Sayu'? X Wey
The breath that moves one forward in life
Washington State Native American Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

Domestic Violence Awareness Month Campaign
October 2020
Breathing new life into our work
Teachings from Dee Koester, MS, Founder and Executive Director
The name Sayu'? X Wey was given to WomenSpirit Coalition as an encompassing collective spirit to guide our work. We first named our online learning service (online college), Sayu’? X Wey Institute when developing it in 2011. The name was gifted by Delbert Miller, of the Skokomish Tribe, who is the cultural bearer, storyteller, carver, and drummer. He is also the nephew of Subiyay Gerald Bruce Miller (1944-2005). Bruce also provided support and wisdom to the early founding of WomenSpirit Coalition.

We all know how difficult it is to move beyond trauma to becoming a thriver in spite of the violence perpetrated against you, especially by those we love. WSC embraces not only the desire to move forward, but also the action it takes to do so. Sayu’? X Wey represents the honor and respect that we have for survivors who have succeeded, sometimes beyond hope and reality.

Words from Delbert Miller, Skokomish Tribal Elder (First People's Fund)
Skokomish oral tradition tells us how the Creator made the world for the coming of humans. He blew the breath of life into the land, created the people and blew the breath of life into them to live in that place. When they are moved from that place, they lose the breath of life.
Guiding Practices
In receiving this gift some 10 years ago, staff have come to love and practice the symbolism it represents. In 2002, when the vision of WomenSpirit was starting to form, the concept of “many women-one voice” was coming together to discuss and plan for the end of violence against native women. Our relatives and sisters evolved into the non-profit we see today serving 29 tribes in WA State and the Coeur D’Alene Tribe in Idaho. Early themes for DV Month included the “Journey to Invisibility” and “No Justice, No Peace”.
COVID-19: Advocating for Domestic Violence Survivors
in the New Normal
Advocating for victims and survivors of domestic violence is challenging under any circumstances and WSC recognizes that advocates and service providers are experiencing new obstacles everyday.

To help support the work being done, WSC has created a COVID-19 and Domestic Violence Resource to help guide us through the new normal, while remaining grounded in our founding principles and values

Your Voice Your Vote on
November 3rd
Active participation in democracy is not only an act of resiliency, but it is one way that victims, survivors, families and community members can help influence the laws and policies around responses to crime.

Plan your vote! In these uncertain times, it is important to have a plan for voting! Here is some information about important deadlines and guidelines for voting in Washington State

Visit the VoteWA Voter Portal to see if you are registered to vote

To learn more about important initiatives for Washington state voters check out the Washington Secretary of State Voter's Guide

Visit NativeVote for more information on voting and indigenous communities
Indigenous Crime Victim Services Referral and Resource Center
ICVSRRC supports advocates and service providers across Washington State through networking and service coordination. ICVSRRC can also provide direct services to indigenous crime victims across Washington State.

Victim Services Toll Free Line

Online Referrals

10049 Kitsap Mall Blvd NW
Suite #304
Silverdale, WA 98383
(360) 633 7083
WSC asks Washington State to declare
October 2020 Domestic Violence Awareness Month
WomenSpirit stands with
Black Lives Matter
Our shared histories have created common realities and WSC is proud to stand in firm solidarity with the Black Lives Matter Movement.

WSC remains committed to addressing racism, oppression and disparity across all systems. The only end to violence is through accountability and we hold space for all Black and Brown communities to demand action now. Black Lives Matter.
Washington State Native American Coalition Against
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
WomenSpirit Coalition

542 N 5th Ave Suite C
Sequim, WA 98382
(360) 681 3701
This project was supported by Grant No. 2019-IW-AX-0110 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.