Sign up for coaching and connecting
Coaching is a great way to learn about the resources Arts Alive! has and the connections we can help you make in the community. 45 minutes sessions are free and open to anyone!
launching ambassadors
connecting students to business
Arts Alive! is excited to be pairing with three Southern New Hampshire University students this year. They are in the Bradley Honors Program for Business Administration and are all excited about the arts!

They will help us design and launch a new “Ambassadors” program - a way to formally bring in our partners and supporters and engage them in the work we do.

If you’re interested in providing some input in the process of creating a more engaged, arts-supportive community, let us know and we’ll put you in touch with them!
community support:
five days, five conversations
The NH State Council on the Arts recently hosted five Zoom conversations with representatives from a variety of New Hampshire-based arts and cultural organizations about reopening their venues and businesses amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Watch them and gain support from the ideas of others.
spotlight on loneliness
how can the arts connect us in a disconnected time?
Study after study shows that there are physical and mental health risks associated with being and feeling lonely. Add an isolating pandemic and the spotlight on loneliness broadens.

As we head into colder weather and fewer opportunities to socially gather outdoors, how will our communities combat loneliness? Many indoor gathering places, including arts venues, are unable or not yet ready to open for community gatherings until a vaccine for the Coronavirus is widely distributed. What does that mean for connecting with one another? And how will our communities return to a normal that includes connecting and participating in community cultural events together? Read more...

Arts Alive! has partnered with the Applied Psychology Department at Antioch to conduct a study on what barriers community members are facing in accessing the arts. Our first step in the process is a community survey. We are asking businesses, community groups, and nonprofits passionate about wellbeing in our region to step up as partners to help us distribute the survey, which is almost ready for launch.

engage in this project!
stories from the pandemic:
innovation and inspiration
Through October, Arts Alive collected stories from three performing arts organizations across the Monadnock Region to ask - "how are you holding up?" Their stories highlight the innovations, inspiration, hope, and connection these organizations are still fostering, even in difficult times. We started with Keene State College’s Redfern Arts Center, followed it with updates from The Peterborough Players, then we wrapped up with The Edge Ensemble of Keene. Read them all over a cup of coffee, tea, - or lunch!  
exhibit opportunity!:
Jaffrey seeks displays for Annual Fall Art Exhibit
The Jaffrey Civic Center seeks artists to display up to two works of their art at its annual Fall Art Exhibit: Friday, Nov. 20–Friday, Dec 18. The deadline for application is Friday, November 6. This year's Exhibit will not offer a formal opening reception due to health concerns. Thoughout the Exhibit, the Center will follow NH and CDC guidelines for safety and masks will be required to enter the building.
invitation from KSC:
3 students, 3 grants, 3 creative projects
Please join a virtual presentation event on Monday, November 2, with three of KSC's Innovation Grant recipients to learn about their recent inventive projects! This online event is free and open to the public. Registration is required for the remote link.
discover monadnock arts:
is your event on the calendar?
Help others discover and delight in your event -
share the news!
Discover Monadnock's calendar is your centralized promotion tool to spread the word about your event. With your help we are making it the go to place to see what great cultural events are happening around our region - the live events AND the virtual ones! Add your event to the calendar today so others may discover it!
nh government assistance:
help to for-profit businesses
Through the Main Street Relief Fund 2.0, the state of New Hampshire is allocating CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Fund (“flex funds”) to provide economic support to New Hampshire small businesses suffering from business interruptions as a result of COVID-19. The application deadline is this Friday, Oct 30.
apply for unemployment - it's not too late!
We encourage independent artists, writers and musicians who have lost income to apply for unemployment benefits. The self-employed still qualify to receive these benefits, so take advantage of the program meant to help your economic survival this year.
arts alive! is supported by:

New Hampshire State Council on the Arts
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Hoffman Family Foundation
Eppes Jefferson Foundation
Savings Bank of Walpole
C&S Wholesale Grocers
Carl & Ruth Jacobs
The Keene Sentinel
The City of Keene, NH
Tom & Babs Putnam
The Arts Alive! Board of Directors
Arts Alive! Members & Creative Businesses
And our greater community of donors!