October At Last!


Each new season brings along a whole new set of memories reaching back to my childhood continuing all the way into the present day. Fall has always held a special place in my heart, although, there is a huge difference between the Fall of my youth living in Wisconsin compared to the Fall I am now experiencing in Central Texas. This year I will be able to experience both – feeling the subtle changes happening in Texas and heading to see my brother’s family next week in Wisconsin. The weather there is already very Fall like with highs in the 50’s and lows in the mid 30’s. Now the task is to decide what clothes to pack.

I haven’t visited my family in over four years for reasons which include the pandemic. There will be a lot of catching up to do while I am there – a cross country meet and soccer game to attend, visiting new homes that I have never seen before, holding a baby I have never met, corn maze and picking out pumpkins, and eating – fish fry on Friday and, hopefully, a relaxing visit to Three Brothers, my favorite Serbian restaurant. It is a special place where I feel like I am coming home to share a meal with long lost friends.

And, of course, I can’t wait to see my brother again. It’s been way too long.

There is one tradition that is the same in both locations – I get to pig out on candy! Not that I have ever needed a special day on the calendar to do that. FYI – Dark Chocolate is my all-time favorite.

I hope you have fun plans to enjoy during this month with family and friends. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Now all we need to make things perfect is RAIN!

Love’s Haunting Me

The Story behind the song!


I realize that, after all these years, I have never written a Halloween Song. I guess this one is closest not only because it has the word Haunting in the title, but the melody and music are leaning toward the darker, more haunting side of the musical spectrum. I try my best to connect the emotion of a song to the lyrics. In this case I believe it worked, at least for me. It’s even better when the other musicians pick up on what I am trying to portray. Their contribution makes the song shine.

There is not too much more to say. I truly believe that love we experience in life never really goes away. It may change over time, but it always continues to grow and nurture our soul. I cherish every love I have every experienced - no matter if it was won or lost.


As the song says, Deep in my heart of hearts, lives every love I’ve known since I was born, believe me.”


Love’s Haunting Me! - Thanks for listening.

In case you missed the earlier newsletters, here is a link to the ones we have completed so far this year.


Activity On The Music Front 

What’s Happening at RpT’s Library

First, on the business side of music, I recently took part in the District Advocacy Day organized by the Recording Academy. We visited the offices of Texas Representative John Carter to bring information to his staff on four music related bills currently before the members of Congress. More than 2,000 Academy members across the US joined us for this one-day event. It would be greatly appreciated if you contacted your representatives asking for their support on these issues.

I try to do Advocacy work every year, visiting the Federal Representatives one year and then going to see the Texas State Representatives the following year. The Texas Government is in session every other year. It feels good to meet face-to-face with the politicians who directly effect our lives and livelihood.

I am also taking part as a Mentor in the Grammy U mentoring program. This is the second time I am working in this program. The first time was just as Covid hit so I never did get a chance to meet my Mentee in person, “Zoom” sessions were the best we could do. This time I had my first meeting with Justin, and I am really having a great time learning about his aspirations and recording some of his musical ideas. We have a field trip to a music event in a few days and other things planned over the rest of this semester.

It’s been an interesting month with quite a bit of activity on my pipeline of songs. Roberto Ramos and I have finally finished the arrangement and he has recorded his bass tracks for a Reggae flavored song called “You’re Mine”. It’s a joy working with Roberto on these songs. He and I think alike and spend our time laughing constantly when we work together. After all, music is emotionally charged and joy is a big part of the songwriting process, even if the song is not a joyful one. Now it’s time for the drums and horns to be recorded.

All in all, I have 4 songs in the works to be completed before year end and a number of new ones to flesh out as well. I will introduce each one as part of this monthly newsletter starting in January.

RpT available LIVE!

I guess by now you understand after reading the above articles that I would love the opportunity to play for you. I can bring my guitar to your home and perform for your family and friends. I can even bring along the “My Life in Song” multi-media show so we can have a real party on our hands. House concert/parties are fun and easy, and I will be happy to help you set one up.

Plans are slowly beginning to take shape for a Spring Tour of the Midwest. I will be reaching out to my friends in the area very soon.

Please give me a call if you are interested in my coming to your home one day soon.

My number is  (254) 493-7729 or write me at [email protected]


Each project I create involves many steps in the creative process. If you would like to join me and be a part of the process, please take a moment to check out my Patreon site and consider subscribing. Click on the link below.


Thank you for spending your time with me. RpT

 Richard Paul Thomas





“There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life – Music & Cats”

Albert Schweitzer

RpT's Library

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