Message from Pastor Valeria
I've chosen "Courageous Prophets of the Hebrew Bible" as the worship theme for the fall.
Partly because there are so many interesting characters and stories in the Hebrew Bible (also known as the Old Testament) that we often overlook. God speaks very clearly through those prophets and we will understand Jesus better if we listen to them. The Hebrew Bible was Jesus' Bible. He knew the prophets, he quoted them, preached about them and was inspired by them.
The other reason I chose this theme is because I think we all need a little courage. Or a lot. Fear of offending or upsetting others sometimes holds us back in naming the truth. Either we remain silent, or we use other ways of expressing our frustration. Instead of speaking directly to the person we have an issue with, we talk to someone else that we know agrees with us. It's so much easier. And how good does it feel in the moment! But, in the long run, it will hurt our relationships, and us.
It also hurts the church. I've served several other churches before I came here and I talk to other pastors all the time. Healthy, open communication is a struggle in ALL churches. We think because we're a church we're supposed to be "nice" to each other.
It's interesting that neither the prophets nor Jesus ever said anything about being nice. They talked about being truthful, being loving, being faithful, being compassionate and being brave. But not nice. Sometimes to love someone means to be honest with them, even if it's difficult. We don't want to attack anyone, obviously. We want to focus on their behavior. If they said or did something we don't agree with, we can tell them. In a respectful, loving way.
Nobody likes to be criticized. Trust me, I know all about that. I've gotten a lot of it lately! But I'd rather someone tell me to my face. I'd rather have a conversation with them than hear it from someone else. How else will I truly understand them?
You'll be hearing about this a lot more from me, from the Deacons, in worship and in our ministry teams. I believe this is what God is calling me to do: To help us, as people of faith, to be honest and direct in our communications.
If you are upset about something that happened here at Trinity, whether it's something I did or said, or someone else, whether it's about worship, our children's program, our open and affirming ministry, or anything else that goes on at Trinity: Please talk to me. If you're not comfortable talking to me, please speak to the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee (PPRC). They are here to listen to you.
Jennifer Critchlaw:
, Barbara Sutherland:
, Wade Robbins:
I've decided that from now on I will not respond to any feedback unless it is brought to me, or to the PPRC. This is my commitment to you, to help you practice healthy communication, and to help us move forward from painful experiences of the past, as well as prevent them from happening again.
I know this won't be easy. But I also know it will be worth it. It will change the climate at Trinity, and it may inspire you to change the climate in your family, workplace, school, or neighborhood.
We still have work to do in order to create an atmosphere where everyone feels safe to express their own opinion rather than hide behind what "other people" are saying. I encourage you to start with yourself: Speak for yourself and about yourself. (Say, "I think" or "I feel.") If someone comes to you with a complaint about something they don't like about Trinity or me, send them to me or the PPRC, and don't do anything else with their complaint. This will require a lot of discipline and practice because it's so different from what we're used to! But it will be worth the effort. I hope you know that I am addressing this not to be difficult or because I have nothing else to do. I am addressing it because I am convinced it will be better for all of us. It is, by the way, also how Jesus recommended that we solve conflict. See Matthew 18:15-17.
I believe God has called us to make a difference in our community. We already are, and we will be able to do even more if we commit to honest and respectful communication.
Let us be courageous prophets of a better world.
In Hope and Faith,
Pastor Valeria.
Trinity's 10 Commandments
As a reminder and refresher of how we want to communicate here at Trinity, please review our
10 Commandments of Communication (attached). We are currently working on updating the language.
Our worship theme for the fall will be "Courageous Prophets of the Hebrew Bible." We will be looking at the roots of our faith and how they can be meaningful in our lives today.
October 7:
"Ruth: Love Changes Everything!" With Communion and guest preacher Rev. Isaac Seelam
October 14:
"God Holds Us Accountable." Amos 5:6-7, 10-15. We will also be celebrating Indigenous Peoples' Day
October 21:
"More Than Enough." Pledge Sunday
October 28:
Celebration Sunday with our Worship Band
"Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding,
intimacy and mutual valuing."
~ Rollo May
Are you interested in becoming a member of Trinity Church? Pastor Valeria will offer a meeting with anyone who wishes to learn more about Trinity and consider church membership. Please contact her directly for more information.
