Odle Middle School PTSA 
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In This Issue

Issue 9                                                                                              Oct 16, 2016 


Odle Calendar: Important Dates for Fall 

10/18:  7pm-8:30pm Screen Age Movie (FREE)
10/18:  Deadline for registering AMC8 math competition if your kid is not in math club
10/24-10/25: Click for Kids today (Bellevue School Foundation online fundraising drive)
11/07:  Deadline for Reflection entries
11/08:  I-connect meeting from 8:45-10:45 AM in Odle library  

Pass the Hat
Thanks to our great school teachers and staff members, thanks to our great volunteers and web leaders, we had a very successful curriculum night and pass the hat fundraising.


Many companies offer donation matching programs. Your donations help our school community in countless ways - why not double them? Please make sure your donation are matched if your employer matched.
Check here for MATCH information
accounts for more than 50% of the funds raised by Odle PTSA. 
These PTSA funds go
 to support such programs and activities as:
  • 6th Grade Camp Orkila Support
  • 7th Grade Cultural Extravaganza Support
  • 8th Grade graduation Party and Ceremony
  • Classroom Supplies and Grants
  • Extend Tutorials
  • Band, Orchestra and Choir Program Support
  • Clubs and Activities
  • So Much More!
Our goal this year is to raise $15,000  to continue to fund these activities to benefit a ll grades and programs at
 Odle, and we need your support! We can meet our goal with just an average of $25 per student donation!     DONATE ONLINE , or write a check to the Odle PTSA with "Pass the Hat" in the comment section and drop it off at Odle.

Don't forget, your donation is tax-deductible, also many companies will match cash donations and volunteered time! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

PTSA General Membership Meeting

Welcome Jing Zhou, our new Secretary!

Tutorial, Clubs and Activities 

Odle Math AMC8 registration

On Tuesday, November 15, Odle school will conduct the annual American Mathematics Competitions 8. The AMC8 will be held in Odle school. Please arrive on time for this test.
This test is an open enrollment to all Odle students. All the registered Math club students are taking AMC 8 test by default so Math club students DO NOT need to register for AMC 8 again. Odle PTSA covers the AMC8 registration and test fee so parents don't need to pay any additional fee.

The AMC8 is a global competition, sponsored by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), and held each year on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving Week. The purpose of AMC is to foster mathematical interest and talent in problem-solving in a timed format. The contest is open to kids up to 8th grade, and covers a wide range of problems and difficulties.

We would like to know how many kids OUTSIDE of the math club take the test. All parents are required to take your precious time to fill out the form  http://tinyurl.com/OdleAMC82016  before 10/18 if your kid is not registering in the math club this year but plans to take the AMC 8 test.

If you still want to register your student for math club, please go to http://tinyurl.com/odlemathclub2016 

Full list of clubs and activities are shared at  http://www.bsd405.org/odle/vikings/ 
General questions for Success Opportunities and/or extra-curricular programs, contact  weag@bsd405.org
Lunch with Odle Parents
Do you have an hour during lunch? Do you want to meet other parents from Odle? Stop by Crossroads Mall from 11-noon on the following dates to meet other parents from your child's grade. Bring your lunch, buy your lunch or just come by to visit. I hope this will be the first of many opportunities to meet other parents!   Email outreach@odleptsa.org if you have any questions.

6 th grade: October 18
7 th grade: October 19
8 th grade: October 20

Screen Agers 


7:00 - 8:30 pm, Oct 18th, 2016

In additional to that, Odle PTSA are glad to host FREE documentation screening of "SCREEN AGERS"  on 10/18/2016 7:00pm-8:30pm to all Odle families.   We will also host the movie show after school to students in case some family has evening schedule conflict.  Thanks to your pass the hat donation bucks!
Are you watching kids scroll through life, with their rapid-fire thumbs and a six-second attention span? Physician and filmmaker Delaney Ruston saw that with her own kids and learned that the average kid spends 6.5 hours a day looking at screens. She wondered about the impact of all this time and about the friction occurring in homes and schools around negotiating screen time-friction she knew all too well. 
In SCREEN AGERS, as with her award-winning documentaries on mental health, Delaney takes a deeply personal approach as she probes into the vulnerable corners of family life, including her own, to explore struggles over social media, video games, academics and internet addiction. Through poignant, and unexpectedly funny stories, along with surprising insights from authors, psychologists, and brain scientists, SCREEN AGERS reveals how tech time impacts kids' development and offers solutions on how adults can empower kids to best navigate the digital world and find balance.
More information for the documentation can be found at:  http://www.screenagersmovie.com/ 


