Morgan “Caitlin” McKenna
Director, Office of Grant Support (OGS)
Phone: 718-430-3642
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Message from the Director
Hello all,
April has had a unique start this year. First with an earthquake and then an eclipse. I hope you all stayed safe and caught the celestial event!
In this edition of the newsletter, I will provide details on our institutional submissions, office updates, sponsor updates, internal forms changes, system updates and proposal reminders.
Application Breakdown
Application numbers have been analyzed and from January - March 31, 2024, Einstein has submitted 260 applications for a total cost request to all sponsors of $351,699,721. These applications were submitted by 45 Departments/Divisions across the institution. The funding breakdown: 50% Federal prime, 23% Federal and Non-Federal subcontracts, 22% Non-Federal prime, and 5% Industry. We will provide more information on funding success in the coming months.
Office Updates
OGS has launched our office hours. Please drop by Tuesday and Thursday from 12-1PM and 3-4PM.
The Office of Grant Support is recruiting for the role of Senior Grants Specialist. Please apply here. We will start recruitment for an additional grant support role this month.
Please ensure that your communication and especially any required clarifications from sponsor contacts routes through OGS. As the Authorized Organization Representatives (AOR), we will review, provide feedback and offer our countersignature and/or concurrence for all direct sponsor communications.
NIH Updates
There are many changes coming from Federal Agencies and especially the NIH in 2025. These will include changes to the review framework, the implementation of commons forms (Biosketch, Other Support), and a new forms package (FORMS-I).
Agencies of the NIH are also preparing to implement changes related to the National Security Presidential Memorandum 33 (NSPM-33). This memorandum is a directive from the executive branch of the government that is intended to safeguard the security and integrity of federally funded research. There will be more stringent review and requirements for disclosures related to this implementation.
NIH Peer Review – Simplified Review Framework for NIH Research Project Grant Applications (NOT-OD-24-010). This new framework and structure will begin with submission or due dates on or after January 25th, 2025. The simplified review framework is expected to better focus peer reviewers on the key questions needed to assess the scientific and technical merit of proposed research projects: “Should the proposed research project be conducted?” “Can the proposed research project be conducted?” Information concerning the framework will be included in updated NOFOs.
Parent Announcements have been extended (NOT-OD-24- 099). This impacts Parent R01/R03/R21 mechanisms. These announcements will be updated again in fall 2024 in preparation for the implementation of the simplified peer review framework.
*Pay very close attention to the FORMS package and the expiration date of the NOFO/funding opportunity you intend to use.
More to come on these changes including training, resources and further updates.
Upcoming Form and System updates:
The required Cayuse Supplemental form is undergoing final edits. This will be circulated for use prior to April 30th. This form will be implemented for use for deadlines starting May 15th.
As mentioned in the March Newsletter, OGS had requested Cayuse add a new field to capture Early Approval/Submission Requests for applications. This field is now live and is designed to alert OGS of plans for early submission of applications to assist with our review prioritization and workflow. Not all proposals will be impacted. If you have any proposals in Unsubmitted status you will be prompted to answer this question to enable the Submit for Routing button. Please continue to use the short title in Cayuse424 to identify the actual deadline of the application.
OGS will circulate a Qualtrics survey in advance of the May/June/July Deadline to identify and plan for review volume. This will be circulated next week.
Cayuse training will continue to be available monthly by invitation. Please contact OGS to request inclusion (
OGS will communicate planned training schedule soon.
Please continue to reach out to OGS for all your research administrative related inquiries. We look forward to continuing to provide a high level of support for your applications as well as clear updates on sponsor requirements and guidance to maximize funding success!
M. Caitlin McKenna
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Post-submission material is only acceptable to the SRO if it contains the following:
Per NIH policy NOT-OD-19-083,
a) letters of support and/or biographical sketches are allowable documents in case of personnel changes
b) a list of accepted publications should include (i) authors, (ii) authors' institutional affiliations, (iii) title of the article, and (iv) journal or citation (if available).
The guidance and the institutional certification form for genomic data sharing policy can be found here.
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For NIH RPPRs, the Administrative Official is Suzanne Locke and the Signing Official is Rose Ramunno.
It is highly recommended to submit proposals to funding agencies one to two days before the sponsor deadline.
Routing is not required for JIT, NCE, and Carryover requests in Cayuse. Please upload the documents to the prior SP# and notify OGS. For NCE and carryover requests, please confirm the amount of unobligated balance with Denise Giocondo.
