Official Directory
Some people live an entire lifetime wondering if they've made a difference in the world-
Lions don't have that problem.
Table of Contents
Awards & Contests
Calendar 2021-2022
Club Information
Council of Governors
Directory of Sponsors
District Chairs
District Entities
District Gov Chuck Carter's Message
District Leadership
District, MD 35 & International Meetings & Seminars
District Phone Mentor Program
Dr. Walter Campbell Piolet Award Winners
Induction Ceremony
Leo Clubs Lions Club International
  • Calendar of Events
  • Division of Contact Information
  • International Information
  • International Leadership
  • International & MD Entities
Lions Prayers
Lions Toast
Magazine Publicity-International & MD
Millard Conklin Crusader Winner
Multiple District Chairs
Multiple Office & Manager
Past District Governors
Pledge Allegiance to the Flag & Anthems
Protocol/Club Vistitation
Zone Information
District I Phone Mentor Program

Club Officers,

Thank you for taking on the important job of a club officer. To help you with your year, we have developed a club officer phone mentoring program. Even experienced officers may have a question now and then, we have assembled a team to help you with your position. Please do not hesitate to call we are here to help!

President Mentoring Contact:
Lion Elaine Middelstaedt Cell: (305)962-8136

Secretary Mentoring Contact:
Lion Bev Flynn Cell: (941) 773-5705 Email: [email protected]
Treasurer Mentoring Contact:
Lion Bill Ringelstein, PCC Cell: (941) 637-9979 Email: [email protected]
Lions Club Purpose

  • To Create and foster a spirit of understanding among the peoples of the world.
  • To Promote the principles of good government and good citizenship.
  • To Take an active interest in the civic, cultural, social, and moral welfare of the community.
  • To Unite the clubs in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship, and mutual understanding.
  • To Provide a forum for the open discussion of all matters of public interest; provided, however, that partisan politics and sectarian religion shall not be debated by club members.
  • To Encourage service-minded people to serve their community without personal financial reward, and to encourage efficiency and promote high ethical standards in commerce, industry, professions, public works, and private endeavors.
  • To show my faith in the worthiness of my vocation by industrious application to the end that I merit a reputation of quality of service.
  • To seek success and to demand all fair remuneration or profit as my just due, but to accept no profit or success at the price of my own self-respect lost because of unfair advantage is taken or because of questionable acts on my part.
  • To remember that in building up my business it is not necessary to tear down another; to be loyal to my clients or customers and true to myself.
  • Whenever a doubt arises as to the right or ethics of my position or action towards others, to resolve such doubt against myself.
  • To hold friendship as an end and not a means. To hold that true friendship exists not on account of the service performed by one to another, but that true friendship demands nothing but accepts services in the spirit in which it is given.
  • Always bear in mind my obligations as a citizen to my nation, my state, and my community, and to give them my answering loyalty in word, act, and deed. To give them freely of my time, labor, and means.
  • To aid others by giving my sympathy to those in distress, my aid to the weak, and my substances to the needy.
  • To be careful with my criticism and liberal with my praise; to build up and not destroy.

Club Protocol For The District Governor's Visit

  1. No other program or club business should be planned. The Governor is your speaker
  2. Address the Governor by Title
  3. The President should greet the District Governor at the club meeting. (If the Governor is arriving by air, then the President should meet and drive the Governor)
  4. The Senior Cabinet member present should introduce the District governor. However, the President should introduce the Senior Cabinet member. if no Cabinet member is present, the President should make the introduction.
  5. Arrange time before the meeting for the Governor to meet club members, introduce the Governor to all members individually.
  6. International requires the Governor to meet with the club board of Directors; arrange for this after the meeting.
  7. It is appropriate for the club to invite the Region Chair and Zone Chair to this meeting, spouses are permitted.
  8. As a courtesy to the office, members should rise and applaud at the beginning of the Governor's presentation.
  9. Notify the Governor if the club desires the Governor to induct new members or present awards.
  10. If the meeting is a spouses night, notify the Governor.
  11. Have local media coverage if possible.
  12. Seat the District Governor at the head table.
  13. spouses always sit on the members or guests right EXCEPT that no lady should be seated at the end of the table or left of the podium unless a Lioness meeting or Lion Officer is a woman.

  • Individual recognition of all Lion dignitaries should be made only once, and that should be done by the presider of the occasion. Other speakers addressing the audience should recognize the head table as follows:
  • Presiding Officer (such as District Governor, Lion President) other Lion Dignitaries, Ladies and Guests.
(Repetitious recognition of each lion dignitary by each speaker at an occasion has been long considered needless and boring. Your use of this procedure will be appreciated by all as an improvement)
Lions Club International

300 22nd Street Oakbrook, IL 60521

(603) 571-5466

TTY: (630) 571-6533 (hearing impaired)

Office Hours:
Monday- Friday 8 am- 4:30 pm

Send (all) US Funds to:
35842 Eagle Way, Chicago, IL 60678
Lions Club International: A Brief History

In 1917, Melvin Jones, a 38-year-old Chicago business leader, told members of his local business club they should reach beyond business issues and address the betterment of their communities and the world. Jones' group, the Business Group of Chicago agreed.

After contacting similar groups around the United States, an organizational meeting was held on June 7, 1917, in Chicago, IL USA. The new group took the name of one of the invited groups, the Association of Lions Clubs and a National convention was held in Dallas, TX USA in October of that year. A constitution, by-laws, objects, and a code of ethics were approved.

Within three years, Lions became an international organization. Since then, we've earned high marks for both integrity and transparency. we're a well-run organization with a steady vision, a clear mission, and a long and proud history.

Mission Statement

To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions Clubs.

Vision Statement

To be the global leader in community and humanitarian service.
International President
Lion: Douglas X. Alexander
Immediate Past International President

Lion: Dr. Jung-Yol Choi
International 1st Vice President

Lion: Brian E. Sheehan
International 2nd Vice President

Lion: Dr. Patricia "Patti" Hill
International 3rd Vice President

Lion: Fabrício Oliveira
International Director/PID/LCI & Council Advisor 2018-2022

Lion: A. Geoff Wade
Mobile: (772) 521-6986
Partner in Service: Nancy
Council Advisor 2021-2022

Lion: Robert Littlefield, PID
Mobile: (218) 823-5570
Past International Directors from MD-35

2013-2014 Stacey W. Jones
2008-2010 Neil R. Spencer
2003-2005 *Robert "Bob" Lastinger
1997-1999 *John "Jack" Stuart
1991-1993 *James Crawford
1986-1988 *Charles "Chuck" More
1983-1985 *Charles Adelman
1978-1980 *Lyonel Lindsey
1974-1976 *Howard Towns
1949-1950 *Ross Witters
In 1925, Helen Keller challenged LIONS  to become "knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness." And we accepted. Today, sight programs remain one of our defining causes.

Lions Clubs International
Service Activities Division
 (630) 71-5466
Multiple District 35 Headquarters

503 N Orlando Ave
Cocoa Beach, Fl. 32932

Office: (407) 859-7174

Office Manager
Lion: Neil R. Spencer, PID
Mobile: (321) 501-2893
District 35-I
The Power Of Fun!

✔ Click on this Link to Watch Lion Chuck Carter Accept His Roll as District 35-I District Governor
District Governor

Lion: Charles "Chuck" Carter
Mobile: (239) 322-7736
Partner in Service: Lion Patty Strong
Home Club: Fort Myers
Immediate Past District Governor

Lion: Blair "Chip" Kunka
Home: (941) 713-7069
Partner in Service: Lion Jan Kunka
Home Club: Bradenton
1st Vice District Governor

Lion: Jim Gregory
Mobile: (757) 713-1195
Partner in Service: Lion Linda Gregory
Home Club: Hudson Bayonet Point
2nd Vice District Governor

Lion: Gary LaSpina
Mobile: (863) 617-5537
Partner in Service: Diane (Lady Di) LaSpina
Home Club: Lake Placid
District Secretary

Lion: Suzy Stathas, PCC
Mobile: (813) 767-7899
Home Club: Brandon
District Treasurer

Lion: Tom Mavor
Mobile: (561) 350-5288
Partner in Service:
Home Club: Wesley Chapel Lions
Administrative District Coordinator

Home: Suzy Stathas, PCC
Mobile: (813) 767-7899
Home Club: Brandon
District Advisor Group
Lion: Buster Hall, PID
Mobile: (863) 444-2596
Lion: Gary Nieskes, PCC
Mobile: (941) 786-7778
Lion: Jackie Cameron, PCC
Mobile: (813) 601-0897
Lion: Judy Galm, PDG
Mobile: (863)655-2973
Lion: Penny Gregrich, PDG
Mobile: (941) 740-2860
Lion: Suzy Stahas, PCC
Mobile: (813) 767-7899
Global Action Coordinator (GAT)
Lion: Chuck Carter
Mobile: (239) 322-7736

Global Leadership Coordinator(GLT)
Lion: Linda Gregory
Mobile: (757) 725-0923

Global Membership Coordinator(GMT)
Lion: Tim Foreman
Mobile: (860) 490-5846

Global Service Coordinator(GST)
Lion: Penny Gregrich, PDG
Mobile: (941) 740-2860
LCIF Coordinator & Campaign 100 North
Lion: Suzy Stathas, PCC
Mobile: (813) 767-7899

LCIF Coordinator & Campaign 100 South
Lion: Cynthia Beardsley, PCC
Mobile: (907) 362-3780

NAMI-GMI Champion
Lion: Ken Murphy
Mobile: (727) 434-1775
District Chairs
Chaplin/ Necrology
Lion: Patty Jean Strong
Mobile: (239) 292-5716

Constitution & By-Laws
Lion: Gary Nieskes, PCC
Mobile: (941) 786-7778

Conventions/District Meetings
Lion: Patty Jean Strong
Mobile: (239) 292-5716

Credentials & Certification/Elections
Lion: Karen Douglas
Home: (727) 585-7470
CCE Co-Chair
Lion: Waid Tribiano
Work: (727) 481-3912

Directory Advertisement
Lion: Drew Ogden
Mobile: (239) 910-3635

Directory Editor/Webmaster
Lion: Drew Ogden
Mobile: (239) 910-3635

Award Chair
Lion: Karen Douglas
Home: (727) 585-7470

Anchor Award
Lion: Karen Douglas
Home: (727) 585-7470

Dr. Walter H. Campbell Pilot Award
Lion: Judy Galm, PDG
Mobile: (863)655-2973

Golden Chain
Lion: Karen Douglas
Home: (727) 585-7470

Governors Achievement
Lion: Karen Douglas
Home: (727) 585-7470
Lion: Tom Mavor
Mobile: (561) 350-5288

Newsletter Editor
Lion: Beverly Flynn
Home: (941) 773-5705

Lion: Gary Nieskes, PCC
Mobile: (941) 786-7778

Lion: Gary Nieskes, PCC
Mobile: (941) 786-7778

Lion: Suzy Stahas, PCC
Mobile: (813) 767-7899

PR/Social Media
Lion: Drew Ogden
Mobile: (239) 910-3635

Sergeant At Arms
Lion: Steve Schultz
home: (239) 233-6261

Sunshine Chair
Lion: Susie Smith
Mobile: (386) 290-4397

Lion: Blair "Chip" Kunka
Home: (941) 713-7069
Millard Conklin Crusader Award
Lion: Gary LaSpina
Mobile: (863) 617-5537