Love to read? Would you like to get together with other Trinity members and friends to have an exciting book discussion as well as getting to know each other better? Well, forming a book club is the answer. This can be set up for a monthly or quarterly event.
Please contact the Task Force, Martha M. for more information:
Coffee Hour Coordinators Needed!
Coffee Hour is an important part of our Sunday morning worship together and it is a great way for people to connect and for us to welcome visitors to our church.
We are in need of people to host coffee hour. The Sutherlands have volunteered to do the month of October, so volunteers would be needed starting in November. One way it can be done is have a captain for the month, whether an individual or a committee. They would organize the month and get
others to help. However, if someone would like to do it only one week, that is also welcomed.
There is a need for someone to oversee Coffee Hour sign-up. Any volunteers? Emily set up a sign-up sheet on line and we will have a sign-up on the bulletin board as well for those who do not like the computer sign-up. Please contact the Task Force, Martha M. for more information:
Faith Foundations - Exciting Changes!
We had a great kick- off week in Faith Foundations! Because of the number of kids and their ages we have decided to reconfigure the classrooms and will now have three different groups: K-4, 5-8 and 9-12. In order to offer these age appropriate classes we could use your help! Please consider volunteering even if you have never taught before! See Sherry to Sign up or use this link.
We also now have a wonderful preschool class in our nursery. We look forward to seeing your little ones!
Career Night
Sunday, November 4, 6-8 pm
Please consider donating a couple of hours of your time to our youth. This is an opportunity for a great intergenerational evening. We are looking for adults that are still working or retired to come and talk to the kids about what you do, or did for a job. Feel feel to bring props from your job. Find out which of our kids might be headed down the same path you did and help them navigate how to get there.
Use this sign-up to lend your time or see Sherry.
Upcoming dates:
Oct 14th 12-2 Youth Group hike
Trunk or Treat Youth Group Fundraiser
**Please let me know as soon as possible if you have a 5-12th grade child interested in church band or K-12 interested in joining the choir. This can be a weekly or monthly commitment.
See you all soon!
GSA Link
The Link that Connects
The GSA Link is a project connecting local GSA high school students to collaborate, share ideas, and socialize in a SAFE space. LGBT and allied high school students are welcome.
Trinity Church of Northborough
23 Main Street Northborough MA, 01532
October 5th, October 19th, November 2nd, November 16th
Halloween dance: Saturday Oct. 27th
More dates to follow
For more information please contact:
Melissa at or 508-735-1267
Teen Halloween Dance
Saturday, October 27th 7pm to 10pm
This dance is hosted by the Gay Straight Youth Alliance at Trinity Church.
It’s open to LGBT high school students and allied high school students.
We are asking the high school kids in the surrounding towns to come enjoy music, dancing, snacks, and more in a SAFE space.
Open Singing with Mike
October 21st after Worship
Once a month, Mike Westberry will offer open singing for 10 - 15 minutes immediately after worship. Anyone who enjoys singing is welcome to gather around the piano in the Sanctuary.
Trinity is looking forward to including a Christmas musical presentation in worship this coming December 23rd. We will feature Mary McDonald's "Jesus!", and you are invited to join this project! You don't need to be a regular choir member, and rehearsals are limited. For more details, contact Music Director Mike Westberry at
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
On Christmas Eve, we will offer a Family Candlelight service at 5:30 pm with a children's story and brief message.
We discussed that the 11 pm service is very late for some people, and suggest moving it to 10 pm. Will you let us know what you think?
Please contact Donna Greska (
), Pastor Valeria or any of the Deacons. We look forward to your input!
Conversations on Faith
Starting Sunday, November 4th
The Adult Education Team invites you to join our upcoming series,
Conversations on Faith.
In a small group setting, we will explore what it means to be Christian, share our stories and our questions, and learn together how to more fully experience God in our lives.
Each week for six weeks, we will discuss a different topic:
- Joy
- Hope
- Compassion
- Forgiveness
- Doubt
- Faith
Each week there will be a short handout including readings, Bible stories, reproductions of works of art, and questions for conversation. The handout will encourage us to think about ways we can "live our faith" and be more present with God.
Our introductory meeting will be on Sunday, Nov 4th, at 11:30. We will divide into groups, and each group will decide on a place and time to meet for the next six weeks.
We hope you will enjoy this new approach to Bible study here at Trinity. We are also looking for facilitators for the groups. A facilitator training will be offered before the first session. If you are willing to help, please contact Pastor Valeria.
