• The new and improved OGS website has been launched by the webrunners team. Direct all your inquiries to the Einstein-OGS team at OGS@einsteinmed.edu.

  • Yom Kippur is Monday, September 25, 2023. While the college central offices will observe the holiday, the OGS staff will be available. Reach out to the Einstein-OGS team at OGS@einsteinmed.edu for assistance.

  • All proposals (both federal and non-federal, including limited sub-missions and private foundations) must get approved by OGS first in Cayuse before it goes for final submission to the funding agencies.

  • Select Dr. Indranil Basu as SO, BO or AOR as you find on the drop-down menu of the grant application portals. For DOD proposals, select Dr. Basu's name on both #5 and #19 in Cayuse 424.

  • We strongly recommend submitting the applications to funding agencies at least 24 - 48 hours before the deadline date and time.
  • Einstein policy# GRT-POL-2018-001 Section III.B.3 outlines that the Cayuse administrative forms and budget are due to the OGS 8 business day routing before the deadline of the sponsor due date. 

  • Please note that Latesha Paisley and Linda Lally from the RF Award set-up have begun reviewing proposal budgets. They will review all proposals and non-NIH RPPRs budget details. Gerard McMorrow will resume responsibility for all the clinical departments. Latesha and Linda will keep the basic science departments. This structure will remain through the October 5th deadline.

  • For eRA Commons user ID setup and verification, contact Cynthia Cardillo.
  • For JIT, FIS, NCE, Carryover and any help with ASSIST, contact Bethany Oates.
  • Melanie Bourghol manages the application review in Cayuse SP and 424.

  • DMS Plan review requests may be made to Dr. Indranil Basu at least 3 days before the grant deadline. Make sure to address all 6 elements without any URLs or hyperlinks. The NIH and DOD DMS plan templates are available on request.

Important links, forms and documents

NIH Fundamentals Workshop Handout by NCURA

Please click here for the slides of NIH Fundamentals Live Virtual Workshop hosted by NCURA on August 9th, 2023.

Please click here for the OGS DA roundtable meeting slides from 09/05/23.

Please click here to find out how to submit a Reference Letter for an applicant.

Please find here the Einstein Policy on Salary Cap on Grants and Contracts.

Please find here the RPPR routing process in eRA Commons.

Institutional Giving - Montefiore Einstein

Institutional Giving is part of the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs. The team members are - Pamela Heller, Assistant Vice President, Audrey McInerney, Senior Director, Caitlin Young, Associate Director, and Karen Awunyo, Senior Development Associate. They are involved in the following activities -

1) Raising funds from private foundations, public charities, and corporations to support research, medical education, and patient care programs at Montefiore Einstein. 

2) Fostering strong, long-term relationships with institutional donors with the goal of increasing giving, and identifying new donors with missions that align with Montefiore Einstein's priorities. 

3) Pre-proposal, they research potential funders, track proposal deadlines, communicate with foundation staff, publicize RFPs, and identify applicants. 

4) Assisting PIs with proposal preparation and submission by providing institutional information, reviewing and editing narrative text, inputting information into application portals, and fielding questions for the funders. 

5) Managing site visits and events, tracking stewardship report deadlines, and helping coordinate the submission of financial and narrative reports.

They can be reached at institutionalgiving@montefiore.org.

The list of Non-Governmental Funding Opportunities from the Office of Development’s Institutional Giving Team can be found here.

The link to the document in shared Box folder is here.

NIH Updates

Weekly NIH Funding Opportunities and Notices - 2023

Please click the dates below to find out the NIH funding opportunities August 11, August 18, August 25, September 01 and September 08.

NOT-OD-23-161: NIH Application Instruction Updates Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Costs

Effective for applications submitted for due dates on or after October 5, 2023, NIH will require applicants to specify estimated "DMS cost" details within the “Budget Justification” attachment of the R&R Budget Form or “Additional Narrative Justification” attachment of the PHS398 Modular Budget Form, pursuant to the instructions.

While the single cost line item is no longer required, "DMS costs" must be requested in the appropriate cost category, e.g. personnel, equipment, supplies, and other expenses, following the instructions for the R&R Budget Form or PHS 398 Modular Budget Form, as applicable. The link to the NIH announcement dated July 31, 2023 can be found here.

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NOT-OD-23-133: NIH Updated Policy Guidance for Subaward/ Consortium Written Agreements

This notice updates Section 15.2 of the NIH Grants Policy Statement (NIHGPS), which describes the specifications for consortium/subaward agreements on NIH-funded grants. This updated guidance will be effective from October 1, 2023. These updates will be incorporated into the GPS in the FY24 publication. A Federal Register Notice announcing the updates will be posted in the upcoming weeks.