Odle I-Connect
Building Connections, Strengthening Community
Thank you to everyone who attended Tuesday's I-Connect meeting.  Once again, we were thrilled with the turnout and your enthusiasm for building community at Odle Middle School.  For those of you who were not able to make it, we missed you and hope that you can attend our next meeting on Tuesday, November 8th, from 8:45-10:45 in the Odle Middle School Library
At Tuesday's meeting, we welcomed Odle Assistant Principal, Genisha Wea, who discussed proposed community-building efforts between I-Connect and Odle Community CafĂ©, including a joint evening event to be held on December 1 st (more details to come).  She then answered some parent questions about technology and curriculum at Odle.  We would like to extend our appreciation to Assistant Principal Wea for sharing her time and experience with us.  We next moved on to a free-flowing question and answer session about Odle Middle School life - academic, social, and extracurricular.  We discussed everything from motivating your student to attend tutorial, keeping on top of last-minute after-school club scheduling changes, helping your student with the challenges of transitioning from elementary to middle school, and lunch room dynamics.  The meeting concluded with announcements about the Reflections program and upcoming informal grade-level lunches to be held from 11:00 - 12:00 at Crossroads Mall on October 18 th (6 th grade), 19 th (7 th grade), and 20 th (8 th grade). 
About Odle I-Connect
Odle I-Connect is comprised of Odle Middle School parents, just like you, who want to connect with others to discuss topics relevant to the middle school years.  During middle school, many parents feel disconnected, getting less and less information from their students, teachers, and school.  I-Connect strives to fill that void through monthly, informal meetings that provide a forum for parents to get advice and to give feedback on what other parents are doing about various concerns/issues.  We hope that, by sharing our experiences and thoughts, we will build relationships, foster participation, and strengthen our Odle Middle School community.
If you have any questions, please email the organizers, Sujin Lee, Wady Milner, and Chloe Park, at i-connect@odleptsa.org.
PTA Reflections is a nationally acclaimed student recognition program to encourage artistic creativity in the classroom and at home. Students of all grades and abilities may participate and explore the arts based on the 2016-2017 theme:

What Is Your Story?

Students are encouraged to submit original works of art in one or more of the following categories:
  • Dance Choreography
  • Film Production
  • Literature
  • Music Composition
  • Photography
  • Visual Arts
The National PTA Reflections program support student success and serve as a valuable tool for building strong partnerships in the school community. Students with disabilities may receive special accommodations by entering the special artist division.
Let's celebrate your artistic creativity in your school community and at home with Reflections.
To Participate, you should (download) the student entry form. Completed Student entry form MUST be submitted along with the entries Entries without the entry form will be disqualified. Submit Student Entry Form & Artwork to: Reflection Box in Admission Office.  The Deadline for entries: November 7th, 2016 (Monday).
Questions? Contact Kristina Tong (704-770-6524) and Abhilasha Patil (425-420-4894) at reflection@odleptsa.org .
Detailed rules are available online:
~ Dance Choreography (Provide 2 separate copies of recorded performance in 2 USBs)
~ Film Production (Provide 2 separate copies of the film, in 2 USBs)
~ Musical Composition (Provide the music sheet and 2 separate copies of the recording in 2 USBs)
~ Literature (Please provide 1 copy)
~ Visual Arts (Artwork must be flat and must not exceed 18x24" no thicker than 3/8")
~ Photography (Please print, max 18x24")


Friends of Odle Music (FOOM) 

If your child is in the music program this school year, we need your help!

Friends of Odle Music FOOM is a parent-run, non-profit 501(c)3 organization established specifically to support our Orchestra, Band, and Choir program. We work closely with the music directors (teachers) in concerts logistics, organizing parent volunteers and chaperones, fund raising for respective program needs, and many more! We want our children to have a great music education and memorable performance experience, so please consider stepping up to help.
For 2016/7 school year, we are still need to fill 2 positions -
VP of Choir
CD/Music Recording Chair
Please contact president@odlemusic.org for more information.
Parental involvements result in higher student achievement. Let's make this year even better for our young musicians!

FOOM is a parent supported, non-profit 501(c)3 charity established to:
  • Support the Odle Middle School Band, Orchestra, and Choir programs                 
  • Enhance music education
  • Communicate with parents
  • Encourage students at all levels of participation
Friends of Odle Music accomplishes this by:
  • Supporting the band, orchestra, choir groups and directors through volunteer participation and fundraisers
  • Enhancing the student performance by providing music coaching, assisting in the organization of concert logistics, invitationals, and supplemental education opportunities and performances.
  • Communicating through the school newsletter and email correspondence.
More details on the webpage: http://www.odlemusic.org/ 

Bellevue School District

There are a variety of tools you can use to stay informed about your student's progress and curriculum in the classroom: 
Grades & Attendance is an application (Aspen) that will allow you to view your student(s) grades, attendance, demographic information, address, and alerts for various areas such as approval for including your student in the yearbook or limiting their internet access. 
Teachers in the district use either OneNote or Brightspace to publish curriculum for students.  This can include discussion forums, course content, quizzes, surveys and more.  Please check with your student's teacher to determine which resource they use. 
District onestop site: http://www.bsd405.org/onestop is a good link to book mark. 
If you are having trouble accessing the tools, please email parenthelp@bsd405.org or call (425) 456-4222.
ICYMI: New Student Information System Announced for Fall 2017
As you may know, we have been in the process of evaluating new student information systems. We are excited to announce that the district has completed an extensive vetting process and selected Edupoint Synergy to be our new student information system and gradebook beginning fall 2017. Synergy will replace Aspen as our central student information application for student data, including contact information, health information, grades, transcripts, course history, test history, and schedules.
In the coming months, we'll be hard at work implementing the new system, developing training materials, and scheduling training sessions for Synergy users.   Sign up to receive periodic updates about the new student information system.


