New to Boca Or Not - How to Get Prepared & Stay Safe
Hear from Boca Raton Mayor, Scott Singer

Each year our community works together to prepare for the uncertainty of hurricane season, and this year is no exception. For some of you, you know exactly what you have to do, and for others, this may be your first hurricane season. Either way, now is the time to make preparations to ensure the safety of you, your family, and your property.

Tips on what you can do NOW to keep you and your family safe:

  1. Stock up on hurricane supplies. The   sales tax-free week runs May 28 - June 10.  
  2. Know your evacuation zone and have a plan, especially if you live on the barrier island or in low-lying areas.
  3. Test your generators, supplies, and shutters to ensure they're working and that you have all the parts.
  4. Trim your trees and clean out your garages this month.
  5. View the City's website on all the different ways how to stay connected before, during, and after a storm.

Be prepared and stay safe, Boca Raton. For more information on how to prepare and develop a hurricane plan, watch the Mayor's hurricane message, access the City's Hurricane Guide, and visit Be Prepared Boca.
Christine Mucci
Meet Christine Mucci, our New Emergency Manager

Christine Mucci recently joined the City as the Emergency Manager. In her new role, Christine will coordinate the City's response to emergencies among various departments like Police, Fire, Municipal, Communications and more. She will also be working to secure federal, state, and county emergency grants and funding programs. We are happy to have her join our team - welcome aboard Christine!
It's smart for residents and businesses to do all major tree cutting and removal by the end of June. Don't wait!

Learn more about tree maintenance and guidelines for vegetation pick-up.
Thinking about buying a generator, restocking batteries, flashlights or radios? Buy them May 28 - June 10 and you won't pay sales tax on those items and others.

For details and a list of qualifying items, please see the Department of Revenue's Taxpayer Information Publication on the 2022 Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday.
NOW is the time to get ahead. Trim your trees and clean out your garages, carports and storage areas throughout the month of June. It is crucial that we prepare now and declutter out our homes and properties, so we don’t overwhelm our sanitation systems.

Visit Sanitation Services for more information about acceptable bulk and vegetation items, AND view unaccepted materials. Also, learn more about curbside collection of items.
Are you in an evacuation zone?
If so, have you made a plan?

Visit the Palm Beach County Interactive Evacuation Tool to find out if you're in an evacuation zone.
If you or your loved ones have specific medical needs or take daily medications, prepare now. If you are in a mandatory evacuation zone, create a plan to get yourself and loved ones out of harm's way. Also, be sure to talk to your doctor to see if you can get additional doses of your medication(s).
Unfortunately, our furry friends are not allowed in county shelters. If you have a pet and are in a mandatory evacuation zone, you can pre-register at the Pet Friendly Shelter at the West Boynton Recreation Center. Space is limited and only one owner may accompany their pet. All other family members will need to stay at the adjacent human shelter.
If you or your loved one has special needs, Palm Beach County has a Special Needs Shelter for citizens with certain medical problems. The shelter is staffed with physicians and nurses and has auxiliary electrical power, is wind resistant and not flood-prone.

*Pre-registration is required before any evacuation order is given.
Palm Beach County Shelters
Keep in Mind: Limited capacity will be available at shelters operated by the County.

If you have a family or friend that lives in an evacuation zone, reach out and talk to them about what their plan may be and how you might be able to assist - maybe even offer them the opportunity to stay with you so you can all weather the storm together.

To stay up to date on shelter information, visit Palm Beach County.
A Message from the Solid Waste Authority
As you update hurricane supplies, keep in mind that some items should not be placed in the garbage, but instead, be brought to one of the SWA’s Home Chemical and Recycling Centers.

Supplies requiring special disposal include:

  • gasoline and oil from generators 
  • propane tanks 
  • rechargeable batteries from electronics or flashlights 
These items (and other home hazards) can be dropped off for FREE by Palm Beach County residents at any of the Drop-Off Locations.
Commercial interests should call 561-687-1100 for disposal options.
Know Your Flood Zone
With the possibility of flooding from a hurricane, it's important to know your flood zone and insure your property now. Floodplain management activities implemented by the City of Boca Raton may qualify residents in high hazard flood zones for a discount of up to 15% on their flood insurance premium.

*Note: In 2019, FEMA proposed new PRELIMINARY coastal flood maps. These maps are still under review and may eventually replace the current flood maps which are based on 30-plus-year-old studies. While FEMA has emphasized that these are only PRELIMINARY maps, the City wants to provide residents and business owners with all available information regarding flood risk.

For more information, please contact the City's Floodplain Manager at 561-393-7845, visit the Floodplain Management page on the City's website, or view the Flood Management Brochure.

Stay Alert Boca Raton!
Sign Up for Text Message Notifications from the City & Boca Raton Police
The City encourages all residents and businesses to sign up for Alert Boca emergency notifications to stay connected at all times, but especially during hurricanes.

The City of Boca Raton and Boca Raton Police Department are able to send you alerts via text message, email, pager, or voice mail (in extreme cases), based on your preferences. It's easy to sign up and stay informed!

  • Sign up for Alert Boca today!
  • Receive important information during a severe storm or hurricane.
  • Plus, keep up to date on City projects, meetings, events and more, all year long.
Listen Up - Boca Raton on the RADIO!
Communication about upcoming storms is vital. Hurricanes have the capability to knock out the power and destroy cell phone towers leaving you with little to no way to know what is going on in the City. To avoid being in the dark, be sure to have an AM/FM radio handy.

Tune in to Boca Raton Radio 1650AM, where the City will provide important emergency information to the community.
Important Phone Numbers You Can Print Out!

Keep important telephone numbers at the ready with our printable "Be Prepared" information card.

You can access the printable document here - and be sure to share with your neighbors. Also, visit our webpage for additional resources and assistance.
Police/Fire Emergencies
  • Only call 911 when there is a true emergency
  • Text 911 for an emergency, but ONLY if you cannot call
Boca Raton Citizen Information Center (for hurricane-related information)
  • 561-982-4900
  • Activated throughout a storm
  • Talk with City staff regarding any concerns, questions or information
Fire Rescue (non-emergency)
Police (non-emergency)
City of Boca Raton
Boca Raton Police Services

Visit for additional information, resources and more.