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Important links, forms and documents | |
ii) To establish a new user account in Cayuse, fill out this form and email it to Rayard Hosein at
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iii) Create a new sponsor or institution in Cayuse by filling out this form and sending the request to Rayard Hosein at | |
iv) Please use the PI Certification form if the PIs choose not to certify the proposal directly in Cayuse SP.
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June 2024 (by invitation only)
In-person Cayuse training session
OGS organizes in-person Cayuse training sessions on a monthly basis in the library training room. This hands-on training session is open to invitation only. Our Cayuse Training has been revamped. It involves switching between the new OGS website and the Cayuse Test environment. Access to the Cayuse Test environment will be granted to the participants. The OGS team will be present to answer any questions that may arise during the training session. Our goal with these small training sessions is to increase dialogue and situational questions. To attend the in-person training in June, please send your email request to
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grantsgovguide0524| NSF - National Science Foundation NSF Application Guide - May 2024 |
NSF has released an updated version of the NSF Application Guide (NSF 24-006). In general, the Guide has been revised to match the changes in NSF's Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 24-1). A summary of changes by chapter is provided at the beginning of the document.
The guide will be effective for applications submitted (via or due on or after May 20, 2024. The guidelines in grantsgovguide0123 are applicable to proposals submitted before May 20, 2024.
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Weekly NIH Funding Opportunities and Notices
Please click the dates below to find out the NIH funding opportunities –
March 29, April 05, April 12, and April 19.
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NOT-OD-24-084: Overview of Grant Application and Review Changes for Due Dates on or after January 25, 2025 |
This notice provides the research and research training community with an overview of application and peer review changes impacting grant applications submitted for due dates on or after January 25, 2025, including:
Simplified Review Framework for Most Research Project Grant Applications
Revisions to the NIH Fellowship Application and Review Process
Updates to Reference Letter Guidance
Updates to NRSA Training Grant Applications
Updated Application Forms (FORMS-I)
Common Forms for Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support
NIH will provide more information and guidance on these initiatives throughout 2024, which will be referred to in this notice as well.
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NOT-OD-24-085: Simplified Review Framework for NIH Research Project Grant Applications - Update and Implementation Plans |
The purpose of this notice is to provide updates and plans for implementing the simplified peer review framework for most research project grant applications announced in October (NOT-OD-24-010). It updates and clarifies the activity codes impacted, the plans to update funding opportunities, and the timing of when application forms will be available.
NIH is on schedule to implement the simplified review framework for applications that have due dates on or after January 25, 2025.
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NOT-OD-24-086: New NIH "FORMS-I" Grant Application Forms and Instructions Coming for Due Dates on or after January 25, 2025 |
The applicant and recipient communities are notified of changes to grant application forms and application guide instructions for due dates on or after January 25, 2025 through this notice.
The application forms below have substantial modifications (i.e., new/deleted/modified fields). All other forms are limited to an OMB expiration date change.
- PHS 398 Research Training Program Plan
- PHS Fellowship Supplemental Form
- PHS Assignment Request Form
- PHS 398 Cover Page Supplement Form
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NOT-OD-24-107: Implementation of Revisions to the NIH and AHRQ Fellowship Application and Review Process | This notice informs about the modifications made to the application and peer review process for NIH and AHRQ fellowship applications beginning with submissions that are due after January 25, 2025. The overall goal of the changes is to facilitate the mission of fellowship peer review - to identify the most promising candidates and provide individualized training opportunities that will assist them along their path to support the advancement of the biomedical research enterprise. | | |
Checking your Publications Compliance Status | My bibliography contains information on eRA Commons users who have received grants in their portfolio. They are able to determine whether their publications comply with the NIH Public Access Policy, initiate the compliance process and link their publications to NIH extramural awards. The steps to manage compliance with the NIH public access policy can be found here. | | | |
Fiscal Year 2024 pre-announcements and funding announcements for Department of Defense (DOD) |
Pre-announcements released:
The Neurofibromatosis Research Program (NFRP) released a pre-announcement for the following funding opportunities:
· Neurofibromatosis Research Academy – Leadership Award
· Clinical Trial Award
· Exploration – Hypothesis Development Award
· Early Investigator Research Award
· Investigator-Initiated Research Award
· New Investigator Award
· Synergistic Idea Award
To view the pre-announcement, click here.