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National Institutes of Health | Division of Loan Repayment

The NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program (LRP) application cycle is open from September 1 to November 16 this year. Participants in the NIH LRPs can receive up to $100,000 of qualified educational debt repayment with a two-year award. Please contact lrp@nih.gov for further details

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Funding Opportunities - Department of Defense, Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs: Transforming Health Care through Innovative and Impactful Research

Please click read more to find the open funding opportunities.

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NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)

The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who are pursuing full-time research-based master's and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) or in STEM education. The GRFP provides three years of support over a five-year fellowship period for the graduate education of individuals who have demonstrated their potential for significant research achievements in STEM or STEM education.

Application Deadline(s) (received by 5 p.m. local time of applicant’s mailing address): October 16, 2023 (Life Sciences), October 17, 2023 (Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Materials Research, Psychology, Social Sciences, STEM Education and Learning). Please carefully review eligibility requirements and relevant scientific areas.

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Non-Federal Funding Opportunities

Open Call | 2024 Allen Discovery Center for Neurobiology in Changing Environments

Deepening our understanding of nervous systems in rapidly changing environments 

ADC is excited to announce a 2024 Allen Discovery Center (ADC) initiative to support research that will elucidate the molecular, cellular and/or circuitry-level neurobiology governing fundamental biological processes (development, reproduction, etc.) in response to anthropogenic-driven environmental perturbation. Up to one award will be made for up to $10 million in total funding support provided over four years.  

Letter of Intent (LOI) is due by noon Pacific Time September 20, 2023. Please contact Audrey McInerney (amcinerney@montefiore.org) for further details.

Open Call | 2024 ADC - Allen Institute

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Apply to the LLS Discovery Grant Program (DGP)

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is pleased to announce the opening of the Discovery Grant Program (DGP) for 2023-2024. DGP is a research award program designed to encourage basic research, technological innovation, and informatics pipeline development. The LOI is due on September 29, 2023, 3 PM (EST). The guidelines and instructions can be found here.

The Discovery Grant Program (DGP) is aimed at supporting cutting edge, innovative research that is discovery oriented, concerned with understanding blood cancer properties and vulnerabilities and aimed toward advancing treatments for blood cancers.

Examples of projects of potential interest include:

· cellular activities that underlie the behavior and vulnerabilities of blood cancer cells including phenomena or processes such as clonal evolution, autophagy, unique metabolic vulnerabilities, inflammation/inflammasomes, DNA damage responses, organellar changes, and poorly understood cellular regulatory mechanisms

· resistance mechanisms including immune evasion, resistant clone evolution and cellular changes underlying development of resistance to chemotherapies

· novel biomarkers or techniques to detect and monitor blood cancer development and progression

· blood cancer cell interactions with the microenvironment and with the immune system, including exploration of novel immune synapses

A detailed description of the LLS Discovery Grant Program and application instructions are available on the LLS Research Portal. All applications are to be submitted online through the LLS Research Portal. Applicants with research proposals that are responsive to the RFP should indicate this on the title page of their Full Proposal. LLS seeks proposals responsive to the above requests for proposals but will also consider other exceptional proposals with the near-term potential of clinical translation.

For additional questions regarding LLS research grant programs, eligibility, and application processes, please contact researchprograms@lls.org.

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Grant Opportunities - Alpha-1 Foundation

LOI Deadline: September 29

Amount: Up to $100,000 per year for up to two years

About: The Alpha-1 Foundation Grant Awards Program funds a wide range of meritorious research efforts designed to improve the health of individuals with AAT Deficiency with the goal of finding a cure.

  • Bridge $25k/1 year Support excellent AAT-related research projects submitted to and approved the NIH unsupported by available NIH funds. 
  • Career Development $100k/3 years Facilitate the establishment of a career in biomedical research for junior physician-scientists working in AATD.
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship $75k/2 years Support postdocs in labs of established researchers or those conducting research under AATD senior researchers. 
  • Pilot & Feasibility $75k/1 year Encourage the development/testing of new hypotheses/new methods in AATD relevant research.
  • Research up to $100k/2 years Encourage the development of novel concepts to better understand the basic biology of alpha-1 antitrypsin expression and the pathogenesis/management of AAT Deficiency.

Link: Alpha 1 Grants

Contact: Audrey McInerney (amcineney@montefiore.org) for further information or assistance.

