Serving credit professionals everywhere...since 1899
Monthly news & updates
September 2020
Is this really the best we can do?

A few thoughts from
Jon Flora, President & CEO
After the recent Presidential Mud Fest, I awoke to morning fog, fog horns and all things gray. Normally, those attributes of Fall in the Northwest make me feel good. It was, however, the start to a day when I continually found myself wondering:

“Is this really the best we can do?”  
The presidential debate has been viewed as a total embarrassment by all level-headed people on both sides of the aisle. The subsequent VP debate, while more civil, was notable for its lack of the participants answering any questions. At both events. there was no serious discussion about any issues important to our nation.  We have a $27 trillion National Debt. Each citizen owes $81,000! No discussion.

We have a Congress that can't seem to agree on anything. A bill with bi-partisan support has been languishing for two years to make Daylight Saving Time permanent. They can't get even get that done and most of us voted in favor of it!  Is all this really what we want?

Here in Washington State, we are seeing much the same thing. The recent “debate” for governor had no real discussion about the myriad issues facing the State. We heard campaign talking points but nothing substantive.

The current nonsense happening with the Seattle City Council is just as embarrassing. The actions of the Council are costing taxpayers millions and leaving a once glorious city in disarray. There are two recall votes likely coming up in early in 2021 aimed at one of the council members and the Mayor. How has a city that has been the envy of many across the nation found itself in this position?

What does all of this say about us? And is this really the best we do?

I have always been a believer that we can make the biggest difference at the local level. City and County councils, mayors, port commissioners, school boards, dog catchers. Those positions actually have a far greater and more immediate impact on our daily lives and wallets. They all can tax, spend and set policies that impact us. If we don’t like what’s happening, we have a better chance of fixing it locally by engaging...and by voting.

It is time for all of us as citizens to step up and take some responsibility. How? Read the newspaper. Read the Voters Pamphlets. Learn about the candidates and the issues. Don’t take the word of Facebook, Twitter, or radio talk show or cable news hosts.  Do your own homework. Think about what you want and believe. Our Democracy takes a lot of work to care for and takes even more to repair. It requires active engagement by everyone of us.

On November 3rd, we have a chance to make some change happen. We still have a lot of work to do in coming years, but we need to get busy now.  Let’s get started.

Have a great Fall and be sure to enjoy those foggy mornings. They really are beautiful.
Remember to VOTE on or before November 3rd
Edward R. Murrow - "one of journalism's greatest figures"
Learn the facts from trusted sources before you vote
About 55% of U.S. adults get their news from social media.

If more than half of us are getting our news from social media, chances are we may be getting it from unreliable sources. Worse, too, many people believe it.

When we start believing news just “because it’s there” on our devices, we run the risk of trusting sources that are questionable at best, or wrong at worst.

Upcoming Events
See what's happening this month...and beyond
Industry Groups

NOTE: All Group meetings are being conducted online until the Coronavirus subsides. Hawaii Hospitality is on hiatus throughout COVID-19.

Puget Sound

Thursday, 10/15
11:00 Eastside Construction
1:00 Wholesale Electric

Tuesday, 10/20
11:30 a.m. HVAC

Wednesday, 10/21
11:00 Tacoma Construction
1:00 Food


Wednesday, 10/21
1:00 (AKDT) Alaska Suppliers


Friday, 10/23
11:30 (HST) Hawaii Building

Education and Events

Monthly Webinar (Free)
The Sales & Credit Relationship

November 5 - 12:00-1:00


Western Credit Conference - ONLINE
October 14 - December 16

Tools for You
Need help with Collections? Call us today!
2020 is year no one could have forecasted. If you are having trouble collecting on overdue accounts, now is the time to turn them over to NACMBCS. Our team is doing very well finding money for our customers during COVID. Why not you? Drop us a line or give us a call today!

Please help me 206-728-6333
New Lien Services
In response to several requests, we have established a new subsidiary to handle your lien needs. We have invested in BCS Lien Services in order to bring you help when it's proving to be a struggle to get paid. Our rates are reasonable and having it come from our association gives you comfort in knowing NACM BCS is behind it. For more information, please contact Paul Krause at 206-728-6324 or drop an email at:

Presenters: Melissa Kobus & Tracy Rosenbach

This webinar will help develop a strong trusting relationship between these all-important departments and help create win-win situations for both teams.

