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View September Teen Newsletter

Happy Fall Everyone!

I hope that the school year has started off well for everyone. Fall is my favorite time of year. I love how the weather is cooler and the beautiful colors are changing throughout town. At the end of the month, the library is planning an entire week of Halloween-themed events. Ask any staff member how you can participate. 

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Halloween at the Library

Halloweek is almost here! Join us

October 24th-October 31st at the Library for movies, activities, and our yearly Halloween Book Club!

View Events

Financial Literacy

We are starting a 5 part series for financial literacy with Alpine Bank.

October 19th

Money Management

October 26th


November 2nd

Earning Power

November 9th

Investing and Financial Services

November 16th

Financial "Dream Board"

 It's never too early to start learning about money.

Sign Up Here!

Read Wider This Month

We celebrate Latinx & Hispanic Heritage and National Disability Employment Awareness this month with our Read Wider Program. Look for reading lists on our website and in the teen area. 

Check out these great works of fiction to start:

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Discover Reading Lists, Activities, and More

Banned Books Book Club

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Want to talk about intellectual freedom, censorship, and the freedom to read? Join the Banned Books Book Club, where we will be focusing on the top 10 Most Challenged Books of 2020 by the American Library Association

Sign up for the Book Club

Teen Advisory Board

Join the Teen Advisory Board to plan events, help advise on collection development, get volunteer hours, and meet other teens. You now have a board that was elected last month and they are excited to have you join them and hear your ideas.

Form to Sign up for T.A.B
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Don't hesitate to reach out to me!

Shannon Foster, Young Adult Librarian

(970) 429-1943 or

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