Funding announcements released:
The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Research Program (ALSRP) released program announcements for the following funding opportunities:
· Clinical Outcomes and Biomarkers Award
· Pilot Clinical Trial Award
· Therapeutic Development Award
· Therapeutic Idea Award
To view the program announcements and submit a pre-application, click here.
The Autism Research Program (ARP) released program announcements for the following funding opportunities:
· Career Development Award
· Clinical Trial Award
· Idea Development Award
To view the program announcements and submit a pre-application, click here.
The Epilepsy Research Program (ERP) released program announcements for the following funding opportunities:
· Leveraging Research Award
· Virtual Post-Traumatic Epilepsy Research Center (P-TERC) – Faulty Award
· Idea Development Award
· Research Partnership Award
To view the program announcements and submit a pre-application, click here.
The Hearing Restoration Research Program (HRRP) released program announcements for the following funding opportunity:
· Focused Research Award
To view the program announcement and submit a pre-application, click here.
The Peer Reviewed Alzheimer's Research Program (PRARP) released program announcements for the following funding opportunities:
· Transforming Care Award
· Transforming Diagnosis Award
· Transforming Research Award
To view the program announcements and submit a pre-application, click here.
The Spinal Cord Injury Research Program (SCIRP) released program announcements for the following funding opportunities:
· Clinical Trial Award
· Clinical Translation Research Award
· Translational Research Award
· Investigator-Initiated Research Award
To view the program announcements and submit a pre-application, click here.
The Vision Research Program (VRP) released program announcements for the following funding opportunity:
· Mentored Clinical Research Award
To view the program announcements and submit a pre-application, click here.
The Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) released program announcements for the following funding opportunities:
· Breakthrough Award Levels 1 and 2
· Breakthrough Award Level 3
· Breakthrough Award Level 4
· Clinical Research Extension Award
· Era of Hope Scholar Award
· Transformative Breast Cancer Consortium Award
· Transformative Breast Cancer Consortium Development Award
While the Breakthrough Award Level 3, Breakthrough Award Level 4, and Transformative Breast Cancer Consortium Award mechanisms were released twice per fiscal year during recent years, it is anticipated that these three mechanisms will be released once for FY24. If interested in applying to these three FY24 mechanisms, investigators are strongly encouraged to apply to the current funding opportunities for which pre-applications are due 14 May 2024.
To view the program announcements and submit a pre-application, click here.
The Lung Cancer Research Program (LCRP) released program announcements for the following funding opportunities:
· Concept Award
· Career Development Award
· Idea Development Award
· Translational Research Award
· Patient-Centered Outcomes and Survivorship Award
To view the program announcements and submit a pre-application, click here.
The Ovarian Cancer Research Program (OCRP) released program announcements for the following funding opportunities:
· Pilot Award
· Investigator- Initiated Research Award
· Clinical Trial Award
· Clinical Trial Translational Endpoints Research Award ** (NEW)
· Ovarian Cancer Academy – Leadership Award
· Ovarian Cancer Academy – Early-Career Investigator Award
To view the program announcements and submit a pre-application, click here.
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Non-Federal Funding Opportunities | |
Emerging Leader Award | The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research |
Due April 29, 2024
Amount: $750,000 over three years
These grants are awarded to outstanding early career investigators to support high-impact, high-risk projects that are distinct from their current research portfolio. This award is not intended to be the main source of funding for the applicant’s lab. Applicants must demonstrate multi-year independent funding that sustains the central activities of the lab.
Projects must be centered on evidence-based laboratory, data, and/or medical science.
Eligibility: MD, PhD or equivalent is required; Must be 3 to 8 years from the start of an independent faculty research appointment as of 12/31/2024.
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The Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences provides funding to support assistant professors who, based on their performance during their education and training, demonstrate outstanding promise as contributors in science relevant to the advancement of human health. Awards are $75,000 per year for 4 years. Einstein may nominate ONE candidate for the 2025 Pew Scholars Program.
Eligibility criteria:
- Candidates must have been awarded a doctorate in biomedical sciences, medicine, or a related field.
As of Sept. 5, 2024, nominees must be running an independent lab and hold full-time appointments at the rank of assistant professor or equivalent. Appointments such as research assistant professor, adjunct assistant professor, assistant professor research track, visiting professor, or instructor are NOT eligible.