Trinity Online Directory Update
Sunday, October 7th 11:00am
(during coffee hour)
Do you use the Trinity online directory? Do you have a current photo, address and phone number listed? Would you appreciate help getting your information up to date or downloading the app to your device?
Emily will be available after worship on Sunday, October 7th to help!
Please bring your device and a photo. We will also have a computer and cameras available if you prefer to have us get you started.
Coffee House - Open Mic
Friday, October 12th at 7pm
Our first coffee house of the year!
Please mark your calendars for Coffee House now being held the second Friday of the month starting in October.
New this year: Purchase a VIP pass! $50 for an individual, $100 for a family, passes can be purchased at the door.
We invite you to come enjoy talented musicians performing a variety of music. You may even hear some poetry recitation. Coffee and refreshments will be served with a suggested donation.
BYOM (Bring Your Own Mug). A $5 per person donation will be accepted at the door ($10 max family).
Sign up to help make Coffee House a success:
Saturday Breakfast Fellowship
Saturday, October 20th at 8am
Welcome back to Saturday Breakfast Fellowship and welcome to any new people who want to join us. I want to start off this fall with a difficult topic – sexual assault. Sexual assault has been a hot topic in the news for over a year with the past couple of weeks highlighting it by what’s going on in Washington, D.C. I wanted to see if there were examples of sexual assault in the Bible and how the Bible deals with it. The links below are to some articles which give some examples in the Bible.
I hope you will join us on the 20
th for fellowship and conversation.
As usual, we will start with breakfast and follow with fellowship and discussion.
For more information or to add yourself to the Saturday Breakfast Fellowship email list, please contact Tom Danforth at
The Bible Exposes Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment in the Book of Ruth
What Does the Bible Say About Sexual Assault?
Sexual Abuse in the Bible
We hope to see many of you there. Please do share this email or the Facebook event link with your friends, your congregations, and your neighbors. Our Central MA Connections in Faith continues to grow by word of mouth.
With blessings,
Rabbi Rachel Gurevitz, on behalf of Central MA Connections in Faith Steering committee
Saturday, October 13th from 9am to 1pm
Do you have a broken toaster or some clothes that need mending? Don't throw them away!
GFWC Northboro Jr. Woman's Club's Conservation Committee is hosting a Repair Cafe to be held at Church of Nativity from 9am - 1pm on Saturday, October 13.
Bring your items that need repair, and knowledgeable volunteers will help you try to fix them for free. The volunteers can work on items such as small appliances, computers, lamps, bikes, jewelry, clothing, and power equipment. They can also sharpen knives, scissors, and garden tools. You only pay for needed parts. If you know what parts are needed, please get them ahead of time and bring them to the Repair Cafe to save time. For more information or to volunteer contact
You will soon be receiving a letter asking you to think about your pledge for 2019. We will celebrate all of God's gifts during worship on October 28. If you're new to Trinity or haven't received a pledge card before but would like to, please email Rob Mulligan.
Rob Mulligan:
Fall Clean up at the Parsonage
Saturday, October 27th 9am
We will be having a yard cleanup day at the Parsonage at 20 Dennis Circle on Sat. October 27th starting at 9:00 am. The goal here is to cleanup the whole yard but especially what was left from the trees that were taken down this spring. Folks will need work gloves, cutting tools and rakes. The goal is to be done by 1:00.
Online giving is now available through Trinity's website!
Start your online giving here:
For those situations where a person feels inspired to make a donation in support of Trinity’s mission, online giving is now available on Trinity’s website to make giving easier.
- After a person clicks the DONATE NOW link on Trinity’s home page, online giving provides them with multiple options of which fund or ministry they can direct their gift.
- Payment methods include an electronic funds transfer from a checking or saving account, a debit card payment or a credit card payment.
- The first time that a person uses online giving, they can set-up their profile so that they will not have to re-enter the information, and they will be able to access their online giving history.
- IMPORTANT: Current members and regular donors do not need to change how they currently give to Trinity (collection plate, e-checks, etc.), if it works for them. Online giving is being made available primarily as a convenient payment method for spontaneous givers. Unlike other payment methods, Trinity is charged processing fees for each transaction by VANCO, our electronic payments vendor.