Peace Poster
Lion: Kathy Woolston
Mobile: (239) 691-7151

Helen Keller Award
Lion: Cathy Walton, PDG
Mobile: (813) 495-8134

Dr. Walter Campbell Award
Lion: Peter Castellani
Mobile: (813) 493-1864
Service Chairs
Childhood Cancer
Lion: Jennifer Maillard
Mobile: (239) 218-7703
Diabetes/Retinopathy Awareness
Lion: Erick Rumold
Mobile: (941) 456-1049
Disaster Relief/Lions Alert
Lion: Dave Beardsley
Mobile: (907) 362-3780
Lion: Tom Jeremiason
Mobile: (941) 916-8078
Hunger Relief
Lion: Kathy Lawless
Mobile: (610) 739-0167
Lion: Ron Tucker
Mobile: (727) 798-8945

Lion: Penny Gregrich
Mobile: (941) 740-2860

New Voices-North
Lion: Bev Flynn
Mobile: (941) 773-5705

New Voices-South
Lion: Gracie Nindle
Mobile: (941) 730-8184

International Relations/Twinning
Lion: John Geary, PDG
Mobile: (941) 932-7579
Leo Clubs Chair
Lion: Judy Galm, PDG
Mobile: (863)655-2973

Lions Quest Chair-North
Lion: Nancy Mavor
Mobile: (561) 350-1300

Lions Quest Chair-South
Lion: Renee Ranere
Mobile: (239) 994-3517
Long Range Planning
Lion: Blair "Chip" Kunka
Home: (941) 713-7069

Reading Action Program
Lion: Tracy Krueger
Mobile: (941) 237-0495

Used Eyeglass Procurement
Lion: Tom Jeremiason
Mobile: (941) 916-8078
Shriners Liason-Can Tab Program
Lion: Glenn Smith, PVDG
Mobile: (386)290-4397

Special Olympics
Lion: Jennifer Malliard
Mobile: (239) 218-7703

USA/Canada Lions Forum
Lion: Jackie Cameron, PCC
Mobile: (813) 601-0897

PDG Association President
Lion: Claudette Henry
Mobile: (813) 541-5894
Zones 1-4
Lion: Karen Douglas
Mobile: (727) 585-7470

Zones 5-8
Lion: Tom Jeremiason
Mobile: (941) 916-8078
Zone Chairs
Zone 1

Lion: David Beardsley
Mobile: (907) 362-3780
Home Club: Arcadia Centennial

Zone 2

Lion: Jeanette Mack
Mobile: (813) 727-5724
Home Club: Plant City
Arcadia Centennial
Lake Placid
Lake Wales
Seabring Breakfast

Plant City
Tampa Downtown
Tampa East Centennial
Tampa North
Tampa Ybor City
Zone 3

Lion: Johnnie Moultrie, Jr
Mobile: (813) 312-1900
Home Club: Zephyrhills

Zone 4

Lion: D'Jenaba Akili-Sosuh
Mobile: (313) 806-7864
Home Club: St. Petersburg
Dade City Hispanic American
Hudson Bayonet Point
Lutz Land-O-Lakes (LLLL)
Wesley Chapel

Palm Harbor II
Safety Harbor
St. Petersburg
Zone 5

Lion: Jan Kunka
Mobile: (941) 720-1265
Home Club: Bradenton

Zone 6

Lion: Gary Nieskes, PCC
Mobile: (941) 786-7778
Home Club: Englewood
Ellenton Parrish
Sun City Center

North Port
Port Charlotte Centennial
Punta Gorda

Zone 7

Lion: Steven Schulz
Home: (239) 233-6261
Home Club: Sanibel

Zone 8

Lion: Patty Jean Strong
Mobile: (239) 292-5716
Home Club: Fort Myers
Cape Coral
Fort Myers
Fort Myers Beach
North Fort Myers

Bonita Springs
Bonita Springs Community
FGCU Campus Club
Marco Island
Naples Nites
Zone Meetings
Zone 1

Date: August 18th Day: Wednesday Time: 6:00 pm Host: Lake Placid Lions Club Location: Hibachi Buffet 2870 US Highway 27, N Sebring, FL 33870

Date: October 30th, 2021 Day: Saturday Time: 11:30 am Club: Arcadia Centennial

Date: Day: Time: Club: TBA

Zone 2

Date: Oct. 19th, 2021 Day: Tuesday Time: 6:30 pm Club: Mt Zion Assembly of God, 3005 Thonotosassa Rd, Plant City, FL 33565

Date: Jan 6, 2022, Day: Thursday Time: 6:30 pm Club: Brandon Club House
Location: 610 Limona Rd, Brandon, FL 3351

Date: March 2nd, 2022 Day: Time: 6:30 pm Club: Fishhhawk Branch Club

Zone 3

Date: November 8th, 2021 Day: Wednesday Time: 6:00 pm Club: Zephyrhills Lions Club
Date: January 10, 2022 Day: Monday Time: 6:00 pm Club: Zephyrhills Lions Club
Date: April 11th, 2022 Day: Monday Time: 6:00 pm Club: Zephyrhills Lions Club

Zone 4

Date: August 4th, 2021 Day: Wednesday Time: 6:00 pm Club: St. Petersburg Lions Club
Date: November 9th, 2021 Day: Tuesday Time:6:30 pm Club: Gulfport Lions Club
Date: February 2nd, 2022 Day: Wednesday Time: 6:30 pm Club: Largo Lions Club
Zone 5

Date: October 11th Day: Monday Time: 114:45 am Club: Sun City Center

Zone 6

Date: November 9th Day: Tuesday Time: 6:00 pm Club: Englewood Lions Club
Date: January 26th Day: Wednesday Time: 6:00 pm Club: Venice Lions Club
Date: April 12th Day: Tuesday Time: 5:00 Pm Club: Punta Gorda Lions Club
Zone 7

Date: September 20th, 2021 Day: Monday Time:6:30 pm Club: Ft. Myers Lions Club Location: Edison Restaurant -3585 McGregor Blvd, Fort Myers

Zone 8

Date: September 21, 2021 Day: Tuesday Time: 6:oo pm Club: Naples Lions Club Location: VFW Post 7721-800 Neffs Way
Date: October, 11th 2021 Day: Monday Time: 11:45 am Club: Sun City Lions Club Location: SSC United Methodist-1210 Del Webb Blvd. West-Sun City
Date: December 6th, 2021 Day: Monday Time: 6:30 pm Club: Bonita Springs Lions Club Location: 10346 Pennsylvania Ave, Bonita Springs
Date: March 2nd, 2021 Day: Tuesday Time: 6:00 pm Club: Naples Lions Club Location: Perkins Restaurant 4335 Tamiami Trail, Naples
Clubs of District 35-I
Branch & Club Meetings
Dates & Times

Arcadia Centennial~3rd Monday~11:30 am
Bonita Springs~1st & 3rd Monday~6:30pm
Dade City Hispanic American~3rd Monday~6:30 pm
Ellenton Parrish~1st & 3rd Monday~6:00 pm
Fort Myers~1st & 3rd~Monday~6:30 pm~Zoom 6:30 pm
Lutz Land O Lakes LLLL~2nd & 4th~Monday~6:30 pm
North Port~1st & 3rd~Monday~5:30 pm
Punta Gorda~2nd & 4th~Monday~5:30 pm
Sarasota~1st 7 3rd~Monday~12 Noon
Sun City Center~2nd &4th~Monday~11:45 am
Zephyrhills~2nd~Monday~6:00 pm

Bradenton~1st & 3rd~Tuesday~6:30 pm
Englewood~2nd & 4th~Tuesday~6:00 pm
Frostproof~2nd & 4th~Tuesday~6:00 pm
Gulfport~2nd & 4th~Tuesday~6:30 pm
Lake Placid~2nd & 4th~6:00 pm
Lake Wales~2nd & 4th~Tuesday~6:00 pm
Naples~1st Tuesday~12 Noon/3rd Tuesday 6:30 pm~ Zoom 7:00 pm
Naples Nites~2nd & 4th~Tuesday~6:00 pm
Palm Harbor~2nd & 4th~Tuesday~7:00 pm
Palmetto Branch~1st~Tuesday~7:15 pm
Plant City~1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th~Tuesday~12 Noon
Wesley Chapel ~2nd Tuesday ~11:45 am & 4th Tuesday~6:00 pm

Clearwater~1st & 3rd~Wednesday~5:15 pm
Fishhawk Branch~1st~Wednesday~6:30 pm
Largo~1st & 3rd~Wednesday~6:30 pm
Marco Island~1st & 3rd~Wednesday~6:30 pm
Port Charlotte Centennial~2nd~Wednesday~5:30 pm
Sanibel Captiva Island~1st & 3rd~Wednesday~6:00 pm
Seminole~1st & 3rd~Wednesday~6 pm
St. Petersburg~1st & 3rd~Wednesday~6:30 pm

Bonita Springs Community~4th~Thursday~6 pm
Brandon~1st & 3rd~Thursday~6:45 pm
Cape Coral~1st & 3rd~Thursday~5 pm
Everglades~2nd ~Thursday~6:00 pm
Fort Myers Beach~2nd & 4th~Thursday~6:30 pm
Hudson Bayonet Point~2nd & 4th~Thursday~6:00 pm
Safety Harbor~3rd~Thursday~6:00 pm
Sebring Breakfast~1st & 3rd~Thursday~7:00 am
Tampa Downtown~2nd & 4th~Thursday~12 Noon
Tampa Ebor City~2nd & 4th~Thursday~12 Noon
Venice~1st & 3rd~Thursday~6:00 pm
Wauchula~Weekly~Thursday~12 Noon

North Fort Myers~1st & 3rd~Saturday~12 Noon

No Meetings held on Friday's
Arcadia Centennial (130732)
Chartered 04/21/2017-Zone 1
Meeting 3rd Thursday-11:30 am
Mary Margaret's-10 Polk Ave-Arcadia

Club President
Lion: David Beardsley
Cell: 907-362-3780

Club First Vice President
Lion: Bonnie Molloy
Home: 863-244-4949

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary
Lion: Cynthia  Beardsley
Cell: 907-362-3780
Bonita Springs (12666)
Chartered 04/16/1962-Zone 8
Meeting 1st & 3rd Monday-6:30 pm
Bonita Springs Lion Center -10346 Pennsylvania Ave
PO Box 366776 Bonita Springs, FL

Club President
Lion: Joseph Jackson
Cell/Home: (786) 449-4033

Club First Vice President
Lion: Joseph Gallagher
Cell/Home: (239) 785-8858

Club 2nd Vice President
Lion: Colin Raynor
Cell/Home: (631) 581-3853

Club Secretary
Lion: Margie Gillette
Cell/Home: (432) 553-9538
Bonita Springs Community (128945)
Chartered 09/22/2016-Zone 8
Meeting 4th Thursday-6 pm
Bonita Village- 27901 Bonita Village Blvd-Bonita Springs

Club President
Lion: Martha Simons
Cell/Home: (239) 947-9579

Club First Vice President (currently vacant)

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary
Lion: Marta Romero
Cell/Home: (239) 564-2760
Bradenton (12622)
Chartered 04/14/1947-Zone 5
Meeting 2nd Tuesday-6:00 pm-meal/social, Program 7pm, Club Business 7:30pm
Grand Buffet Chinese Restaurant 4848 14th St W. Bradenton, FL
Board 3rd Tues-Location TBA

Club President
Lion: Marion Smith
Cell/Home: (419) 937-5937

Club First Vice President
Lion: Blair "Chip" Kunka
Cell/Home: (941) 713-7069

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary
Lion: Janet Kunka
Cell/Home: (941) 720-1265
Brandon (12568)
Chartered 05/11/1954-Zone 2
Meeting 1st & 3rd Thursday-6:45 pm
Clubhouse-610 Limona Rd -Brandon Fl.

