How you deal with the knowns and unknows will dictate whether people trust you enough to come back.

There is a considerable amount of groundwork to be done prior to the opening and on an ongoing basis. The various risk management control will need to be identified and implemented, based on the most current guidelines, and their practicality and effectiveness will need to be constantly assessed. [Read the full article]

This article was written by Ken Bickerton, CIH, CSP for Venue Professional, September/October 2020 issue published by the International Association of Venue Management. Please contact him for more questions on how to open your facility during COVID-19.
"Do you part to protect your hearing"
"October is Protect Your Hearing Month"

Health and Safety professionals use elimination, engineering, administrative, and personal protective controls, known as the "Hierarchy of controls" should be used to ensure that workers are not exposed to intolerable noise levels.

Engineering controls involve physical changes to the workplace, such as restructuring tools to remove noise sources or barriers that prevent noise from reaching a worker. If engineering controls are not possible, employers should move onto administrative controls. These are actions that include rotating workers schedules in noisy areas and providing quiet break areas.

NIOSH outlines these steps in their infographic.
  • Use available noise controls
  • Maintain equipment
  • Move away from loud areas
  • Use hearing protection
A comprehensive hearing conservation program should be developed for workers whose daily noise exposure meets or exceeds the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 8-hour Time-Weighted Average sound level (TWA) of 85 decibels.

For more information about our services contact Gary Schwartz, CIH, CSP, Ken Bickerton, CIH, CSP, or Adam Schwarzenberg, CIH, CSP, CHMM.


Gary Schwartz, CIH, CSP and Ken Bickerton, CIH, CSP will be instructing virtually for the New Jersey Section of the American Industrial Hygiene Association (NJ-AIHA) on October 27, 2020
  • IH Management (6:00pm -7:30pm) by Gary Schwartz, CIH, CSP
  • Industrial Processes (7:30pm - 9:00pm) by Ken Bickerton, CIH CSP
To register for the Industrial Hygiene summer review course, Click Here
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About PHASE Associates:
PHASE Associates offers a comprehensive range of environmental, health and safety services within Industrial Hygiene & Safety, Indoor Air Quality, Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) Training, Construction & General Safety and Environmental Management/Hazardous Waste Operations. We customize a specific solution that is tailored specifically for you and your company.
PHASE Associates, LLC |  [email protected] | 973-597-0750 
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