Start your online giving here:
Special Offering
Sunday, October 7th
During worship
we have the opportunity to give a
special offering
to be split evenly between
Neighbors in Need
(United Church of Christ) /
World Mission
(American Baptist Church). Our contributions will be used to help others in need. Details may be found at
Clean Up Day at the Northborough Habitat for Humanity Site
Saturday, October 13th 8am - 4pm (Park at Trinity)
We need need helping hands on October 13
to assist with brush clean up around the Northborough Habitat for Humanity site!
All volunteers need to be 16 years of age or older with those under the age of 18 having to have our
signed by a parent or legal guardian. All volunteers should bring the signed waiver with them.
We ask all volunteers to arrive promptly for 8AM as the day starts with our site leader, Paul Rebello, conducting a brief introduction and an important safety orientation.
Sturdy closed toed shoes are a must, and comfortable clothing that you wouldn't mind getting dirty is ideal. Dress for the weather, as the work could be both interior and exterior. Since the focus will be on brush removal, pants and long sleeve shirts are encouraged. The site does have patches of poison ivy. Water and coffee are provided all day to keep you fueled up. Volunteers will break for lunch from 12pm-12:45pm. You are welcome to bring a bag lunch (we do not have means of refrigeration), order lunch to site or go off site for the lunch break. Site cleanup will start at 3:30PM.
While we have plenty of gloves, please consider bringing tools for raking, or cutting brush. If folks would like to bring their own yard tools to help out that would be great, please just make sure they are well marked!
Please contact John Posluszny for more i
Worcester Fellowship
Sunday, Ocotber 21st
Worship @ Worcester Common
We need donations! Faith Foundations will be making lunches to donate on October 21st during their class (during worship). Donations of food or small monetary amounts towards lunch supplies are welcome.
Join us on the Worcester common at 1pm for an outdoor service.
The Thrift Shop opened up in it’s new location during Applefest weekend and had its biggest sales day ever!
I would like to thank everyone who helped with getting the new location up and ready. Special thanks to Forest Lyford, Frank Bissett and Al Mosher.
The “Count Your Blessings” thrift shop is now open for the season.
Saturdays 10am - 1pm and Tuesdays 10am to 3pm.
Come and check us out in our new location, across from the church office (formerly Room 106). We are now selling gently used handbags and jewelry, as well as adult and children’s clothing and footwear.
Donations of gently used clothing can be dropped off in the marked bins in the church hallway.
We are also looking for more volunteers to “work” at the shop on Saturdays and/or Tuesdays. Please contact Linda Corbett if you are interested:
or 508-688-9392
Please help by bringing food donations to Trinity.
Trinity Church has a drop off area for donations going to the Northborough Food Pantry.
Please check the dates on food items to make sure they have not expired.
Thank you to Barbara Baker who has volunteered to transport the donated food to the Northborough food pantry.
Altar Flowers Needed 2018
flowers needed!!
Trinity now has online sign-ups for altar flowers! We would appreciate your help signing up to take a Sunday. Please click on the link above or below and after you choose a date to bring altar flowers there is a comment section where you can add the blurb you would like written in the Sunday bulletin. Signup Genie will automatically send you an email reminder six days prior to the day you signed up to bring flowers.
The altar flower sign-ups are now linked on the Trinity website, too!
Festive Breads w/Pastor Valeria
Pastor Valeria is at Festive Breads every Wednesday (except October 3rd) from 8:30 - 10am and looks forward to your visit! Festive Breads is located at
299 W Main St
in Northborough, near Romaine's.
Saturday Morning Hiking 9:30am - Our informal Trinity Church Hiking Club has started back up! We meet at the church most Saturdays at 9:30am and walk on one of the many Northborough trails. Everyone is welcome (dogs included). To receive weekly notifications via email please contact Wade Robbins at Please consider joining us for a time of nature appreciation and conversation.
Grief Support Group
- Come support and share with others who experienced loss. A Grief Support group is held the first Tuesday of each month, 7:30pm in Room 105. Next meeting date October 2nd. All ages are welcome. If you have questions, please contact Carey Rublesky, 774-258-1814.
Community Meal
- Join us each Wednesday, 6pm in the Fellowship Hall. The meals are free but donations toward the voucher fund are accepted. Each Wednesday at 6pm there is a new community group hosting the meal. Please join us!
Thrift Shop - Grand opening in our new location, Saturday, September 15th at 9am.