Club President
Lion: Timothy Foreman
Cell/Home: (860) 490-5846

Club First Vice President
Lion: Keith Johnson
Cell/Home: (813) 777-0801

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary
Lion: David Frantz
Cell/Home: 814-360-4163
Cape Coral (12624)
Chartered 08/02/1962-Zone 7
Meeting 1st & 3rd Thursday-6:30 pm
PO Box 151411 Cape Coral, Fl. 33915-1411

Club President
Lion: Ronald Montange
Cell/Home: (734) 475-1080
Email: N/A

Club First Vice President
Lion: Richard Anderson
Cell/Home: (239)834-7566

Club 2nd Vice President
Lion: James Hagan
Cell/Home: (502) 229-8801

Club Secretary
Lion: Judith Moulton
Cell/Home: (802) 745-8632
Clearwater (12571)
Chartered 07/21/1931-Zone 4
Meeting 1st & 3rd Wednesday-5:15 pm
Clearwater Family Restaurant-1844 North Highland Ave Clearwater Fl.

Club President
Lion: Tammy Harkins
Cell/Home: (727) 710-6166

Club First Vice President
Lion: Heather Murphey-Rundolph

Club 2nd Vice President
Lion: Amber Loring
Cell/Home: (813) 476-5252

Club Secretary
Lion: Joseph Dobrowolski
Cell/Home: (727) 510-1768
Dade City Hispanic American (101537)
Chartered 03/06/2008-Zone 3
Meeting 3rd Monday-6:30 am
Community Center- 37105 Lock Street, Dade City, Fl.

Club President (currently vacant)
Club First Vice President (currently vacant)

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary (currently vacant)
Ellenton Parrish (84914)
Chartered 02/25/2005-Zone 5
Meeting 1st & 3rd Monday-6 pm
Popi's Restaurant-Route 301-Ellenton, Fl

Club President
Lion: Herman Hemple
Cell/Home: (941) 800-6984
Email: N/A

Club First Vice President
Lion: Linda Courtright
Cell/Home: (941) 776-0377

Club 2nd Vice President
Lion: James Mitchell
Cell/Home: (941) 722-9388

Club Secretary
Lion: Judy Rimmey
Cell/Home: (941) 228-7417
Englewood (12627)
Chartered 03/24/1952-Zone 6
Meeting 2nd & 4th Tuesday-6 pm
Eldred Dixon Hall-4611 Placida Road-Englewood, FL

Club President
Lion: Kathleen Lawless
Cell/Home: (610) 739-0167

Club First Vice President
Lion: David Goll
Cell/Home: (614) 579-9683

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary
Lion: David Baran
Cell/Home: (315) 604-0152
Everglades (12628)
Chartered 11/06/1952-Zone 8
Meeting 2nd Thursday-6 pm
Location: Contact Club Secretary-Everglades City

Lion: Cecil Barker
Cell/Home: (419) 350-6650

Club First Vice President
Lion: Steven Lee
Cell/Home: (734) 516-5443

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary
Lion: Gerianne Freiberger
Cell/Home: (651) 356-4846
Fishhawk Branch Club
Club Sponsor-Brandon Lions
Meeting 1st Wednesday-6:30pm

Club President
Lion: Jack Bello
Cell/Home: (813) 727-5659

Club First Vice President
Lion: Lauren Whalen
Cell/Home: (941) 400-8478
Email: N/A

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary
Lion: Mayte Arocha
Cell/Home: (239) 7702-7058
Florida Gulf Coast University (132373)
Chartered 09/01/2017- Zone 8

Club President
Lion: Kriston Ryan
Cell/Home: (301) 928-9599

Club First Vice President
Lion: Lauren Whalen
Cell/Home: (941) 400-8478

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary
Lion: Mayte Arocha
Cell/Home: (239) 7702-7058
Fort Myers (12630)
Chartered 03/29/1935-Zone 7
Meeting 1st & 3rd Monday-6:30 pm
Crowne Plaza-13051 Bell Tower Dr, Fort Myers, FL 33907

Club President
Lion: Drew Ogden
Cell/Home: (239) 910-3635

Club First Vice President
Lion: Jack Hollmeyer
Cell/Home: (586) 214-7452

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary
Lion: Amy Finnell
Cell/Home: (248) 225-5645
Fort Myers Beach (12631)
Chartered 12/03/1952-Zone 7
Meeting 2nd & 4th Thursday-6:30 pm
St. Raphael's Episcopal Church-5601 Williams Dr
Fort Myers Beach, Fl

Club President
Lion: Andrew Yelle
Cell/Home: (617) 416-2757

Club First Vice President
Lion: Darby Doerzbacher
Cell/Home: (239) 466-7005

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary
Lion: Diane Clifton
Cell/Home: (239) 634-3887
Frostproof (12634)
Chartered 04/16/1952-Zone 1
Meeting 2nd & 4th Tuesday-6 pm
Frostproof Care Center-17 South Scenic Highway Frostproof, Fl

Club President
Lion: Leo J Lancer
Cell/Home: (863) 632-3185

Club First Vice President
Lion: Newton Riley Williams III
Cell/Home: (863) 287-1877

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary
Lion: Mary Lynn Respress
Cell/Home: (863) 528-1783
Gulfport (12580)
Chartered 06/02/1948-Zone 4
Meeting 2nd & 4th Tuesday-6:30 pm
Lions Den-4630 Tifton Drive South-Gulfport, Fl

Club President
Lion: Howard Bush
Cell/Home: (305) 731-3580

Club First Vice President
Lion: Carol Carter
Cell/Home: (352) 232-1710

Club 2nd Vice President
Lion: Richard LeBeau
Cell/Home: (727) 348-9870

Club Secretary
Lion: John McEwen
Cell/Home: (757) 408-0898
Hudson Bayonet Point (31337)
Chartered 11/17/1975-Zone 3
Meeting 2nd & 4th Thursday-6 pm
Lighthouse for the Visually Impaired & Blind
9130 Ridge Rd-New Port Richey, FL

Club President
Lion: Barry Bloom
Cell/Home:(214) 395-9585

Club First Vice President
Lion: Daniel Rodgers
Cell/Home: (585) 944-7188

Club 2nd Vice President
Lion: Marian Ritchie
Cell/Home: (727) 484-5877

Club Secretary
Lion: James Scherer
Cell/Home: (717) 228-2189
Lake Placid (12643)
Chartered 01/25/1950-Zone 1
Meeting 2nd & 4th Tuesday-6 pm

Club President
Lion: Judith Galm
Cell/Home: (863) 655-2973

Club First Vice President
Lion: Jerry Higginbotham PDG
Cell/Home: (863) 633-9023

Club 2nd Vice President
Lion: Ronald Luehrs
Cell/Home: (863) 633-9070

Club Secretary
Lion: Gary LaSpina
Cell/Home: (863) 617-5537
Lake Wales (12644)
Chartered 05/06/1949-Zone 1
Meeting 2nd & 4th Tuesday-6 pm
IHOP Restaurant-2803 Ridge Way-S.R. 27
Lake Wales, Fl

Club President
Lion: John Clifford
Cell/Home: (860) 214-5773

Club First Vice President
Lion: James Carter
Cell/Home: (863) 528-2583

Club 2nd Vice President
Lion: Frances Gonzalez
Cell/Home: (863) 632-3998

Club Secretary
Lion: John Clifford
Cell/Home: (860) 214-5773
Largo (12584)
Chartered 01/08/1957-Zone 4
Meeting 1st & 3rd Wednesday-6:30 pm
Jimmy Guana's-401 Second St-Indian Rocks, Fl

Club President
Lion: Ronald Tucker
Cell/Home: (727) 798-8945

Club First Vice President
Lion: Robert Wallace
Cell/Home: (727) 595-2618

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary
Lion: Jacalyn Evans
Cell/Home: (727) 687-5205
Lutz Land O Lakes LLLL (47517)
Chartered 06/22/1987-Zone 3
Meeting 2nd Monday-6:30 pm
Boy Scout Den-205 Second Ave Southeast-Lutz, Fl

Club President
Lion: Jaqueline Cameron
Cell: (813) 601-0897

Club First Vice President

Club 2nd Vice President

Club Secretary
Lion: Jeanine Talbot
Home: (813) 355-3452
Marco Island (12667)
Chartered 11/22/1971-Zone 8
Meeting 1st & 3rd Wednesday-6:30 pm
Perkins Restaurant-4335 Tamiami Trail East-Naples, Fl

Club President
Lion: Bruce Miles
Cell/Home: (239) 374-1020

Club First Vice President
Lion: Steven Purcell
Cell/Home: (239) 404-0444

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary
Lion: Bruce Weinstein
Cell/Home: (239) 963-5755
Naples (12649)
Chartered 10/25/1938-Zone 8
Meeting 1st Tuesday-12 pm 3rd Tuesday-6:30 pm
VFW Post 7721-800 Neffs Way-Naples, FL

Club President
Lion: Austin Raabe
Cell/Home: (239) 777-4597

Club First Vice President
Lion: George Basler
Cell/Home: (203) 927-4308

Club 2nd Vice President
Lion: Nizar Mamdani
Cell/Home: (402) 312-0012

Club Secretary
Lion: Patricia Maguire
Cell/Home: (239) 777-4508
Naples Nites (12650)
Chartered 03/13/1969-Zone 8
Meeting 2nd & 4th Tuesday-6 pm
Perkins Restaurant-3585 Pine Ridge Rd-Naples, Fl

Club President

Club First Vice President

Club 2nd Vice President

Club Secretary
Lion: Cl
North Fort Myers Noon (96672)
Chartered 03/17/2006-Zone 7
Meeting 1st & 3rd Saturday-12 pm
Suncoast Community Center-2241 Case Lane-N. Ft. Myers, Fl

