Annual Liver Cancer Awareness Month
Twitter Chat is Tomorrow!
Join the Hepatitis B Foundation, in partnership with the CDC Division of Viral Hepatitis and the National Alliance on State and Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD), on Tuesday, October 16th at 3 PM EST for a twitter chat discussing liver cancer on a national and global scale! Hep B United Philadelphia (HBUP) is proud to be a participant! Through this chat, you can learn more about HBUP's work in the city and how we are addressing the connection between liver cancer and hepatitis B.
Make sure to use the hashtag #Liverchat to join in!

For more information on how to participate, click here .
Raising Awareness with the PECO Crown Lights
On October 17th, 18th, and 19th, PECO will be sharing our Liver Cancer Awareness Month message with the city! The PECO Crown Lights are located atop their building at 2301 Market street, but are visible from many locations around the city. If you see our message, be sure to snap a picture and share it with us!
Upcoming Screening Events
Saturday, Oct. 20th:

The Hepatitis B Foundation and Hep B United Philadelphia will be conducting a free screening from 12 PM - 3PM in partnership with the African Family Health Organization (AFAHO) . The event will take place at the Sudanese American Community Center located at 1135 S 58th Street.
Sunday, Oct. 21st:

The Hepatitis B Foundation and Hep B United Philadelphia will be holding a free screening at the Chinese Christian Church & Center, located at 1101 Vine Street, from 2 PM to 5 PM.
Save the Date: November Events
Philadelphia Asian American & Pacific Islander Town Hall
On Friday, November 9th , join the Governor's Advisory Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs for a town hall in Philadelphia. The meeting will take place from 12 PM - 3PM at the University of Pennsylvania in the Arch Building. The Philadelphia AAPI Town Hall will focus on pathways to pardons and the role and function of the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons.

Tickets are free, but please register if you plan on attending.
Philadelphia Asian American Film Festival
On Thursday, November 15th at 6:30 PM , the Hepatitis B Foundation and Hep B United Philadelphia will be presenting a #justB story during the Philadelphia Asian American Film Festival! Join us in watching Kenson from Hep Free Hawaii's story about his personal journey with hepatitis B. Hep B United Philadelphia is a proud sponsor of the event.

For more information about the festival, click here .
During 2018, we are highlighting a unique patient story each month. Our #justB Storytelling Campaign is a national effort to bring individuals affected by hepatitis B to share their stories to shed light on this serious disease, decrease stigma, discrimination, and promote the importance of testing and treatment for hepatitis B. If you want to host a screening of the videos, we can help! It is a great way to spread the word and engage your local communities! Email [email protected] .
#justB Aware
This month, we are featuring an array of videos with storytellers who have been impacted by liver cancer. Check out the videos we have featured so far below:
Nancy recounts the story of her father’s death. She and her family tried to get him into treatment, but it was too late; liver cancer had spread throughout his body. Nancy did not know how long her father had been living with hepatitis B. She wonders what could have been done, if only the family had known of the importance of screening and found out earlier about her father’s status.
Nancy's story is available in English and with Korean subtitles.
Alice comes from a Chinese family where talking about illness is taboo. It was only when she became pregnant with her first child that she discovered she has hepatitis B. She learned then that her mother also has the virus and that it was probably transmitted to her at birth. Fortunately, Alice’s two children were screened and vaccinated at birth and tested negative for hepatitis B. Today, they are all committed advocates for prevention and care.  
Alice's story is available in English and Cantonese.
Kim’s father was forced to escape to the United States from Vietnam, in the wake of the war. He located his family and brought them to Minnesota. Kim shares her love for her father and wonders whether the stigma about hepatitis B in the Vietnamese community prevented him from telling the family and seeking medical care earlier. She celebrates his gentle spirit, and suggests that access to culturally and linguistically appropriate resources could have prevented his death from liver cancer.
Kim's story is available in English and Vietnamese.
Many of Alan’s immediate family members passed away due to liver cancer, but it wasn’t until Alan himself became ill that the family realized the role hepatitis B played in these deaths. Alan talks about how stigma prevents open discussion about the virus and raises questions about the medical community’s failure to adequately address hepatitis B. He worries that continued silence will prevent others from knowing the same joy he experiences in his life.
Alan's story is available in English and with Mandarin subtitles.
View other videos and learn more about our campaign at .
#justB Postcards are Available
#justB postcards are now available! There are postcards for all the storytellers. For a list of all the storytellers and their experiences, please visit this website and you can find them on the left of the website. If you are interested in ordering any postcards, please contact Catherine Freeland at [email protected] .
Join the Hep B United Action Center
B ecome a Hep B Advocate! Join the Hep B United Action Center to get the latest updates and news about hep B policy issues, learn about upcoming advocacy events, and be notified of opportunities to take action and show your support for our  policy initiatives . You will also be provided with information, resources, and tools to help you communicate, educate, and engage your community.
HEP B UNITED PHILADELPHIA | | [email protected]