Thrift shop hours of operations are Tuesday, 10 – 3 and Saturdays, 10 – 1. Donations of gently used clothing can be dropped off in the marked bin in the church hallway starting at the end of September.
Give us a review on Google!
Coleman House Service
Tuesday, October 16th from 2:30 - 3:30pm.
If you know of someone who is hospitalized, ill, suffering from the loss of a loved one, or troubled in some way and in need of a pastoral call, please call Pastor Valeria at the church office, 508-393-8156.
Are you interested in being added to the online church directory?
Please use the instructions
to add yourself and your family to the Trinity Church online database.
If you need any assistance connecting to the online directory please contact Emily in the church office: (508) 393-8156 or
Help us get the word out about Trinity Church!
Are you on Facebook? If so, we need your help to spread the word about Trinity Church and all the wonderful things we do here.
1) Please consider inviting your friends to "Like" the Trinity Church of Northborough page. @Trinitychurchnorthborough
2) If you see an event posted at Trinity Church please click "Interested". Did you know every time you click "interested" on an event your friends are notified? This will help spread the word about events happening at Trinity Church.
I received a call from Google Maps letting me know that Trinity Church is number two on the Google maps search! The person I spoke to was very impressed that in such a short time we had moved to the top! Thank you to everyone who helped make that happen with reviews and photos! Now let's see if we can increase our following on Facebook with your help!
Help us get the word out about Trinity Church and its ministries!
Did you know your shopping can earn Trinity money?
Trinity Church is set up as a charity on iGive! Please consider downloading the app or shopping through the iGive site and a percentage of your purchase will be sent to Trinity Church! This does not cost you any extra money, the donation comes from the stores you already shop at.
Please consider shopping through iGive to help support Trinity.
Trinity is on Amazon Smile!
You shop. Amazon gives.
- Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.
- AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service.
- Support your charitable organization by starting your shopping at
Shir Joy Chorus - Seeks New Singers
Open Rehearsals: Mon., Oct 8th & Sun., Oct. 14th 7:00-9:15 pm
Congregation B'nai Shalom, 117 E. Main St., Westborough
Come join the Joy! Shir Joy Chorus, Central MA's Jewish Community Chorus, is seeking new singers for its winter concert in Feb. Open rehearsals will be held on Mon., October 8th and Sunday, October 14th from 7:00-9:15 pm, when potential members can observe or join right in. Regular rehearsals are Sunday evenings and are held at Congregation B'nai Shalom (117 E. Main St., Westborough, MA), which generously donates rehearsal space to the chorus. Members come from a variety of area towns, including Worcester, Westborough, Northborough, Marlborough, Auburn, and Medway, and carpooling can be arranged.
You are invited on this special travel adventure to the Holy Land in January 2019!
The scriptures will come alive as you walk in Jesus's footsteps: see where Jesus was born as well as the rolling hills where the angels revealed the Good News to the shepherds, explore Jesus's childhood home of Nazareth, take a boat into the Sea of Galilee, pray the Beatitiudes at the site of the Sermon on the Mount, walk through the Old City and see where the triumphant Palm Sunday procession occurred as well as Jesus's last days, the site of the crucifixion and resurrection. We will also investigate archeological ruins, the caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered, and the hometown of Mary Magdalene. In addition, we'll have events with religious leaders from a number of faith traditions who will share with us their reflections on the theopolitical conflict in the Holy Land throughout history and what we can do today to bring healing and peace. This Holy Land travel will be a wonderful learning for your head and heart, and depend your faith.
This trip is led by The Society of Biblical Studies with Northborough pastor Rev. Julie Cedrone. Dates, cost, and details are in the attached itinerary.
Deadline Date ~ October
Please be sure to have all your info for the November issue of
Tidings in to the church office by Sunday, October 28th 2018. Your help is appreciated!
23 Main Street ~ Northborough, MA 01532
(508) 393-8156
Office Hours:
Monday: 9am - Noon & 1pm - 3pm
Tuesday: 9am - Noon & 1pm - 3pm
Wednesday: 9am - 10:30am & 11:30am - 3pm
Thursday: 9am - Noon & 1pm - 3pm
Friday: 9am - Noon & 1pm - 3pm
Rev. Valeria Schmidt, Sr. Pastor
Trinity Church is an Open & Affirming / Welcoming & Affirming Congregation
Trinity Church's mission is to fill its people with the love of God
and share God's love in all the world.