Communicate with Clarity.
PRowl with Purpose.

PRowl Communicator          January 23, 2024

Good Morning Debi;

Ugh - best laid plans and all of that! Wow last week was just a lost cause... Started the week off gung ho as always, throughout the day last Monday I wasn't feeling myself.. At the end of the day, I drove home, ate dinner and promptly went to bed and slept for a full 24 hours... The rest of the week was - do what I had to, delegate the rest while I tried to hide away from people and the wonderful cold/RSV I somehow inherited for the week...

All I can say is THANK YOU to Mackenzie, Steve, Aaron, Leah & Gwen for picking up the slack! And THANK YOU to all those who called and emailed for your patience... What a week!

Thus, this week's newsletter is short & sweet!


Just a reminder - it is the last week for our New Year, New You headshot offer - it continues all month long. Read why you need one... Special pricing to kick off the year - just $30/photo when having your team's portraits done, or $50 for an individual... Contact Mackenzie to book your session.

Connectfest Niagara is returning! Mark April 11th on your calendar, you won't want to miss this one day marketing & networking conference. We're busy chosing the speakers this week! How fun is that!

Oh, and one more thing - PRowl Communications, Telltale Studios, Connecting Niagara and Niagara Business Directory have been nominated for the Niagara Community Awards, I would love it if you would take the time to also nominate us - this is how we move to the next round.. We're under services in a variety of categories! Thank you in advance.

Networking: (Local Niagara)

Clients & Cocktails Networking - this week we will be in Port Colborne - if you would like an invite, message me for the details! Friday, 3:30 - 6:00 pm.

Don't forget if you're local, add your business to the NIAGARA BUSINESS DIRECTORY.

Gotta Love Tech That Works

SalesIQ | Marketing Tools | Website

What if you could initiate a conversation with every visitor to your website? Interested? Learn more about Zoho SalesIQ, it is one of our favourite marketing tools.

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Just over a week ago, I met with a friend and colleague to assist with some tech stuff for Zoho. In the process, I was showing him the benefits of Zoho's SalesIQ and all it had to offer. He decided to try it again, adding it to his website that evening. He received a sale after a conversation using SalesIQ just 5 minutes after installing it in his website.. WOW!

It is an amazing tool you will love! You might even become addicted to chatting with your potential customers!

See it in action on the Kaatsu Canada website - because we know you'll love Mark's products as well!

Want to know more -- book a demo or call for details!

Book A Call Today for a Complimentary Strategy Session!


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How to Gain Your First (or Next) 1,000 Instagram Followers - 26 Tips

Whether you're starting from zero or a thousand, discover effective steps you can take to build a strong community and get more followers on Instagram.

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Need help -- ask about our Instagram marketing program..

Book A Consultation

You can only control 2 things in life: Your ATTITUDE and Your ACTIONS.

Connect With Us


Check out our marketing resources , and some of the websites we've built for our clients. Call us any time - we're always happy to help.

Don't forget - if you haven't completed our annual update and very mini-survey, please do so (it will take you less than 3 minutes to complete - probably less than 2). You can access it here -- it is just my way of making sure your contact details are correct - and I ask a few easy questions about your goals and marketing plans for 2024. We use this to see what is trending each year - I'll fill you in on the results in a few weeks.

Debi Katsmar

Marketing Strategist

Certified Zoho CRM Administrator

Email Marketing Specialist

PRowl Communications

O:905-734-8273 or


Our Website

Mackenzie Katsmar

VP & Multi-Media

Marketing Strategist


Book A Consultation with Mac

Steve Simkus

Business Development &

Marketing Strategist


Book A Consultation with Steve

The Business Block, 243 Church St., Unit 208 & 205, St. Catharines, ON L2R 3E8

Entrance & Free Parking from Page Street.

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Digital Dinosaur or Digital Pro QUIZ

Take the Digital Dinosaur Quiz and discover where you stand in today's digital landscape. Get personalized insights to drive your business forward.

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Book A Call Today for a Complimentary Marketing Consultation!
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