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The Mike Slive Foundation for Prostate Cancer Research has opened its 2023-2024 cycle for funding pilot grants focused on cutting-edge prostate cancer research. The foundation strives to become a global leader in the fight to eradicate prostate cancer through raising public awareness of early detection and funding research to end prostate cancer. The submission guidelines are attached and can also be found on the website under Proposal Guidelines. Applications are due by October 2, 2023 to the online submission portal. To see the past work we have funded, please visit our website. Please reach out to Emily Capilouto at emily@mikeslivefoundation.org with any questions.

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Apply for Research Grant - Cystinosis Research Foundation

The Cystinosis Research Foundation is accepting applications for research studies and for the Post-Doctoral Cystinosis Research Fellowship Program. Our goal is to fund the best and most promising research in the world in an effort to find better treatments and a cure for cystinosis. CRF supports laboratory research, clinical and translational research aimed at understanding the pathogenesis of cystinosis as well as specific areas of cystinosis research that remain under-studied (e.g., neurological complications, endocrine complications, myopathy, hypogonadism, bone disease). The foundation is interested in supporting new investigators and encouraging them to apply either as research fellows or co-PIs. The CRF Grant Proposal, Fellowship Guidelines, and a cover sheet for research proposals and one for research fellowships can be found here. The cover sheets are mandatory for all applications submitted. The documents can also be found on the CRF website: https://www.cystinosisresearch.org/apply-for-research-grant/    

To learn more about the foundation, visit our web site at https://www.cystinosisresearch.org/ or if you have any questions, please email Nancy Stack at nstack@cystinosisresearch.org. 

The deadline for the Fall 2023 applications is Wednesday, October 4, 2023. All applicants will be notified about the status of their application in December, 2023. 

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Limited Submission

2024 Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists (for faculty members only) 

Our institute has been invited to submit 3 nominations (one in each disciplinary category of Life Sciences, Physical Sciences & Engineering, and Chemical Sciences). Please find full details of candidate eligibility and evaluation in the 2024 Blavatnik National Awards Nomination Guidelines. One winner in each category will be awarded $250,000 unrestricted funds.  

Eligibility of the Applicants: 


Nominees must - 

  • Have been born in or after 1982*. 
  • *Age-limit exceptions will be considered by the Blavatnik Family Foundation in exceptional circumstances upon a detailed written submission from the nominating institution received by the Academy at blavatnikregionalawards@nyas.org no later than Wednesday, November 08, 2023.  
  • Hold a doctorate degree (PhD, DPhil, MD, DDS, DVM, etc.). 
  • Currently hold a tenured or tenure-track academic faculty position, or equivalent, conducting research in one of the disciplinary categories in Chemical Sciences, Life Sciences, or Physical Sciences & Engineering. 
  • Please learn about the updated 2024 Blavatnik Regional Awards Nomination Guidelines  for details on candidate eligibility and selection criteria. 

In order to implement the application process for this competition, eligible faculty members are invited to submit preliminary applications, upon the recommendation of the appropriate department chair(s), for review by the Awards Committee. From among these applications, the Committee will make recommendations and will select one candidate for each of the three disciplinary categories: Life Sciences, Physical Sciences & Engineering, and Chemical Sciences. The deadline for submission of preliminary applications for internal review by the Awards Committee is 5 pm, Tuesday, October 24th, 2023.  


For internal review of your application by the Awards Committee, please send a single (one) PDF file containing the following as an email attachment to indranil.basu@einsteinmed.edu:  

1. Candidate Profile Form; download from this link.  

2. A statement outlining the applicant’s career potential and the Department’s plans for his/her future to be obtained from the Department Chairperson, limited to no more than two single-spaced pages.  

3. A written proposal containing the title, a specific disciplinary category of submission (whether Life Sciences, or Physical Sciences & Engineering, or Chemical Sciences), and a description of the proposed research project to be carried out during the grant period, up to 3 pages (including specific aims, significance, innovation, and research design) plus one additional page for references. The project description should be single-spaced, 11-point font or larger, and margins should be at least 0.5 inches. Figure legends can use a smaller font.

4. A complete curriculum vitae and bibliography. Include invited presentations but not abstracts. Please click here to find the recommended format for curriculum vitae.  

5. Information about present and pending grant support with amounts requested or approved, annual amounts, and duration of award. 

The applicants must hold a tenured or tenure-track academic faculty position, and those with a faculty rank (e.g., Instructor, Staff Scientist, Research Assistant Professor) are NOT eligible.

Our institute has been invited to submit 15 nominations for the 2024 Blavatnik Regional Awards for Young Scientists. We encourage all postdocs to take advantage of the full 15 possible nominations. There are no citizenship restrictions. Three winners will each receive $30,000 in unrestricted funds and six finalists will each receive $10,000 in unrestricted funds. 