Candidates must NOT have been appointed as an assistant professor at any institution prior to June 10, 2020, whether or not such appointment was on a tenure track. Time spent on clinical internships, residencies, on work towards board certification, or on parental leave does not count as part of this four-year limit.
The deadline for submission of preliminary applications for internal review by Einstein’s Awards Committee is 5 PM, Wednesday, May 1st, 2024. Please send ONE PDF file containing the following as an email attachment to
Candidate Profile Form (click here).
- A statement outlining the applicant’s career potential and the Department’s plans for his/her future to be obtained from the Department Chairperson, limited to no more than TWO single-spaced pages.
- A written proposal containing a title and a description of the proposed research project to be carried out during the grant period, limited to no more than THREE single-spaced pages, plus one additional page (single-spaced) for references with titles included. The font should be 11-point or larger, and the margins should be at least 0.5 inches. Figure legends can use smaller fonts.
A complete curriculum vitae and bibliography. Do NOT submit an NIH biosketch.
- Information about present and pending grant support with amounts requested or approved, annual amounts, and duration of award.
Complete guidelines for this program can be found by clicking here.
If you have any questions concerning this award or the application procedure, please contact
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The Pew-Stewart Scholars for Cancer Research aids assistant professors with exceptional promise in science that is crucial for the advancement of a cure for cancer. Awards are $75,000 per year for 4 years. Einstein may nominate ONE candidate for the 2025 Pew-Stewart Scholars Program for Cancer Research. Applications are invited from candidates conducting cancer research. This program is not the same as the Pew Scholars Program, and it follows a different but parallel set of guidelines and procedures for nominating an applicant whose research is related to cancer. The same applicant cannot apply for both programs at the same time. Please indicate in your application which program you are applying for: Biomedical Sciences (Pew Scholars) or Cancer Research (Pew-Stewart Scholars).
Eligibility criteria:
Candidates must have been awarded a doctorate in biomedical sciences, medicine, or a related field, including engineering or the physical sciences.
As of Aug. 28, 2024, nominees must be running an independent lab and hold full-time appointments at the rank of assistant professor or equivalent. Appointments such as research assistant professor, adjunct assistant professor, assistant professor research track, visiting professor, or instructor are NOT eligible.
Candidates must NOT have been appointed as an assistant professor at any institution prior to June 10, 2020, whether or not such appointment was on a tenure track. Time spent on clinical internships, residencies, on work towards board certification, or on parental leave does not count as part of this four-year limit.
The deadline for submission of preliminary applications for internal review by Einstein’s Awards Committee is 5 PM, Wednesday, May 1st, 2024. Please send ONE PDF file containing the following as an email attachment to
Candidate Profile Form (click here).
- A statement outlining the applicant’s career potential and the Department’s plans for his/her future to be obtained from the Department Chairperson, limited to no more than TWO single-spaced pages.
- A written proposal containing a title and a description of the proposed research project to be carried out during the grant period, limited to no more than THREE single-spaced pages, plus one additional page (single-spaced) for references with titles included. The font should be 11-point or larger, and the margins should be at least 0.5 inches. Figure legends can use smaller fonts.
A complete curriculum vitae and bibliography. Do NOT submit an NIH biosketch.
- Information about present and pending grant support with amounts requested or approved, annual amounts, and duration of award.
Complete guidelines for this program can be found by clicking here.
If you have any questions concerning this award or the application procedure, please contact
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Crohn’s and Colitis Research Foundation: Senior Research Awards |
Due: May 6, 2024 (LOI)
• Amount: $390,000 over 3 years
• Notes: To support established researchers for research relevant to Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) or Crohn’s disease and/or ulcerative colitis. Funding should be used to generate sufficient preliminary data to become competitive for funds from other sources, such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Applicants must hold an MD and/or PhD (or equivalent). Eligibility is not restricted by citizenship.
• Link: Senior Research Awards | Crohn's & Colitis Foundation (
For further details, please contact Audrey Mcinerney (
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National Multiple Sclerosis Society: Career Transition Fellowships |
Due: May 10, 2024 (pre-application)
• Amount: $600,000 over 5 years
• Notes: To foster the development and productivity of young scientists who have potential to make significant contributions to MS research and help ensure the future and stability of MS research. The award provides approximately $600,000 over five years to support a two-year period of advanced postdoctoral training in MS research and the first three years of research support in a new faculty appointment. Applicants must have more than two years of postdoctoral research experience and no more than five years of postdoctoral research experience at the time of application.