Lion: Rae Nash
Cell/Home: (727) 858-3770

Club First Vice President
Lion: Jason Farley
Cell/Home: (239) 770-3483

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary
Lion: Paul Nash
Cell/Home: (239) 703-3025
North Port (12652)
Chartered 11/23/1969-Zone 6
Meeting 3rd Monday-5:30 pm
Old World Restaurant-14415 Tamiami Trail South-North Port, Fl

Club President
Lion: Sheila Doucette
Cell/Home: (941) 468-2524

Club First Vice President
Lion: Jane Janet Bellair
Cell/Home: (941) 234-4976

Club 2nd Vice President
Lion: Jay Moddry
Cell/Home: (218) 732-5955

Club Secretary
Lion: Ward Bradley Jr
Cell/Home: (941) 224-5378
Palm Harbor #11 (46705)
Chartered 12/02/1986-Zone 4
Meeting 2nd & 4th Tuesday-7 pm
IHOP Restaurant-30200 US Hwy 19 North
Clearwater, Fl

Club President
Lion: Eugene Batke
Cell/Home: (727) 420-9128

Club First Vice President
Lion: Carole Wicky
Cell/Home: (727) 916-1002

Club 2nd Vice President
Lion: Alan Becker
Cell/Home: (352) 257-1388

Club Secretary
Lion: Sharon Youngs
Cell/Home: (727) 808-0330
Palmetto Branch
Club Sponsor: Lake Placid Lions
Meeting 1st Tuesday-6:15 pm
Palmetto Presbyterian Church-1115 Tenth Ave West
Palmetto, Fl. 34221

Club President
Lion: John Geary, PDG
Cell/Home: (941) 932-7579

Club First Vice President
Lion: Sarah E. Beaulieu
Cell/Home: (508) 677-7059

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary
Lion: Sarah E. Beaulieu
Cell/Home: (508) 677-7059
Plant City (12592)
Chartered 04/04/1929-Zone 2
Buddy Freddy's Restaurant-1101 Goldfinch Drive
Plant City, Fl

Club President
Lion: Jeanette Mack
Cell/Home: (813) 727-5724

Club First Vice President
Lion: James Sparks
Cell/Home: (813) 356-9546

Club 2nd Vice President
Lion: Bridget Zickefoose
Cell/Home: (813) 846-9608

Club Secretary
Lion: Patty Garcia
Cell/Home: (813) 763-0820
Port Charlotte Centennial (131286)
Chartered 06/13/2017-Zone 6
Meeting2nd Wednesday-5:30 pm
Remax Palm Realty-1808 Tamiami Trail-Port Charlotte, Fl

Club President
Lion: Michael Murray
Cell/Home: (941) 825-4936

Club First Vice President
Lion: Jim Howarth
Cell/Home: (941) 716-8211

Club 2nd Vice President
Lion: Margie Marren
Cell/Home: (941) 716-5510

Club Secretary
Lion: Penny Gregrich
Cell/Home: (941) 740-2860

Punta Gorda (12656)
Chartered 11/15/1966-Zone 6
Meeting 2nd & 4th Tuesday-5:00 pm
FOE Eagles Club-23111 Harborview Rd-Port Charlotte, Fl

Club President
Lion: Roger Richmond
Cell/Home: (941) 456-6281

Club First Vice President
Lion: Terri Smith
Cell/Home: (941) 391-1203

Club 2nd Vice President
Lion: Catherine Greeley
Cell/Home: (507) 421-5205

Club Secretary
Lion: Paula Paquette
Cell/Home: (239) 910-8615
Safety Harbor (12594)
Chartered 04/03/1950-Zone 4
Meeting 3rd Thursday-6 pm
Paradise Restaurant-443 Main Street-Safety Harbor, Fl

Club President
Lion: Fred Fendley
Cell/Home: (727) 724-6259

Club First Vice President
Lion: Keith Kromer
Cell/Home: (610) 298-8180

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary
Lion: Barbara Pullara
Cell/Home: (727) 631-5234
Sanibel Captiva Island (12659)
Chartered 08/23/1967-Zone 7
Meeting 1st & 3rd Wednesday-6 pm
Sanibel Community Center-2173 Periwinkle Way-Sanibel Island, Fl

Club President
Lion: Steven Schulz
Cell/Home: (239) 233-6261

Club First Vice President
Lion: Valerie Tutor
Cell/Home: (239) 834-8141

Club 2nd Vice President
Lion: Lori Schulz
Cell/Home: (770) 596-8709

Club Secretary
Lion: Lyn Kern
Cell/Home: (239) 284-3634
Chartered 12/18/1957-Zone 6
Meeting 1st Monday-12 pm 3rd Monday-6 pm
Sahib Shriners-600 North Beneva Rd-Sarasota, Fl

Club President
Lion: Anne Moore
Cell/Home: (218) 391-2663

Club First Vice President
Lion: Mrs. Margaret Alletson
Cell/Home: (941) 955-7795

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary
Lion: Patrick Block
Cell/Home: (857) 998-8673
Sebring Breakfast (12664)
Chartered 06/05/1973-Zone 1
Meeting 1st & 3rd Thursday-7 am
Havana Restaurant & Bakery-2912 US Hwy 27N-Sebring, Fl

Club President
Lion: James Jordan
Cell/Home: (740) 373-8500

Club First Vice President
Lion: Beverly Borowski
Cell/Home: (717) 986-8703

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary
Lion: Dennis Tully Sr
Cell/Home: (863) 287-6448
Seminole (12599)
Chartered 10/26/1965-Zone 4
Meeting 1st & 3rd Wednesday-6 pm
Seabreeze Family Restaurant-6864 Seminole Blvd-Seminole, Fl

Club President
Lion: Waid Tribiano
Cell/Home: (727) 596-8033

Club First Vice President
Lion: Kent Ward
Cell/Home: (727) 517-9166

Club 2nd Vice President
Lion: Scott Hoffman
Cell/Home: (727) 481-0627

Club Secretary
Lion: Demetrios Thermenos
Cell/Home: (484) 955-5974
St Petersburg (12595)
Chartered 02/06/1925-Zone 4
Meeting 1st & 3rd Wednesday-6:30 pm
Lions Club Beach House-9300 W. Gulf Blvd-Treasure Island, Fl

Club President
Lion: Alicia Masterson
Cell/Home: (727) 384-9605

Club First Vice President
Lion: Cynthia Davis-Griffith
Cell/Home: (813) 416-7530

Club 2nd Vice President
Lion: Steven Yost
Cell/Home: (678) 907-5943

Club Secretary
Lion: Michael Masterson
Cell/Home: (727) 257-5343
Sun City Center (44830)
Chartered 04/15/1985-Zone 5
Meeting 2nd & 4th Monday-11:45 am
SCC United Methodist Church-1210 Del Webb Blvd West-Sun City Center, Fl

Club President
Lion: Harry Eberle
Cell/Home: (609) 694-8235

Club First Vice President
Lion: Nicholas Olson
Cell/Home: (813) 922-4531

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary
Lion: Maryanne Eberle
Cell/Home: (609) 694-8235
Tampa Downtown (12604)
Chartered 02/19/1924-Zone 2
Meeting 2nd & 4th Thursday-12 pm
Clubhouse-5251 South Hesperides St-Tampa, Fl

Club President
Lion: Darlene Ellis
Cell/Home: (813) 928-6446

Club First Vice President
Lion: Anthony Thomas
Cell/Home: (203) 779-9362

Club 2nd Vice President
Lion: Anne Corkle-Lindeman
Cell/Home: (203) 738-9764

Club Secretary
Lion: James Stefan
Cell/Home: (813) 601-1889
Tampa East Centennial (133159)
Chartered 11/20/2017 -Zone 2

Club President (currently vacant)

Club First Vice President (currently vacant)

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary (currently vacant)
Tampa North (121885)
Chartered 04/18/2014 -Zone 2

Club President (currently vacant)

Club First Vice President (currently vacant)

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary (currently vacant)
Tampa -Ybor City (12612)
Chartered 02/27/1951 -Zone 2
Meeting 2nd & 4th Thursday-12 pm
Columbia Restaurant-2117 East Seventh Ave-Tampa, Fl

Club President
Lion: Gene Siudut
Cell/Home: (813) 399-2294

Club First Vice President
Lion: Victor Dimaio Jr
Cell/Home: (813) 251-2370
Email: n/a

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary
Lion: Gene Siudut
Cell/Home: (813) 399-2294
USF Tampa Campus Centennial (135323)
Chartered 06/22/2018 -Zone 2

Club President (currently vacant)

Club First Vice President (currently vacant)

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary (currently vacant)
Venice (12669)
Chartered 06/10/1947 -Zone 6
Meeting 1st & 3rd Thursday-6 pm
Venice Health Park-Lions Community Room-1289 Jacaranda Blvd-Venice, Fl

Club President
Lion: Paddy Padmanabhan
Cell/Home: (973) 204-7637

Club First Vice President
Lion: Louise Elleo
Cell/Home: (919) 413-3732

Club 2nd Vice President
Lion: Thomas Cookingham
Cell/Home: (941) 258-1010

Club Secretary
Lion: Jeffery Myles
Cell/Home: (508) 463-7913
Wauchula (12671)
Chartered 08/12/1927 -Zone 1
Meeting Every Thursday-12 pm
Java Cafe-202 West Main Street-Wauchula, Fl

Club President
Lion: Ward Grimes
Cell/Home: (863) 781-0646

Club First Vice President
Lion: Frank Vasquez
Cell/Home: (863) 781-4133

Club 2nd Vice President
Lion: Robert James
Cell/Home: (863) 698-4109

Club Secretary
Lion: Makayla Chancey
Cell/Home: (863) 445-0745
Wesley Chapel Lions (117162)
Chartered 06/13/2012 -Zone 3
Meeting 2nd Tuesday-11:45 am-1:00 pm
4th Tuesday-6:00 pm-7:00 pm
Walk-On's Bistreaux & Bar-25662 Sierra Center Blvd.-Lutz, FL 33559

Club President
Lion: Tom Mavor
Cell/Home: (561) 350-5288

Club First Vice President
Lion: George Coggan Jr
Cell/Home: (941) 626-7600

Club 2nd Vice President (currently vacant)

Club Secretary
Lion: Nancy Mavor
Cell/Home: (561) 350-1300
Zephyrhills (12616)
Chartered 03/18/1943 -Zone 3
Meeting 2nd Monday-6 pm
Lions Den-5827 Dean Dairy Road-Zephyrhills, Fl

Club President
Lion: John DeLorenzo
Cell/Home: (813) 783-4808

Club First Vice President
Lion: Johnnie Moultrie Jr
Cell/Home: (813) 312-1900

Club 2nd Vice President
Lion: Michael Burr
Cell/Home: (231) 350-0538

Club Secretary
Lion: Michael Pulis
Cell/Home: (301) 221-5251

District LEO Clubs
Club: Auxililias Charter: 05/22/2017
Sponsored by: Sarasota Lions

Club: Bonita Springs Centennial Charter: 06/19/2017
Sponsored by: Bonita Springs Lions

Club: Bonita Spring West Charter 11/11/2016
Sponsored By: Bonita Springs Community Lions