Eligibility of the Applicants: 

Nominees must - 

Have been born in or after 1982* 

*Age-limit exceptions will be considered by the Blavatnik Family Foundation in exceptional circumstances upon a detailed written submission from the nominating institution received by the Academy at blavatnikregionalawards@nyas.org no later than Wednesday, November 08, 2023.  

  • Hold a doctorate degree (PhD, DPhil, MD, DDS, DVM, etc.). 
  • Currently conducting research in one of the disciplinary categories in Chemical Sciences, Life Sciences, or Physical Sciences & Engineering. 
  • Please learn about the updated 2024 Blavatnik Regional Awards Nomination Guidelines for details on candidate eligibility and selection criteria. 
  • In order to implement the application process for this competition, eligible postdocs are invited to submit applications for review by the Awards Committee. From among these applications, the Committee will make recommendations and will select 15 candidates for submitting the nominations. 
  • The deadline for submission of applications for internal review by the Awards Committee is 5 pm, Tuesday, October 31st, 2023.
  • Please find the nomination materials and instructions at this link: Nomination Materials and Instructions. Please follow the guidelines at the link to send your nomination packet to Indranil Basu (indranil.basu@einsteinmed.edu) as a SINGLE PDF with the title LASTNAME_Blavatnik-Regional on or before October 31st, 2023. 

  • The applicants must hold a postdoctoral position, and those with a faculty rank (e.g., Instructor, Staff Scientist, Research Assistant Professor) are NOT eligible.

Limited Submission

2024 Blavatnik Regional Awards for Young Scientists (for postdocs only)

Career Awards for Medical Scientists - Burroughs Wellcome Fund

Deadline: October 17, 2023

Amount: $700k/5 years

About: This award is for physician-scientists who are committed to an academic career, to bridge advanced postdoctoral/fellowship training and the early years of faculty service. Proposals must be in basic biomedical, disease-oriented, or translational research. Proposals in health services research or involving large-scale clinical trials are not eligible. BWF anticipates making up to 12 awards including up to two awards to clinically trained psychiatrists who focus their research at the interface between psychiatry and neuroscience. Proposals that incorporate artificial intelligence and machine learning or climate change and human health are of particular interest.

Eligibility: Candidates must hold an MD, DO, DVM, VMD, or DDS; have completed clinical training (residency or fellowship) and be board eligible by award start date; may hold a junior faculty appointment (Lecturer, Instructor, Assistant Professor-non-tenure track, etc.); must be citizen or non-citizen permanent and temporary US resident legally qualified to work in the US. Additional requirements in the link below.

Links:  BWF CAMS 2024 RFP and FAQs

Contact: Audrey McInerney (amcinerney@montefiore.org) for more information and/or assistance.

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Apply to the Academic Clinical Trials Program

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is pleased to announce the opening of the Academic Clinical Trials Program for 2023-2024.

The LLS ACT initiative is a clinical trial award program designed to develop cutting edge treatments that will have a meaningful impact on blood cancer patients. These awards will fund clinical trials, up to $1M USD over a period of up to three years. The LOI is due on October 25, 2023, 3 PM (EST). The ACT program guidelines and instructions can be found here.

LLS is seeking truly novel advances. The LLS ACT initiative is designed to develop experimental agents to address unmet medical needs, expand the use of approved therapeutics, and improve the use of novel treatment regimens in clinical settings.

Projects addressing follicular lymphoma may be selected for co-funding. This funding will be provided in a collaborative partnership between LLS and the Follicular Lymphoma Foundation. Please see the Cure FL Appendix in the ACT guidelines and instructions, which can be located at the lls.org link below.

A detailed description of the LLS Academic Clinical Trials Program and application instructions are available on the LLS Research Portal or https://www.lls.org/academic-clinical-trials-program-act. All applications are to be submitted online through the LLS Research Portal.

For additional questions regarding LLS research grant programs, eligibility, and application processes, please contact researchprograms@lls.org.

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National Glaucoma Research Request for Proposals

New grants are available for research that begins in 2024, with an application deadline of October 31, 2023. BrightFocus provides research funds for U.S. domestic as well as international researchers to cover a wide range of investigator-initiated topics to better understand, treat, and prevent glaucoma, a leading cause of blindness. Please note that applicants to the NGR standard award program are encouraged to apply for funding to create tools that would benefit all investigators in the field, including animal models of disease, or cell lines. 

Postdoctoral Fellowship (maximum award value $150,000, 2 years)

Standard Award (maximum award value $200,000, up to 2 years)

Visit https://www.brightfocus.org/NGR-RFP for more information about the BrightFocus glaucoma grants, including how to apply

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Please note the new OGS email address: OGS@einsteinmed.edu