2020 National Public Lands Day virtual hike of Savage Christmas Creek Preserve. Watch it today!
Lend a Hand to make a difference in your Orange County environment and community.
Fall 2020
Virtual Volunteering Opportunities
Orange County EPD wants to make it safe and convenient for volunteers to remain engaged and earn volunteer hours during these challenging times. We are piloting new ways for volunteers to assist the Green PLACE program, including a virtual hike, social media postings and clean ups. Email today to request more information on the opportunities available. Volunteers can take part in one or more of the projects. See below for details on storm drain labeling, another popular activity that can be done safely. Students seeking volunteer hours will need to gain preapproval from their schools to verify the eligibility of community service hours.
Reduce Water Pollution in Orange County
Request a Speaker for Your Group
Photo of waterway and plants
Are you wondering if your landscape is environmentally friendly? Nobody wants to pollute our lakes, rivers and springs, but oftentimes the lawn maintenance regime we use is doing just that. Contact Orange County EPD to request a speaker to teach about the County's ordinances on Fertilizer Management and Water Quality Protection. Presentations to homeowners associations, community organizations, property managers, realtors, congregations or any other interested adult groups are available upon request. Orange County EPD's goal is to help citizens protect our natural resources. Email now to request more information and to set up your group's presentation.
Sign Up!
Receive More News From EPD
Photo of EPD building
Would you like to learn more about Orange County EPD? EPD is excited to share a variety of information about events, sustainability, the Back to Nature Wildlife Refuge, regulatory updates, lake management, water quality and more! If you would like to be included on the email list, please fill out this brief sign-up form.
Volunteers labeling storm drain inlet
Storm Drain Labeling
Spearhead a storm drain labeling project in your community. Orange County eVIP provides all the supplies, a one-hour training session and the support to create an enjoyable and meaningful service project for your group. Please help us keep our surface water clean and our storm drains functioning properly. Great project for scout groups! 
EnviroScape Training Workshop
Learn how to use the EnviroScape Model to provide fun, hands-on watershed education presentations to youth in Orange County. Are you an educator? Once trained, classroom teachers and youth group leaders can also "check out" our education materials. One-on-one trainings can be arranged to accommodate your schedule.
Internship Program
To learn more about the program, send an email stating your interest. Internships are competitive and applications are accepted year-round. Students can earn service hours, college credit and meaningful work experience. Interns who complete a three-month unpaid internship are eligible to apply for paid internships as available.
Orange County Water-Quality Monitoring
Orange County partners with the UF/IFAS LAKEWATCH program to provide volunteers with training and equipment for water-quality testing on local lakes. Volunteers need lake access, a few hours each month to collect samples, transportation to deliver samples, a canoe or watercraft and a one-year-plus commitment to sampling. 
In-School, After-School and Summer Camp Presentations
Teachers and youth group leaders interested in watershed education can request EnviroScape presentations for their students. Presentations are approximately 25 minutes long and are scheduled throughout the academic year and summer months as schedule permits.
Cleanup Kit
Is your group looking for an environmental project? eVIP has a new kit that helps individuals lead a cleanup and assist in keeping Orange County free of pollution. eVIP provides the supplies, training and support. The project is a good fit for volunteers of all ages and groups of all sizes. Educational materials will be provided as requested. 
eVIP Needs Your Help!
If you enjoyed being an eVIP volunteer, please help us get the word out through social media. You can also provide your feedback and offer ideas for improvement! Scan the QR code or click on this link to access the short survey.
If you are interested in any of the opportunities listed above, please contact the Orange County Environmental Protection Division Volunteer Coordinator 
Carrie Mohanna at Carrie.Mohanna@ocfl.net or 321-689-8232.
Orange County Environmental Protection Division
407-836-1430 | Cell 321-689-8232 | Fax 407-836-1499
3165 McCrory Place, Suite 200, Orlando, FL 32803
Serving our community by conserving, protecting and enhancing the environment for current and future generations.
Copyright © 2020. All Rights Reserved.