Small Business Revolution:
One lucky town – and six of its small businesses – can win $500,000!
Ty Pennington, from
Extreme Home Makeover
, has a new show where he is transforming entire communities, and is on a mission to revitalize small towns, one small business at a time. Each season, several incredible small businesses get the makeover of a lifetime from
Deluxe - Small Business Revolution
and a host of business experts.
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could benefit from this revitalization!! Just think of all the small privately owned and operated businesses that are in Salisbury! We know you probably have your favorites, from coffee shops, to breweries, to our unique shops (who are struggling against the competition of the Amazon online shopping giant!). What a gift this would be!
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The show is taking nominations for Season 5 now through
October 22, 2019
! This is so perfect for downtown Salisbury right now, for many reasons:
(1) Salisbury has raised millions from private donations to build the world-class, $10M,
Bell Tower Green
park in our central downtown.
The Empire Hotel
is set to begin a $40M renovation. This beautiful hotel was built in 1855, has 60+ rooms, is on the National Register of historic properties, and has generated excitement on the State and Federal levels.
(3) The City is about to receive funding to repave Main St., driving efforts to look at making radical streetscrape changes to downtown. Anything Ty Pennington's crews might want to matter how grand....could become a reality!
(4) Salisbury is already home to a number of interesting facts for the show. We've been a backdrop to many TV and movie productions (such as Leatherheads, Sleepy Hollow, and The 24th). And we're home to
, the drink of the South!
For these reasons (and more), it's a no-brainer that the show's producers should pick Salisbury. What other town has this much going on RIGHT NOW? The
Small Business Revolution
can be a part of our excitement!
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To TAKE ACTION on this:
(1) Go here to vote:
(2) Spread the word to literally every person in your social media or email distribution contacts, even if they don't live in Salisbury! MORE NOMINATIONS COULD MAKE THE DIFFERENCE!
PS: Our population is 34,000.