Club: Charlotte High School Charter: 01/25/2012
Sponsored by: Punta Gorda Lions

Club: Durant High School Charter: 04/08/2015
Sponsored by: Plant City Lions

Club: Hardee Senior High School Charter: 10/12/2016
Sponsored by: Wauchula Lions

Club: Largo High School Friendship Charter: 03/15/2005
Sponsored by: Largo Lions

Club: Mitchell High School Charter 07/19/2019
Sponsored By: Hudson Bayonet Point Lions

Club: Plant City High School Charter: 03/28/1975
Sponsored by: Plant City Lions

Club: St. Petersburg High School Charter: 10/12/2005
Sponsored by: St. Petersburg Lions

Club: Strawberry Crest High School Charter: 05/26/2015
Sponsored by: Plant City Lions
Multiple District Entities
Diabetes Awareness Foundation of MD 35
PO BOX 1407
Deland, Fl. 32721

Executive Director Lion: Norma Callahan
Cell/Home: (386) 453-4877
President: Lion Dr. Glenn Brown
Florida Lions Diabetic
Retinopathy Foundation
PO BOX 1407
Deland, Fl. 32721

Executive Director Lion: Norma Callahan
Cell/Home: (386) 453-4877
Florida Lions Eye Bank
900 NW 17th Street #348
Miami, Fl. 33136

Phone: (305) 326-6359
Toll-Free: (800) 329-7000 ext 6359
Beauty of Sight
900 NW 17th Street #348
Miami, Fl. 33136
Phone: (305) 326-6359
Toll-Free: (800) 329-7000 ext 6359
Florida Lions Foundation For The Blind
256 5th Street NW
Largo, Fl. 33770-3319

Executive Secretary/Treasurer & Lifetime
Memberships & Donations
Lion Anita McHenry
Leader Dogs For The Blind
1039 S Rochester Road
Rochester Hills, Mi. 48307
Phone: (248) 651-9011
Toll-Free (888) 777-5332

Lions Club International Foundation
300 22nd Street
Oakbrook, IL. 60523-8842
Phone: (630) 571-5466
Lions Eye Institute (LEITR)
1410 North 21st Street
Tampa, Fl. 33605
Phone: (813) 289-1200
Toll-Free (800) 227-2020

Southeastern Guide Dogs
4210 77th Street
Palmetto, Fl. 34221
Phone: (941) 729-5665
Toll-Free (800) 944-3647

Multiple District Entities
Florida Lions Eye Clinic
10322 Pennsylvania Ave
Bonita Springs, Fl. 34135
Phone: (239) 498-3937

District Hearing Foundation
Lion: Bev Flynn
Cell/Home: (941) 773-5705
District Sight Foundation
President Lion: Nancy Mavor
Cell/Home: (561) 350-1300
Greater Tampa Lions Sight Fund
PO Box 2303 Brandon, Fl. 33509-0203
Lighthouse for the Visually Impaired & Blind (Pasco)-
9130 Ridge Road
New Port Richey, Fl. 34654
(727) 815-0303

Lighthouse of Pinellas
6925 112th Circle North Ste 103
Largo, Fl. 33773
(727) 544-4433

Lighthouse of SWFL
1811 Royal Palm Avenue
Fort Myers, Fl. 33901
(239) 997-7797

Vision Loss Education Center
Sarasota | Manatee | Charlotte | Desoto | Highlands
7318 North Tamiami Trail, 2nd Floor
Sarasota, Fl. 34243
(941) 359-1404

Manatee Sight Fund
Lion: Herman Hemple, PDG
3515 6th Place W
Palmetto, Fl. 34221
Cell/Home: (863) 398-0721 | (941) 981-5699

St. Petersburg Lions Sight Center
Sunshine Center
330 Fifth Street North, 2nd Floor
St. Petersburg, Fl. 33701-2812
(727) 954-5683

Lighthouse For The Blind & Low Vision
1106 West Platt Street
Tampa, Fl. 33606
(813) 251-2407

Lions Vision Care of Upper Pinellas County Foundation
3054 Adrian Avenue
Largo, Fl. 33774
(727) 584-0960
Multiple District Chairs
Audio Visual
Lion: Gary LaSpina
Mobile: (863) 617-5537

Awards | Golden Chain | Governors Achievement | Anchor
Lion: Joe Hauser
Mobile: (321) 507-0404

Bulletin Contest
Lion: Anita McHenry
Mobile: (727) 688-4350

Lion: Esperanza Gomez
Mobile: (305) 338-9859

Constitution & By-Laws


Lion: Gary Nieskes, PCC (1 year)
Mobile: (941) 786-7778

Lion: Greg Evans PCC (3 Year)
Mobile:(386) 453-4099

Lion: Stacey W. Jones PID (2 Year)
Mobile: (305) 624-1116

Convention Chair
Lion: Diana Castillo CC
Home: (305) 898-0179

Convention Coordinator
Lion: Neil R Spencer PID
Mobile: (321) 501-2893

Lion: Gary Nieskes, PCC
Mobile: (941) 786-7778

Crusader Award
Lion: Dennis Dulniak
Mobile: (407) 592-6670

Diabetes Awareness Foundation
Lion: Dr. Glenn Brown VFDG
Mobile: (508) 922-5569

Lion: Norma Callahan PDG
Mobile: (386) 479-9896

Disaster Relief | Lions Alert
Lion: Dudley Bent PDG
Mobile: (242) 441-8083

Elections Chair
Lion: Marilyn Anderson
Mobile: (863) 660-6356

Lion: Janet Kunka
Mobile: (941) 720-1265

Florida Lions Diabetic
Retinopathy Foundation
Lion: Jane Colona
Mobile: (786)208-8746

Lion: Norma Callahan PDG
Mobile: (386) 479-9896

Florida Lions Eye Bank
Lion: Geoffrey Wade PID
Mobile: (772) 521-6986

Lion: Elizabeth Fout-Bura
Business: (305) 326-6359

Florida Lions Foundation For the Blind
Lion: Diane Melnick PDG
Mobile: (352) 209-2818

Lion: Anita McHenry
Mobile: (727) 688-4350

Global Action Team (GAT) 2019-2020
Lion: Diana Castillo CC
Home: (305) 898-0179

Global Leadership Team (GLT)
Lion: Greg Evans
Mobile: (386) 453-4099

Global Membership Team (GMT)
Lion: Jose Elbio Gimenez
Mobile: (954) 2976981

Global Service Team (GST)
Lion: Penny Gregrich
Mobile: (941) 740-2860

Hearing & Speech
Lion: Shirley Shuler
Home: (352) 372-8956

Lion: Neil R Spencer PID
Mobile: (321) 501-2893

Information Technology/Webmaster
Lion: Melissa Tanner
Mobile: (630) 775-3610

International Convention
Lion: Neil R Spencer PID
Mobile: (321) 501-2893
Email: [email protected]
International Relations
Lion: Adita Vazquez
Mobile: (781) 964-3843

Lion: Diana Castillo CC
Home: (305) 898-0179

Leader Dogs For The Blind
Lion: Gini Black
Mobile: (321) 777-2838

Lion: Dalgy Victoria Sanjuan
Mobile: (786) 326-2247

Liaison- Special Rep For Bahamas
Lion: Dudley Bent PDG
Mobile: (242) 441-8083

Liaison- Special Rep For Aruba, Bonaire & Curacao
Lion: Michael Hernandez
Mobile: 5-999-529-950

Lions Eye Institute for Transplant Research (LEITR)
Lion: Holly Moon
Mobile: (727) 457-7067

Lions Opportunities For Youth
Lion: Blanche Day
Mobile: (904) 708-0739

Lions Quest
Lion: Blanche Day
Mobile: (904) 708-0739

Long Range Planning


Lion: Robert Littlefield
Mobile: (218) 823-5570


MD Liaison
Lion: Gary Nieskes, PCC
Mobile: (941) 786-7778

MD Memorial Service
Lion: Neil R Spencer PID
Mobile: (321) 501-2893

NAMI (North America Membership Initiative)
Lion: Tony Stefanowicz PDG
Mobile: (386) 853-0416

New Voices
Lion: Gini Black
Mobile: (321) 777-2838

Lion: Luis Olarte PCC

Peace Poster
Lion: Teresa San Miguel
Mobile: (305) 270-1609

Pilot Award
Lion: Elbio J Gimenez PDG
Mobile: (954) 297-6981

Lion: Suzan Stathas
Mobile: (813) 767-7899

Sergeant at Arms
Lion: Waid Tribiano
Mobile: (727) 481-3912

Sight Conservation
Lion: Cesar Rios
Mobile:(786) 622-9939

Southeastern Guide Dogs
Lion: Andy Kramer
Business: (941) 729-5665

Special Olympics
Lion: Joaquin Fermoselle-Bacardi
Mobile: (786) 768-9557

Lion: Janet "Susie" Smith
Mobile: (386) 290-4397

USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum
Lion: Jackie Cameron PCC
Mobile: (813) 601-0897

Used Eyeglass Procurement
Lion: Steven Van Varick FVDG
Mobile: (321) 354-8796

Lion: Cesar Rios
Home: (786) 622-9939
Lions Clubs International Division Contact Information
Club Supplies & Distribution
Phone: (630) 571-5466

Phone: (630) 468-6761

District & Club Administrator
Phone: (630) 571-5466 Ext 6828

Phone: (630) 468-6823

Leadership Development
Phone: (630) 468-7033

Phone (630) 571-5466 Ext 3847

Lions Club
International Foundation
Phone: (630) 203-3836

Lions Club
International Foundation
Phone: (630) 203-3836

Membership Development
Phone: (630) 468-6734

MYLCI/Information Technology
Phone: (630) 203-3844

Member Service Center
Phone: (630) 468-6900

Phone: (630) 571-6817

Service Activities
Phone (630) 571-5466

Phone: (630) 468-6900
Council of Governors

District L

District Governor
Lion: Bobby J wright, VC
Partner in Service: Blanche Day
Cell/Home: (904) 477-7417

First Vice District Governor
Lion: Charles "Charlie" Largen
Partner in Service: JoAnn
Cell/Home: (904) 631-7529

Second Vice District Governor
Lion: Anthony "Tony" Esposito
Partner in Service:
Cell/Home: (904) 626-0604

District I
District Governor
Lion: Charles R. "Chuck" Carter
Cell/Home: (239) 322-7736
Partner in Service: Patty Jean Strong

First Vice District Governor
Lion: Jimmy Gregory
Partner in Service: Linda
Cell/Home: (757) 713-1195

Second Vice District Governor
Lion: Gary LaSpina
Partner in Service: Diane
Cell/Home: (863) 617-5537

District O

District Governor
Lion: Steven Van Varrick (Treasurer)
Partner in Service: Lynn
Cell/Home: (321) 354-8796

First Vice District Governor
Lion: Dr. Glenn Brown
Partner in Service: Donna
Cell/Home: (508) 922-5569

Second Vice District Governor
Lion: Vivian E. Henegar
Partner in Service: Karen Stowers
Cell/Home: (810) 444-4109

District N

District Governor
Lion: James Campbell (Secretary)
Partner in Service: Barbara
Cell/Home: (954) 592-8018