• Link: Career Transition Fellowships | National MS Society
For further details, please contact Audrey Mcinerney (
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Robert A. Winn Diversity in Clinical Trials Career Development Award |
Due: May 14, 2024
- Amount: $240,000/2 years
Clinical research areas include cancer (hematology and oncology), cardiovascular disease and immunologic disorders. The award is designed to support the career development of early-stage investigator physicians from diverse backgrounds, and physicians with a demonstrated commitment to increasing diversity in clinical research, to become independent clinical trial investigators engaged in advancing health equity. Grantees are required to receive mentorship from a seasoned clinical investigator at a clinical trial site or institution and are expected to actively participate in their mentor’s clinical trial, which must meet the FDA Clinical Trial Definition. Scholars aren’t expected to run their own trials.
Eligibility: Candidates must hold the degree of either MD, MD/PhD, DO or DO/PhD. Must be US citizen, permanent resident, or hold an H-1B or O-1 visa, which must be valid during the full award period. Must have completed terminal research degree or medical residency (whichever later) within the past 10 years. You don’t have to fall under URM population to participate; you may apply with a demonstrated commitment to increasing diverse patient populations in clinical trials. A mentor who will provide guidance on career development focusing on challenges, opportunities, and strategies for researchers from underserved backgrounds is required.
For further details, please contact Audrey Mcinerney (
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Freeman Hrabowski Scholars Program | Howard Hughes Medical Institute |
Due: May 15, 2024
• Amount: Up to $8.6M over 10 years
• Notes: to support outstanding basic researchers, including physician-scientists, who have strong potential to become leaders in their fields and to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion through their mentoring efforts and understanding of systemic exclusion and marginalization in science of trainees from different backgrounds. Scholars prioritize scientific excellence in their own research while creating an inclusive lab climate that serves as a model within their own institutions and beyond. Freeman Hrabowski Scholars are employed by HHMI and maintain an academic appointment and lab at their research institutions. Scholars are required to spend at least 80 percent of their time on their research.
• Eligibility: PI must hold MD or PhD or equivalent; began their first post-training position and a tenure-track (or equivalent) faculty position on or after March 1, 2020, or have accepted an offer for a tenure-track (or equivalent) position that begins no later than March 1, 2025; have a research focus in the biological and biomedical sciences.
• Link: Freeman Hrabowski Scholars Program | HHMI
For further details, please contact Audrey Mcinerney (
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March of Dimes: Reproductive Scientist Development Program |
Due: May 15, 2024 (LOI)
• Amount: $250,000 over 2 years
• Notes: Proposed research “must be translational in nature and relate to the field of maternal fetal health – with a focus on prematurity, maternal and infant morbidity and mortality and health equity.” PI Must be seeking a career in academic obstetrics and gynecology research. Applicants must be near completion of their residency in obstetrics and gynecology or in their subspecialty fellowship. Any individual with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to carry out the proposed research is invited to work with their institution to develop an application for support. Prior laboratory experience is not required.
• Link: Reproductive Scientist Development Program | March of Dimes
For further details, please contact Audrey Mcinerney (
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Victoria's Secret Global Fund for Women's Cancers Career Development Award, in partnership with Pelotonia & AACR |
Grant Amount: $206,000 USD
Grant Term: 2 Years
Start of Grant Term: September 1, 2024
Application Deadline: May 15, 2024 1:00 PM
Decision Date: August 2024
Additional information about this grant can be obtained from the Program Guidelines and Applications Instructions. Final eligibility determinations will not be completed until the AACR receives the submitted application.
Applicants must be female investigators with a doctoral degree (PhD, MD, MD/PhD, or equivalent) in a related field and not currently be a candidate for a further doctoral degree. Applicants belonging to racial or ethnic groups shown to be underrepresented in the cancer-related sciences workforce are especially encouraged to apply.
At the start of the grant term on September 1, 2024, applicants must:
· Hold a faculty position with the title of assistant professor. Appointments such as research assistant professor, adjunct assistant professor, and assistant professor research track are eligible. Applicants that have progressed to associate professor or equivalent appointments are not eligible.
o If eligibility is based on a future position, the position must be confirmed at the time of application and CANNOT be contingent upon receiving this grant.
· Have started their first independent faculty position within the past 6 years from the grant start date (i.e. cannot have held an independent faculty position before September 1, 2018).