Topics include: aligning the vision between the departments, creating efficient communication channels, setting up alternative collection methods for companies with bad credit, how to set incentives to match both departments' goals, and more.  

Did you miss the most recent Monthly Webinar? Or our podcasts?
If you have missed previous presentations, here's your chance for a re-do. Just click on the link below and you can watch or listen to several recent presentations. Best of all, they're all FREE! Just click below.

Online Conferences
The NACM Western Credit Conference is going virtual!

Live October 14 - December 16
Our colleagues at NACM Commercial Services are hosting this year's WCC in a virtual format. We believe that this approach will help many of our members participate during this odd year. There's an excellent line-up of programs, so take a look and take advantage of early registration for the best deal!

Business News
New forgiveness application for PPP borrowers with smaller loans
Small businesses that obtained Paycheck Protection Program loans of $50,000 or less can now use a streamlined application to apply for loan forgiveness.

The action is expected to affect about 3.6 million borrowers, according to figures from the Small Business Administration. In consultation with the Treasury Department, the SBA announced the new process Thursday night.

The feds won't tax PPP loan forgiveness — but some states might
Small businesses may not be taxed by the federal government when their Paycheck Protection Program loans are forgiven, but experts say it's still unclear whether individual states will treat that forgiveness as taxable income.

Crane count: Seattle pulls back into the lead
Seattle's in-city high-rise development market is by one measure back on top with a survey-leading 43 construction cranes.

It's expected to be the last bit of good news for a to-be-determined amount of time. The counter of the cranes, international property and construction consultancy Ryder Levett Bucknall (RLB) forecasts a decline in activity for Seattle, while nationally uncertainty reigns as Covid-19 is still spreading.

Read more from the Puget Sound Business Journal

Economists anticipate Hawaii’s shrinking population will decline further due to coronavirus
UH economists recently projected in a report that the state will see a net population loss of 19,000 over the next two years, which means an even bigger number of resident departures since that figure also takes into account the many people expected to move to Hawaii from other states and countries.

Read more about this serious issue from the University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization

Hotel industry facing historic wave of foreclosures
A new national report shows that the hotel industry is facing a historic wave of foreclosures as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to devastate small business hotel owners and its workforce. Since the beginning of the pandemic the hotel segment has faced a historic number of delinquencies and is the most heavily hit sector of the commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) market. 

New data shows struggle for Seattle area hotels
It's not just Hawaii's hospitality community that's struggling. The same is true in the Seattle area. New data shows that the Emerald City's hotels are also struggling with several shuttered. More below from the:

Autumn of heartbreak for home shoppers as Seattle-area prices hit new record highs
Pulled up by unrelenting demand and an inventory drought, King County home prices hit a new all-time high of $753,600 in September, a 14% bump over last year, according to new data from the Northwest Multiple Listing Service.

Pandemic didn’t reduce Alaska seafood harvest, but it did hurt pricing, survey indicates
Some surprising results are revealed in the first of a series of briefing papers showing how Alaska’s seafood industry has been affected by the pandemic from dock to dinner plates.

Alaska Airlines offering passengers discounted rapid COVID-19 tests
NACM member, Alaska Airlines, announced Friday that it is partnering with health-care provider, Carbon Health, to offer rapid COVID-19 testing in its pop-up clinics across the West Coast.

The carrier’s rapid-testing program starts Oct. 12 in Seattle. Starting Oct. 15, Alaska plans to operate two daily flights from Seattle, its largest hub, to Oahu, Maui, Kauai and Hawaii island (Kona)— for a total of eight daily round-trip flights.

Careers and Employment
Looking for a job or trying to fill a position in your company?
Take advantage of the Job Center at You will find current listings as well the opportunity to post your openings. It's a free service that comes with membership in NACM BCS.

Making the best of out a pandemic
Light hearted thoughts from your association staff