First Vice District Governor
Lion: Elizabeth "Lee" Maloff
Partner in Service: Tom Malouf
Cell/Home: (786) 287-5743

Second Vice District Governor
Lion: Ivan F. Croes
Partner in Service: Soraida Croes-Tromp
Cell/Home: (00-297-593-4029
Council Chair
Lion: Diana Castillo
Cell: (305) 898-0179
Florida Emerging Lions Leadership Institute (ELLI)
Date: TBA~Life Enrichment Center, Fruitland Park Fl.
Potential Leaders Seminar
MD Office-Cocoa Beach
Date: February 5th, 2022
Date: February 2nd, 2023
Date: February 3rd, 2024
FVDG/DGE Seminar
Date: February 4th Through 12th, 2022
Date: February 3rd through 11th, 2023
Date: February 5th through 9th, 2024
St. Charles, IL
St. Charles, IL
St. Charles, IL
Future Lions Clubs International Conventions
2022-June 24th through June 28th
2023-July 7th through July 11th
2024-June 21st through June 25th
2025-July 4th through the July 8th
2026-July 3rd through July 7th
2027-July 2nd through July 6th
2028-June 23rd through June 27th
Montreal, Canada
Boston, Massachusetts
Melbourne, Australia
Mexico City, Mexico
Atlanta, Georgia
Washington, DC
Future Lions USA/Canada Forums
2021-Sept. 9th through Sept. 11th
2022-Sept. 15th through Sept. 17th
2023-Sept. 14th through Sept. 16th
Des Moines, Iowa
Calgary, Alberta-Canada
Reno, Nevada
Louisville, Kentucky
District Meetings, Board Meetings, Cabinet Meetings, Conventions & Conferences
July 2021

August 2021
August 7th~ Governor's Sessions
Aug 9th~ Board & General Membership Meeting~Punta Gorda Lions Club
August 21st~ District Cabinet Meeting~Lions Eye Institute for Transplant & Research Host: Hudson Bayonet Point Lions Club~Tampa Ybor City Lions Club

September 2021
Sept 13th~Board & General Membership Meeting~Host: Punta Gorda Lions Club

October 2021
Oct 4th~Board of Directors Meeting~Host: Punta Gorda Lions Club
Oct 11th~General Membership Meeting~Host: Punta Gorda Lions Club
Oct 25th~General Membership Meeting~Host: Punta Gorda Lions Club

November 2021
November 4-7th~ Fall Conference~Host: District O Maitland, Fl
November 13th~ District Meeting~Host: Punta Gorda Lions Club

December 2021

January 2022
January 15th~Governors sessions

February 2022
February 12th~ District Meeting~Host: Gulfport Lions Club

March 2022
March. 11th-14th~ Spring Conference at Sea Cruise
Reservations: (877) 416-9722 ext 44162 email: [email protected]

April 2022
April 23rd~ Mini-Convention~Host: Bonita Springs Lions Club

May 2022

June 2022
Shop LCICon 2021
Get all your your Commemoratives in the Lions Shop
This link will take you there! 👉

COVID-19 Update
Lions, You Can Still Place Your Orders
Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, we are currently operating on a reduced shipping schedule. Orders will be delayed but will ship out to you as quickly as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience, but the health and safety of our members, our staff and our
communities are our top priority.

Visit for more information about COVID-19.
With the help of our sponsors advertisements and letters of congratulations, we thank you for the your help in covering some of the cost to have this publication digital.
  • Florida Lions Eye Bank
  • Zephyrhills Lions Club
  • Guerrilla Marketing for Small Business
  • Captain Cold Cooling
  • Chad Luttrell Financial Advisor
  • Lions Eye Institute for Transport
  • Florida Lions Foundation for the Blind
  • CM2 Software
  • Florida Diabetes Foundation/Diabetes Foundation of MD35
  • Bonita Springs Lions Club
  • ActivePure Technology
  • PID Robert & Lion Kathy Littlefield
  • PDG Tony Montes & Wife Mayra
  • IPDG Blair"Chip"Kunka & Partner in Service Jan Kunka
  • DG Jim Campbell & Lion Barbara
  • Everglades Lions Club
  • Punta Gorda Lions Club
  • Sun City Center Lions Club
  • ID A. Geoffrey Wade & Lion Nancy
  • PCC Greg Evans & Partner Katie Hamlin
  • Englewood Lions Club
  • Paint it Forward
  • Gulfport Lions Club
If you or your business are interested in advertising please contact Lion Tom Mavor-District Treasurer at (561) 350-5288 or [email protected] OR Lion Drew with Guerrilla Marketing for Small Business at (239) 910-3635 or [email protected] Ad's can be placed throughout the year on this directory and/or our official website
Past District Governors
District I
2020-2021 Blair (Chip) Kunka
2019-2020 Claudette Henry
2018-2019 Kenneth (Ken) Engstrom
2017-2018 Shirley LaPage
2016-2017 John Geary
2015-2016 David Skillin
2014-2015 Judith E. Galm
2013-2014 Andrew J Moos
2012-2013 Robert (Bob) Hilliard, PCC
2011-2012 Dean A. Hess, PCC*
2010-2011 John L. Carbaugh*
District I
District R
2009-2010 Paul Nash
2008-2009 John A. Manning*
2007-2008 Robert W. Woomer
2006-2007 Diana M. Pinto
William K. Moulton (D45)
2005-2006 James Fitzpatrick*
Penny J.Gregrich (2-S1)
2004-2005 Norma Jean Andrews
2003-2004 William Jerrerr
Vergne Gregrich (2-S1)
2002-2003 Gary Nieskes, PCC
2001-2002 Richard Grant, PCC
Jerry Higginbotham (25-G)
2000-2001 Herman Hemple
1999-2000 Dolores M. Breig-Hite
1998-1999 Richard E. Clare*
1997-1998 Carl E. Troup*
David J St. Martin (23C)
1996-1997 Patricia Troup*
1995-1996 Richard E. Varley
1994-1995 Paul E. Myers, PCC*
Fred Harkins (33-Y)
1993-1994 Austin J. Weimer*
1992-1993 James L. Whitaker*
Timothy Gallagher (20Y1)
1991-1992 Leon Ford*
Marvin E. Gene' Hovel (35A)
1990-1991 Abraham J. Kahn
1989-1990 William F. Brown
1988-1989 Dr. William L. Lawson
1987-1988 Russell J. Matteson, PCC
1986-1987 George R. Weaver*
Buster D. Hall, PID (49-A)
1985-1986 Harry M. Flink*
1984-1985 Donald Lavoie*
1983-1984 Delredge H. Bullock*
1982-1983 Max Moelinger, Jr*
1981-1982 Kenneth Shivel, PCC*
1980-1981 Dr. William H. Miller
1979-1980 Garland Roberts*
Gregg Maxwell, PCC (13-B)
1978-1979 Kenneth Williams, PCC*
1977-1978 Richard L. Lydecker*
1976-1977 Burt Whiting*
1975-1976 William Van Duzer, PCC
1974-1975 Clayton B. Lyons*
1973-1974 Clifford Whyte*
1972-1973 Lyonal B. Lindsey, PID*
1971-1972 Howard D. Towns, PID*
1970-1971 Duane Perkins*
1969-1970 Peter McCagg
1968-1969 J. Robert Hogan*
1967-1968 B B Parkhurst*
1966-1967 Samuel H. Fleishman
1965-1966 Herbert H. Johnson*
1964-1965 W. E. Coker*
1963-1964 Robert B. Graham*
1962-1963 George Johnson
1961-1962 Al Feinsod*
1960-1961 Stanley S. Grey*
William C. Kilgore, PCC*
1959-1960 Phil Gutierrez*
1958-1959 Harry E. Elrod Jr, PCC*
1957-1958 Will Howe Wasson*
1956-1957 Hugh V. Griffin*
1955-1956 Fred J. Morrow*
1954-1955 Joseph H. Moore*
1951-1952 Robert E. Hucker, PID*
1950-1951 Charles R. Hess, PCC*
1949-1950 H A Reeves*
1948-1949 H O Trezise*

1938-1939 Richard Turner*
1935-1936 J P Tarantino Jr*
1933-1934 Raney H. Martin*
1930-1931 William P. Allen, PID*
1929-1930 Sidney C. Brown*
Kenneth Donahue (43)
2009-2010 C. David Lloyd, PPC
2008-2009 Gerri M. Coleman*
2007-2008 Suzan Stathas, PCC
2006-2007 Ellen Durling
2005-2006 Roger T. Allen
2004-2005 James Gallagher*
2003-2004 Louis Cantell
2002-2003 Cathy Walton
2001-2002 Edward C. Henderson*
Mary Ann Makar
2000-2001 John R. Fiore*
1999-2000 Lois Q. Malecky
1998-1999 Attillio Puglisi
1997-1998 Jacqueline Cameron, PCC
1996-1997 Sara J. Randall*
1995-1996 Howell Lee Jr*
1993-1994 Herbert L. Wells*
1992-1993 George Sultan*
Daniel L. Morris (20-Y2A)
1991-1992 Charles W. Reabe, PCC*
1990-1991 William D. Baumgardner*
1989-1990 Stanley J. Malecky*
1988-1989 Richard Babcock*
1987-1988 Harvey J. Randall*
1986-1987 E. Robert Lastinger, PID*
William E. Ringelstein, PCC (35A)
1985-1986 Robert C. Reiley
1984-1985 Gerald P. Tinney*
1983-1984 James M. Stout
1982-1983 Harold L. Hamacher*
1981-1982 Thomas J. Havde, PCC*
1980-1981 Earl C. Fleischmann, PCC*
1979-1980 Daniel W. Carter*
1978-1978 Robert L. Nunn*
1977-1978 Charles H. Lister Jr*
1976-1977 Edgar Raney*
1975-1976 Blair E. Kunka
1974-1975 Peter E. Leto*
1973-1974 Alfred C. Wylie*
1972-1973 Lawrence W. Dye*
1971-1972 Samuel W. Fielding*
1970-1971 Herman M. Chapman*
1969-1970 Robert B. Reed Jr*
1968-1969 Joseph R. Castellana*
1967-1968 S L Clements Jr, PCC*
1966-1967 George H. Brooks*
1965-1966 Ralph A. Harrison*
1964-1965 J Claud Whittle, PCC*
1963-1964 J Woodrow Wilson*
1962-1963 Cecil L. Smith
1961-1962 Sam Cannella*
1960-1961 William C. Kilgore, PCC*
1948-1949 Frederick Burnham (1)

Anchor Award

The purpose of this award is to provide recognition for the "Grass Root Lions" who are the anchors and stability of our association. The goal is to eliminate the club dropouts, by recognizing these Lions who put out special effort at the club level.
All Lions will be eligible for this award that have put in at least 125 hours or more of service in any recognized Lion activity, except the following:
• Current Club Presidents
• Current Club Secretaries
• Current Zone Chairs
• Current Cabinet Secretaries
• Current Cabinet Treasurers
• Current Multiple District chairs
• Current District Governors
• Current Vice District Governors
• Past District Governors and Past Vice District Governors
• Current or Past International Officers or Directors (District Chairs shall be considered for the Anchor Award at the discretion of the District Governor. Hours accumulated on district committee activities shall NOT be considered for the award.)