· Must devote at least 75% of their total effort to research in breast or a gynecologic cancer.
· Have independent laboratory space as confirmed by their institution.
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ASPIRE | The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research |
Due: May 27, 2024
• Amount: $250,000/1 year
• Notes: The foundation is seeking projects focused on tumors of the upper GI tract. Proposals should aim to drive disruptive research, with the goal of advancing the field of gastric and esophageal cancer research and ultimately improving patient outcomes. Proposals should cover topics such as understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying tumor initiation and progression, resistance, and metastasis; identifying novel biomarkers for early detection; and developing innovative treatment strategies including identifying and characterizing novel targets. PIs must be independent researchers at their respective institutions. Proposals from investigators at all career stages, especially those new to the field of upper GI cancers, are welcome. To facilitate this, preclinical resources (cell lines, organoids, and mouse models) will be made available to researchers who request them. Interdisciplinary collaborations are encouraged. Researchers are limited to one application as PI but may be co-investigators on other proposals without limitations.
• Link: ASPIRE Award
• Webinar on May 1 at 12 pm, describing application process and award.
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Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation: ADDF-Harrington Scholar Program |
Due: June 3, 2024 (LOI)
Amount: $600,000 over 2 years
• Notes: Program is dedicated to advancing academic discoveries into medicines for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. This unique award provides funding and project support by a team of pharmaceutical industry experts through a collaboration with the Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) and the Brain Health Medicines Centers of the Harrington Discovery Institute.
Lead investigator must have an MD, a PhD, or equivalent. Proposals should show potential to advance discovery into meaningful therapeutics to treat, prevent, slow, or reverse Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias (vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia, Lewy Body dementia, LATE etc).
Team should possess intellectual property (IP) or have potential for novel IP that has not yet been licensed to a for-profit entity. Researchers working on drug development programs that are relevant to but not presently focused on the Alzheimer’s field are strongly encouraged to apply. Therapeutic targets with a clear marker of target engagement, either established or in development will be considered of high priority.
The ADDF-Harrington Scholar Program does not support target discovery, assay development, or high throughput screening campaigns.
• Link: ADDF-Harrington Scholar Program | Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation
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2025 Macy Faculty Scholars Program |
Sponsored by the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, the Macy Faculty Scholars Program, a prestigious national award, is designed to develop and advance the careers of junior faculty medical educators. The Scholars Program annually competitively selects and funds FIVE scholars from across the nation. Albert Einstein College of Medicine may nominate ONE faculty member for consideration for the 2025 Program. Awards are intended to cover 50% protected time up to a cap of $100,000 per year for 2 years.
Eligibility criteria:
· Candidates must have been awarded a doctorate in medicine, biomedical sciences, or a related field.
· Nominees must be hold full-time appointments at the rank of assistant or associate professor or equivalent. Appointments such as research assistant professor, adjunct assistant professor, assistant professor research track, visiting professor, or instructor are NOT eligible.
· Candidates must NOT have been appointed as faculty at any institution prior to July 1, 2015, whether or not such appointment was on a tenure track. Time spent on clinical internships, residencies, on work towards board certification, or on parental leave does not count as part of this eight-year limit.
SAVE THE DATE: An informational webinar for applicants will be held by the Josiah Macy Jr Foundation on Wednesday, May 29 at 1:00 pm ET. RSVP Today
Application Materials
Note: The deadline for submission of preliminary applications for internal review by Einstein’s Education Awards Committee is 5 PM, June 26, 2023.
Please send ONE PDF file containing the following as an email attachment to
· Candidate Profile Form (click here).
· A statement by the applicant on career objectives and personal goals for this program, limited to no more than TWO single-spaced pages.
· A mentor’s statement outlining the applicant’s career potential, limited to no more than ONE single-spaced page.
· A Departmental letter of support limited to no more than TWO single-spaced pages.
· A written proposal containing a title and a description of the proposed educational scholarship project to be carried out during the grant period, limited to no more than THREE single-spaced pages, plus one additional page (single-spaced) for references with titles included. The font should be 11-point or larger, and the margins should be at least 0.5 inches. Figure legends can use smaller fonts.
· A complete curriculum vitae and bibliography. Do NOT submit an NIH biosketch.
· Information about present and pending grant support with amounts requested or approved, annual amounts, and duration of award.
Complete guidelines for this program can be accessed by clicking here.
If you have any questions concerning this award or the application procedure, please contact
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