. 4-H membership is FREE!
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Wild Spartans
Join 4-H staff as we take a look into life working with fisheries and wildlife! This month’s 4-H Wild Spartans Series will take a leap into wetlands and riparian areas and climb to the high desert grasslands to take a closer look at plant biodiversity. Join us on Tuesday, October 11th, 2022 at 6:30pm EST for “Water’s Fire Got To Do With… Habitat?!”
You will meet a Northern Michigan University master's candidate and Biological Science Technician at Voyageurs National Park, Erika Meints, learn about her field work, and the education and career path she followed to get there. Youth will be encouraged to ask questions to learn more through a live Q&A. This free series is open to 4-H and non-4-H youth ages 12-19 years.
Monthly sessions will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm EST. Pre-registration is required:
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Adulting 101
Are you ready to leave for college or be out on your own? Are you prepared to do adult tasks and have skills to be successful? Michigan State University Extension's Adulting 101 programs help teenagers and young adults demystify the obscure reality of being an “adult” through engaging educational sessions. Each FREE session is packed full of important life skills and tools necessary to live independently.
Register for the Fall series taking place in October on Monday’s from 6-7 pm ET here:
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4-H Future Squad
The future is yours! Are you ready for it? Join the 4-H Future Squad club, a virtual club that allows you to learn about topics you want to learn about! This virtual based 4-H club is open for registration for any 12-19 years olds who want to gain skills to rock their future. Club starts in October and runs through May 2023.
For more information and to complete the Interest Form, check out:
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Michigan 4-H Spectacular Youth Leadership Institute
The Michigan 4-H Spectacular Youth Leadership Institute is an event for teens who want to improve their communities and our world through leadership and youth power! Attending the Institute will help teens gain leadership skills and approach life with their head, heart, and hands open to new ideas, interesting people, and diverse cultures. Attend the Institute and be part of the movement that has YOUth leading the way!
The Institute will feature a wide variety of incredibly fun and interactive sessions focused on 4 tracks: personal development and leadership, community leadership, global citizenship, and leadership for diversity, equity, and inclusion. Participants who register for the overnight event in East Lansing will attend a MSU Men’s Hockey game on Saturday, December 3 as part of our evening entertainment!
This Michigan 4-H workshop is open to ALL teens (ages 13+ by Jan. 1, 2023) and to adult leaders who have Gold Level Volunteer status with MSU Extension.
Space will be limited for this workshop. Registration details will be available and shared in early October. The Michigan 4-H Spectacular Youth Leadership Institute is sponsored with a grant from the Michigan 4-H Foundation.
For more information, please contact MSU Extension educators Roxanne Turner ( ~ 517-546-3950) or Brian Wibby ( ~ 906-439-5065)
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Michigan 4-H Arts Celebration - Instructors Needed
Please “Save the Date” for this wonderful event to be held November 11-13, 2022, at the new location of the Ralph A. MacMullan (RAM) Conference Center, Roscommon.
Participants (4-H adult and teen gold leaders) will be learning new things, making new friends, putting all their creativity to work, and having a fabulous time! We are so excited to have an overnight face-to-face event at the new location in October of 2023!
We have some great sessions lined up so far and need more! Please help us as we are looking for potential instructors and need your help recruiting for this event. Sewing, textiles, visual arts, performing arts, crafts, art of cooking, photography, poetry, music, folk art, and so much more! If you are interested or know someone who is, please complete the link:
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to Jan Brinn or Tracy D’Augustino
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MI 4-H State Youth Leadership Council
4-H members aged 15-19 are invited to apply for the Michigan 4-H State Youth Leadership Council. This group serves as advocates, spokespeople, leaders, and advisors for Michigan 4-H programs statewide. Serving on SYLC is a great way to meet youth from across the state, expand your understanding of Michigan 4-H, and build your resume and leadership skills.
More information, including the application and information sessions, is available online at Applications are due October 31.
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4-H National Congress
Participate in the 2022 National 4-H Congress November 25-29 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia! Michigan 4-H youth ages 14-19 are invited to apply for this leadership, citizenship and community service event. In this capstone 4-H youth leadership event, 4-H youth from across the U.S. will come together to experience an exciting program, full of educational, service and leadership opportunities as well as local cultural tours and experiences. The event includes outstanding community leaders, speakers and educators.
Total cost is approximately $1800.00-$2000.00 (scholarships ARE available), but could be adjusted once airline tickets are purchased
Non-refundable deposit is due August 1st. Fees include registration, hotel, airfare, and most meals. For more information, contact or
Be sure to check out the website at
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National 4-H Week Photo/Video Contest | |
Michigan State University Extension 4-H Youth Development is offering a photo/video contest to help celebrate National 4-H Week – October 2-9, 2022!
We are asking 4-H volunteers, youth and alumni to share a photo or video highlighting “What you love about 4-H."
Contest Details
•Contestants will share a photo or video highlighting “What you love about 4-H” on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok including the hashtag #iloveMI4H. (Make sure the post is public.)
•For members of the Michigan 4-H community without social media access, submissions may also be sent by email to Gwyn Shelle at
•Ten prizes will be awarded randomly to those who share a photo or video, either through social media or by email, during National 4-H Week. Prizes include MSU Extension 4-H swag!
•The contest will go live on Oct. 2 and submissions are due by 11:59 p.m. ET on Oct. 9, 2022.
For video guidelines/support and full contest rules, visit
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This section will feature a different topic each newsletter highlighting best practices for 4-H clubs and programs. | |
So you want to start a 4-H Club?
Michigan 4-H has variety of different approaches in the types of 4-H clubs volunteers can start and lead. No matter what your passion area is, a 4-H club can be created to fit.
The first step is contact your local Michigan State University Extension county office and talk to the 4-H program coordinator.
They can walk you through all the steps in the Volunteer Selection Process and the specifics to get a club started in your county. In addition, the Michigan 4-H Club Development Guide will provide a lot of in-depth information about what goes into a 4-H club. However, having some knowledge about the types of clubs that can be created will help you be prepared about what experience will fit your passion and your time commitment best.
- Community clubs focus on multiple projects and involve members of a variety of ages and interests. Community clubs normally have monthly general clubs meetings that can include icebreakers, teambuilding activities, club business and educational programs. In addition to the general club meetings, members will participate in separate project meetings with different volunteer project leaders.
- Project clubs are centered around one primary 4-H project that all members of the group patriciate in. Meetings may be monthly or weekly and focus on the specific project along with any club business such as team building, service projects and fund-raising. A project club can be the simplest club to start if you are looking for a year-round volunteer experience as it focuses on just one interest area of youth.
- SPIN clubs combine concepts of special interest groups with the 4-H club model. A 4-H SPIN club focuses on one specific topic for a set length of time. This type of club provides a volunteer leader with a set timeframe they will volunteer for and will focus on one topic. Typically, SPIN clubs meet six to eight times for about one hour.
Please contact our office for more information about starting a new club!
Adapted from: So you want to start a 4-H club? - MSU Extension
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MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer, committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Quentin Tyler, Director, MSU Extension, East Lansing, MI 48824. This information is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned.
“Michigan State University occupies the ancestral, traditional and contemporary lands of the Anishinaabeg – Three Fires Confederacy of Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatomi peoples. The university resides on land ceded in the 1819 Treaty of Saginaw.”
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Stacie Gath (She/Her/Hers) | 4-H Program Coordinator | Saginaw County MSU Extension |
989-907-6500 |
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