At the August 30, 2016 meeting, the Bellevue School District board adopted Resolution No. 16-08. The resolution establishes the  Elementary 18  attendance area, middle school and high school feeder pattern, as well as the transition plan for students impacted by these changes. More details on the website: http://www.bsd405.org/2016/09/school-board-approves-elementary-18-resolution/ 

All Bellevue School District students and private school students who live within the Bellevue School attendance area in grades 1-11 are able to test for possible inclusion in gifted services. Applications for winter testing are now available. 
The application deadline is Monday, October 31, 2016
More details on the website:

Bellevue School Foundation

Click for Kids today!

Get ready to Click for Kids and Text for Kids in Bellevue Schools Foundation's annual fall fundraising drive. Look for parents, kids, and volunteers outside your school on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 24-25, then go 'All In' by making a donation online at BellevueSchoolsFoundation.org or by texting KIDS to 71760. Whether you can give $5 a month or $1,000 a year-your donation makes the difference between basic education, and the best education. Thank you!

Get Your Tickets for the Festival of Lights!
Join us for the Spark! Annual Benefit on Friday, October 21, 2016 
Come spark a fire for learning! Join us for an intimate festival of lights at Cast Iron Grill with friends who share your passion for education.  
Sip on a signature drink, dine on heavy appetizers and bid at our auction. Your night of fun will support Arts, Enrichment & Innovation Grants for kids at every school in the District.

October 24 - Education Connection Double-Header plus first day of Clickathon!

October 24, Noon - 1 pm
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Forum with Erin Jones  and  Chris Reykdal. 
Rainier Room, WISC Building (address)
Free, Registration Required
Lunch included
Bellevue Schools Foundation and the Bellevue PTSA Council have partnered to bring you this opportunity to learn more about the candidates who are seeking Washington public education's top job. You'll hear their visions for OSPI and get answers to your questions.
October 24, 6:30 - 7:30 pm
An Evening with Houston
Rainier Room, WISC Building, address
Light snacks served
Hear a high-energy presentation on creating lives filled with character, purpose, and compassion by  Houston Kraft , a professional speaker, leadership consultant, and kindness advocate. Kraft, who speaks to middle schools, high schools, colleges, and businesses across the country, will inspire and provide you with hands-on tools that will leave you energized for lasting and sustainable change. His presentations for Bellevue School District are in support of the donor-funded Social Emotional Learning initiative in our schools.
Please contact us at info@bsfdn.org if you have any questions about the events.

We raise funds to improve student learning through district wide academic initiatives, curriculum material, training opportunities for teachers, and an array of programs that meet students' special needs. Our donors help bridge the gap between the basic funding provided by the State of Washington and what Bellevue students need to truly excel. 
Go All in for Kids this fall!  It takes all of us-parents, teachers, the community, and business leaders-to continue providing the best possible education for every student, in every classroom, every day. Learn more about the programs you support when you give to Bellevue Schools Foundation's All in for Kids Fall Campaign.
Give while you shop.  If you shop online, please use the    Bellevue Schools Foundation Link  to shop at Amazon.com and they'll donate up to 8% of your purchase price to the Foundation. Better yet, bookmark it!

More details on the website:  http://www.bellevueschoolsfoundation.org/

Community Corner

TechSmart Kids Computer Sicence Coding Classes in Chinook and Tyee

TechSmartKids, a leading provider of K-12 computer science education, is offering before and after school computer science coding classes at Chinook Middle School this fall. 

Classes begin the week of October 3rd and meet once a week for 1.5 hours at the following times:

CS301- Coding in Python 1 
Wednesdays 2:15-3:45 am
CS304- Coding in Python 4
Thursday 4:45 - 6:15pm
Pre-requisite: Completion of one of the following course CS301 -or-  CS302.

CS214- Front End Web Development 1
Mondays 3:15 - 4:45pm

Enroll online or by calling (425) 786-7824. 

Bellevue Parks Cheerleading Progrm

Come join the fun with the Bellevue Parks Cheerleading Program.  Teams are offered for all experience levels, ages 5-18. Practices are at Highland Community Center (next to the YMCA on Bel-Red Rd). Learn cheers, jumps, beginning tumbling, and dance.  We perform all over the community, including at halftime of a Seattle Storm game!  

Go to www.EastsideDreamElite.com  for more info or call 425-246-9636.  Register online at  http://parksreg.bellevuewa.gov. We also offer classes in Sammamish, Mercer Island, Kirkland, Renton and Seattle.

Join us on Facebook 

Our Facebook group is a place where parents can connect and share, beyond what's in our e-news.   Come and be a part of it!  Join our Facebook Group!   Already part of the group?  Add a friend!  New families are especially welcome!