Each Lion should keep a record of all the hours they work on anything in conjunction with Lionism. These must be certified and dated by the club president or secretary. All hours counted must be actual and not estimated. Sleep and travel time are excluded from any of the hours counted toward the award. Fifty (50) points (hours) will be the maximum allowed for any one project or activity and total points (hours) must be accumulated from more than one activity or project. The club secretary shall collect each tally sheet, tabulate its points, and submit it to the District Governor or District Anchor Award chair by July 31 5t of each year to be eligible.

The following is a partial list of functions that could count toward this award.
• Club Meetings
• Club Projects
• MD-35 Projects 148
• Lions International Projects
• Lion Training Seminars and Classes
• Zone and Cabinet Meetings
• Council of Governor's Conferences
• Inert-club Meetings
• Visitations to any Lion's entities.
(Leader Dog for the Blind, any Eye Bank, Conklin Center, Lions Clubs International, Southeastern Guide Dog, etc.) The contest year shall run the Lionistic year, which runs from July 1st of each year through June 30th of each year. The award can be earned only once each year but may be awarded at any time during the contest period after completion of the hours required. As of July 1st of each year, all hours accumulated will be dropped and a new contest period shall begin.
SINCE THIS IS A CLUB AWARD, each club must order their award pins or tabs by sending a copy of the worksheet, and the order form with a check attached for the number of pins and tabs being ordered to the District Anchor Award chair, who shall, after recording for reporting purposes, take the checks and purchase the proper amount of pins and tabs from the Cabinet Secretary for the clubs. Cabinet Secretaries shall order Anchor Awards in sufficient numbers from the MD-35 Office Manager to furnish the Anchor Awards chair with what is needed for the district. There shall be no Multiple District or District winner, as this is strictly a club award. 

For More Information Contact: District Chair Lion: Karen Douglas
Home: (727) 585-7470 Email: [email protected]
Bulletin Contest

The District and MD-35 Bulletin Contest starts on September 1st and ends March 31st of each Lion year. A copy of all issues published by a club should be mailed to the Bulletin Contest Chair, Cabinet Secretary, and Multiple District Executive Secretary/Treasurer.

Items to be judged in each issue:
  • Program announcement
  • Announcement of the day
  • Name of club, city & state
  • Name of President, Secretary, District Governor, Vice District Governors, Region & Zone Chair, Multiple District Office Manager including address & phone number
  • Résumé of the last meeting
Announcements of actions taken by the club
Activities mentioned
Committee reports
  • Personal items about members
List of upcoming events (club zone, district, etc.)
Items about zone and district events
Items about Lions International events & Lionism in general
Humor (jokes, amusing incidents, about members
Convenience of size
Attractive appearance
Regularity of publication
Style of writing
Max total points awarded:
  • All stared items must appear in each issue of the bulletin. The items without a star must be included in the bulletin once each month. (They may be included in every issue, but this is not necessary)
Program Announcements
  • The program for each meeting prior to the next issue shall be given. If the program for any such meeting has not been determined, that shall be noted and considered as satisfying this requirement.
Activities mention:
  • This may be an activity completed or a future activity
Personal items about members:
  • This may be a birthday, anniversary, health report or another personal item about a member
Items scored for each issue:
  • Legibility, neatness, the convenience of size, attractive appearance, and regularity of issue and style of writing
Single page bulletin
  • Any bulletin printed on one sheet of paper of size or smaller shall be considered a single page bulletin
Mulitple page bulletin
  • Any bulletin printed on more than one sheet of paper shall be considered a multiple page bulletin
International Newsletter (Bulletin) Contest:
International Newsletter (bulletin) Contest has been canceled 2021-2022
To Enter The Contest:

Each Lions Club should submit two copies of their best club news bulletins to the Public Relations Division of Lions International Headquarters no later than May 1st.

There will be one winner and four honorable mention winners.

Winners will be announced at the annual International Convention. Members of the Publications, Public Relations and Lions Information Committee of the International Board of Directors will judge the entries

Winners will be awarded prizes.

All entries in the International Newsletter (bulletin) contest must be accompanied by the registration form.

For more information, contact your District Chair
District Chair
 Lion Anita McHenry cell: (727) 688-4350 email: [email protected]


A. Attend a minimum of 75%of their regular club meetings during the period. Missed meetings may be made up by attendance at a local board of directors meeting or at meetings of other Lions Clubs.
Attendance %_________________________________________________

B. Sign up a new member and help them become an active member.
  • Name:__________________________________________________
  • Club:___________________________________________________
  • Date Inducted:_____________________________________________
C. Attend a local board of directors meeting.
  • Date:__________________________________________________

D. Be active as a local committee member.
  • Committee:______________________________________________

E. Attend a Zone, Cabinet, or Council of Governors meeting.
  • Location:_______________________________________________
  • Date:__________________________________________________

Must complete 11 of the 20 listed.
1. Serve as an active local chair of an internal or external committee.
  • Committee______________________________________________
2. Submit a complete plan for a new project to the local board of directors
  • Date:_______________________________
3. Serve as a local officer or director or visit one of Florida's two Lions Eye Banks.
  • Office/Director___________________________________________
  • Eye Bank_______________________________________________
4. Write an acceptable article for publication covering some phase of project activity for local or state publication, such as The Lions of Florida MD 35 magazine, radio, TV, etc.
  • Date:__________________________________________________
5. Attend a Council of Governors Conference in addition to required activities
  • Meeting________________________________________________
6. Attend a Zone or Cabinet Meeting in addition to the required activity
  • Meeting:________________________________________________
  • Date:__________________________________________________
7. Have three (3) people sign up on Florida Donate Now Organ Donor Site
  • 1 _________________________________Date:_______________
  • 2_________________________________Date:_______________
  • 3_________________________________Date:_______________
8. Serve as a speaker at a non-Lion meeting in support of a Lions project OR make a second official visitation to a regular meeting of another club.
  • Activity:________________________________________________
  • Date:__________________________________________________
9. Serve as a member of a successful Extension Team and make three (3) visitations within the qualification period after the club is chartered, OR, visit an Eye Bank.
10. Serve as a district chair, co-chair, or vice-chair OR attend a zone meeting in another zone.
11. Serve as a cabinet officer OR participate in an activity determined by the local club in addition to other options.
12. Reactivate a dropped member OR have perfect attendance for the period with make-up rules effective.
13. Introduce a prospect to a club, sign them up, and help them become an active Lion. (This must be in addition to the mandatory section.)
14. Visit a regular membership meeting of another club as part of an official visitation team.
15. Participate in the presentation of an orientation program.
16. Give invocation or benediction at a Lions meeting or lead the club in singing “America” or the “Pledge of Allegiance” to the flag.
17. Contribute a pint of blood to a Lions blood bank or get some else to contribute OR attend a second board of directors meeting.
18. Attend an eye bank meeting or the Florida Lions Foundation board of directors meeting.
19. Participate in an activity determined by the local Lions Club.
20.Make a donation to LCIF in your name, your club, or another Lions name.
Donation Name:______________________________________________

Signature of Secretary verifying all tasks have been completed

For more information, contact your District Chair
District Chair
Lion Karen Douglas home: (727) 585-7470 email: [email protected]
Governor's Achievement Award-New Lion

This award is designed to assist the NEW LION member to become thoroughly familiar and fully involved in the activities and purposes of Lionism.


This award is available only to NEW members in their first year of membership, beginning with induction. The sponsoring Lion is responsible for assisting the new member in the pursuit of their requirements. The club membership director should secure the completed forms for certification by the club’s board of directors who, after their approval, shall send the form to the district chairperson.

(Must complete 8 out of 10)

Please date and initial each requirement below:

1. Read a recent Lions International Magazine or a recent MD 35 Magazine and serve as a greeter at four (4) meetings. ________ ________
2. Attend a board of directors meeting. ________ ________
3. Attend a zone meeting. ________ ________
4. Participate actively in two Club projects. ________ ________
5. Attend two (2) other club meetings OR visit an eye bank ________ ________
6. Attend two (2) club social functions. ________ ________
7. Attend an MD-35 Conference OR attend new member orientation.
________ ________
8. Attend 75% or better of regular club meetings. ________ ________
9. Attend one (1) district meeting OR an eye bank meeting. ________ ________ 10. Recruit one (1) new member. ________ ________

The sponsoring Lion will date and initial each item of achievement as accomplished and secure certification by the club secretary.
NAME (NEW MEMBER): _____________________________
DATE INDUCTED: ____________
NAME OF SPONSOR: _______________________________
NAME OF CLUB: ____________________________________
SPONSORING LION SIGNATURE: ________________________________ DATE: ______________
CLUB SECRETARY SIGNATURE: _________________________________ DATE: ______________
MEMBERSHIP CHAIR SIGNATURE: ______________________________ DATE: ______________

For more information, contact your District Chair below or go to
District Chair
Lion Karen Douglas home: (727) 585-7470 email: [email protected]
Helen Keller Award
Award History

Born in Tuscumbia, Alabama, USA, in 1880, Helen Keller developed a fever at 18 months of age that left her blind and deaf.

With the help of an exceptional teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan of the Perkins School for the Blind, Helen Keller learned sign language and braille. A few years later, she learned to speak. As an adult, she became a tireless advocate for people with disabilities. And in 1925, she attended the Lions Clubs International Convention and challenged Lions to become "knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness."

The Lions accepted her challenge and our work ever since has included sight programs aimed at preventable blindness.

Get And Sign Helen Keller Form Here
International Peace Poster Contest

For over three decades, Lions clubs around the globe have been sponsoring a very special art contest in schools and youth groups. Creating peace posters gives children everywhere the chance to express their visions of peace and inspire the world through art and creativity.

Lions have been serving and connecting safely through social distancing, Zoom meetings, social media, and more, and we encourage you to continue being safe as you sponsor the Peace Poster Contest.

Peace Poster Contest Deadlines:

Students ages 11, 12, or 13 as of November 15 are eligible to participate in the International Peace Poster Contest.
Entries not meeting the following deadlines will be disqualified.

  • January 15: Kits go on sale from the Club Supplies Sales Department at International Headquarters.

  • October 1: Deadline to purchase kits from the Club Supplies Sales Department at International Headquarters.

  • November 15: Postmark deadline for a club to send one winning poster (per contest sponsored) to the district governor.

  • December 1: Postmark deadline for a district governor to send one winning district poster to multiple district council chairperson.

  • December 1: Postmark deadline for a district governor not belonging to a multiple district to send one winning poster to the Brand and Marketing Strategy Department at International Headquarters.

  • December 1: Postmark deadline for a club not belonging to a district to send one winning entry to the Brand and Marketing Strategy Department at International Headquarters.

  • December 15: Postmark deadline for the multiple district council chairperson to send one winning poster to the Brand and Marketing Strategy Department at International Headquarters.

  • February 1: International winners notified on or before this date.

