The Bible-Teaching Ministry of Jeaninne Stokes

If you had one hundred sheep, and one of them strayed away and was lost in the wilderness, wouldn't you leave the ninety-nine others to go and search for the lost one until you found it?

Luke 15:3-7

My pastor is currently doing a sermon series about the importance of sharing our faith.The purpose of his series is to encourage his congregants to search for the "one" - the one person we may know in our lives who is lost and needs to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ, for no matter how many people we may have already led to Christ, he reminds us that one lost person still matters to God.

The sheepherder in the parable found in Luke 15 also reminds us that one lost person matters to God. For although he had ninety-nine sheep still remaining in the sheepfold, he believed the one sheep that was lost was of such high value that he went out passionately searching for him until he was found.

This past week, we saw two individuals demonstrate this parable and what my pastor has been teaching in his sermon series. For after Amber Gugyer was sentenced to ten years in prison for the killing of Botham Jean, Botham Jean's brother, Brandt Jean and Judge Kemp didn't just see a young woman convicted of murdering an innocent man - they saw one lost soul. They saw a person who, in spite of what she had done, was still of high value to God. They saw a person who needed the love, compassion and forgiveness that could only be found through their savior, Jesus Christ. And through the heartfelt words given by Botham Jean's brother on the witness stand after Amber's sentencing, his request to hug her and their warm embrace, and the Judge's giving of her personal Bible, a hug and admonition for Amber to read her bible daily while in prison, they passionately sought to go after this one lost "sheep" until she was found.

May we offer as much passion and compassion displayed in the courtroom this past week as we seek to reach our "one" who is lost and needs to be found.

Sharing the Word.


Jeaninne Stokes is a Christian author, speaker and Bible-teacher and the founder of Inspiration for living ministries. She writes with the mission to inspire, teach and "help build others up in the knowledge of God's Word so they will be mature in the Lord" (Ephesians 4:13). Join her mailing list to receive a regular dose of inspiration for your journey of life and faith.