For more information, contact your District Chair below or go to
District Chair
Lion Jeanette Mack cell: (813) 727-5724 email: [email protected]
The Melvin Jones Fellowship (MJF)

The Melvin Jones Fellowships are the backbone of our foundation. Presented to those who donate US $1,000 to LCIF or to people for whom a donation was made by others, it’s a tremendous contribution to humanity and to the legacy of our founder, Melvin Jones.

The Fellowship of Lions
  • Provides 75% of the foundation's annual revenue
  • There are 414,777 MJF recipients worldwide
  • There are 82,236 PMJF recipients worldwide
  • 100% of MJF's are invited to the annual luncheon held at our international convention (ticket purchase required)

Contributions for the MJF can be made by individuals (including non-Lions), clubs or districts. Donations may be in one sum, or in installments of a minimum of US $100 over a five-year period (recommended) Melvin Jones Fellows reeve a special lapel pin, a plaque and a congratulatory letter.

It's possible to make a donation and choose the MJF recipient later. "Melvin Jones Fellow to be named later" on the check or bank draft. when an individual's or group's personal donation(s) are accumulated for clubs or districts use to select a Melvin Jones Fellowship recipient, LCIF needs the signed consent. Please include such documentation with the completed MJF application that is sent to LCIF Donor Services.

For further Melvin Jones Fellowship contributions or inquiries contact
Donor Services at (630) 203-3836 or [email protected]

*Note: Many countries may charge customs and VAT charges for the importation of Melvin Jones Fellowship plaques. These fees are the responsibility of the individual
or club locally receiving the plaque.

Lion Suzy Stathas, PCC cell: (813) 767-7899 email: [email protected]
Millard Conklin Crusader for Lionism Award


The Millard Conklin Crusader for Lionism Award is designed to encourage the participation of "Grass Root" Lions in each district and club and to select one from each district to be rewarded for outstanding dedication and contributions for their current calendar year efforts made to Lionism, and to be presented for a District award. The MD-35 Award is presented to the multiple district winner from among those district winners.


The award shall cover the accomplishments realized only during the contest period from January 1st through December 31st of each calendar year.


All Lions whose membership is in a Lions Club of MD-35 are eligible except the following:
• Current or past District Governors
• Current or past Vice District Governors
• Cabinet secretaries and/or cabinet treasurers
• Current or past International Officers or Directors
• Also the spouse, partner-in-service, or anyone serving in that capacity of a District Governor, Vice District Governor, Council Chair, International Officers or Directors, Candidates for International Director or Higher, cabinet secretaries and/or treasurers, shall not be eligible during their spouses or partners term of office.

  • A Lion will lose their eligibility during any year in which they become a candidate for District Governor or Vice District Governor. If not successful in their bid for office, they shall regain their eligibility starting on January 1st following the MD-35 Convention.
  • A cabinet secretary and/or treasurer shall regain their eligibility after their term of office concludes for the next contest period starting January 1st of the following year.
  • The spouses or partners of any of the offices listed in the previous paragraph shall also regain their eligibility on January 1st following their spouses or partners' term of office.


  • Each club may enter all eligible members.
  • A zone chair may nominate a president of one of the clubs in their zone.
  • A District Drive Director or a District Committee Chair may nominate one of their workers.
  • A recognized Multiple District service organization, such as the Florida Lions Foundation, a Lions Eye Bank, Leader Dog for the Blind, a hearing aid bank, a bone bank, International Hearing Dog, Southeastern Guide Dog, Diabetes Awareness Foundation of MD-35, etc. may nominate an entrant, provided the entrant is not gainfully employed in the Lions activity for which the credit will be claimed.

Millard Conklin Crusader Award For Lionism
Winners District 35-I
2021 TBA
2020 Gary LaSpina
2019 Tom Mavor
2018 Gracie Nindle*
2017 Tracy Krueger*
2016 Bev Flynn
2015 Sarah Beaulieu
2014 Dr. Howard Freedman
2013 Catherine Lau
2012 Bill Favero
2011 Beverly Kruger

District 35-I
2008 Dean Hess, PCC
2006 Jane Clare
2005 Paul Nash, PDG
2004 Shane Senghaas
2003 Fran Peters
2002 Arthur Padula Jr
2001 Robert Runyon
1999 Norman Jean Andrews, PDG
1998 Joellyn Reckwerdt
1996 Carolyn VanDuzer
1995 Bob DeCosmo
1994 Victor Santangelo
1993 Robert Lee*
1992 Austin Weimer, PDG
1991 Richard Varley, PDG*
1990 John Fiero Jr, PDG
1989 Kenneth Shaw
1988 William Brown
1987 Hanlo Mariotti
1986 Ralph Gauthier
1985 William Lawson, PDG
1984 Attilio Puglisi*
1983 Donald Lavole*
1982 Lavern Powell*
1981 Richard Allen
1980 Max Moellinger
1979 Eddie Smith
1978 William Miller*
1977 Kenneth Williams
1976 Richard Lydecker
1975 Millard Bower, Jr
1974 Duane Perkins
1973 Ross Carr
1972 Phillip Knuth*
1970 Clinton Thomas
District 35-R
2010 David Skillin, PDG*
2009 Shirley LePage, PDG*
2008 Judy Newmann
2007 Michael Venning
2006 Margie Franklin
2005 Robert Fulks
2004 Mary Ehresman
2003 Ellen Durling
2001 James Gallagher, PDG
2000 Helene wells
1999 Charles Romscho
1998 Paul N. Andress
1996 Vivian Sultan
1994 Doris Reabe
1993 Richard Farmiglielli
1992 Sara Randall, PDG
1991 Jacqueline Cameron, PCC
1990 R G Knowles
1989 William Cameron, PDG
1988 William N. Vaughn*
1987 A M Sanderlin*
1986 Joseph R. Librandl
1985 E Robert Lastinger, PID*
1984 Robert C. Reiley
1983 Gerald P. Tinney
1982 Frank Martorano
1981 Joseph A. Ladogana
1980 Harold L. Hamacher
1979 Earl C. Fleishman*
1978 Daniel W. Carter
1977 Al H. Girouard
1976 Charles H. Lister, Jr*
1975 Lawrence M. Dye
1974 Edgar G. Raney
1971 Clifford Whytte
*Multiple District Award Winner
Dr. Walter H. Campbell Pilot Award for Lionism

The Pilot Award is designed to recognize a Past District Governor (PDG) in each of the Districts, and a PDG in MD35, with a prestigious award for outstanding efforts, dedication, and contributions during the preceding calendar year on behalf of Lionism.

Contest Period
  • The award shall cover only the accomplishments realized during the contest period, January 1st through December 31st of the preceding calendar year at the Club and District level. Any other information shall make the inquiry unacceptable and void.
  • All entries must be submitted to the Multiple District 35 (MD) Office and postmarked no later than February 1st of the following year to the contest.

  • All PDGs and all Past Council Chairs (PCC) whose term of office ended prior to the beginning of the contest period and whose membership is in MD-35 are eligible for the district award.
  • Candidates must be active and participate only in Club to Multiple District activities to qualify for the Pilot Award.
  • Only the winners of the District award each year are eligible for the MD-35 award.
  • Past winners shall not be eligible for the MD-35 or District award.
  • The past district governor, spouse, partner-in-service, or anyone serving in that capacity, shall be eligible for the award only after the term of office has ended prior to the beginning of the contest period, and not overlapping any fiscal year of said office. Such service with a spouse or partner includes District Governor, Vice District Governor, Council Chair, International Director or Officer, International Officers or Directors Candidates for International Director or Higher, or President of any of the MD-35 Projects. 
District I

Dr. Walter Campbell Pilot Award
2020 Judy Galm PDG
2019 John Geary PDG*
2018 David Skillin
2017 Dean Hess
2016 Andrew Moos
2015 Paul Nash
2014 John Manning
2013 Henry Chiminiello
2012 Vergna Gregrich
2011 Suzan Stathas*
2010 Penny Gregrich
2008 Norman Jean Andrews
2007 Robert Marker
2006 Gary Nieskes PCC*
2005 Gerald Koenig PCC
2004 Pat Wallace
2003 Richard Grant
2002 Richard Clare
2001 Gene Hovel
2000 Charles St. John
1999 E. Robert Lastinger*
1998 Pete McCagg
1997 Paul Myers
1996 William VanDuzer
1995 Jim Whitaker
1994 Leon Ford
1993 Bill Lawson*
1992 Bill Brown
1991 Bill Ringlestein PCC
1989 Russ Matterson
1988 George Weaver
1987 Gerald Hoerbelt
1986 Donald Lavoie
1985 Max Moelinger Jr
1984 Kenneth Shivel Jr
1983 Clifford Whytte
1982 William Miller*
1981 Kenneth Williams
District R
2010 David St. Martin
2009 Ellen Durling*
2008 Edward Henderson
2007 James Gallagher
2006 Louis Cantrell
2005 Cathy Walton
2004 Lois Q. Malecky
2003 John R . Fiore
2002 Jackie Cameron PCC
1999 Howell L. Lee Jr
1997 Charles R. Reabe
1996 Herbert L. Wells
1995 George Sultan
1994 Francis Smith
1993 Earl C. Fleischmann
1992 Stanley J. Malecky
1991 Thomas J. Haydon
1989 Robert C. Reiley*
1987 Howard Morrow
1986 Robert Nunn
1985 Harold Hamacher*
1984 Lawrence M. Dye
1983 Herman W Chapman
1982 Blair A. Kunka
1981 Daniel W. Carter
Induction Ceremony

Since you have expressed a desire to affiliate with this Club and Lions Club International, I now ask that you respond to my words with a simple "I DO" or "I WILL".

Do you hereby accept membership in the Lions Club of ____________________
knowing that such membership obligates you to participate in all functions of the club? (Please answer "I DO")

To the best of your ability, will you:
  • Abide by the Lions Code of Ethics?
  • Attend meetings regularly?
  • Accept such assignments as are given to you?
  • Contribute your share to the program of your Club, District and Lions Clubs International? (Please answer "I WILL")

You are now a member of the Lions Club of ____________________________
Your sponsor will now place upon your lapel the pin, which signifies this membership.

Congratulations! Welcome new members!

Lions Toast
Pledge of Allegiance
United States

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands: One nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.

I pledge allegiance to the flag and to the Commonwealth of the Bahamas for which it stands: One people united in love and service.

I pledge my allegiance to the flag of Aruba. That I will represent you with honor and dignity and I swear that I will faithfully fulfill all the obligations as an Arubian Citizen. May God protect our beautiful island and its people.

I pledge my allegiance to the flag of Bonaire and to the island for which it stands. One Community under God with Liberty and Justice for all of us.

We pledge Loyalty & Commitment to the flag of Curacao. The island in the Caribbean where Diversity, Respect, Union and Faith in God, make us a man of good.
United States

The Star-Spangled Banner

Oh, say can you see by the dawn’s early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

National Anthem

Lift up your head to the rising sun, Bahamaland; March on to glory, your bright banners waving high. See how the world marks the manner of your bearing! Pledge to excel thro' love and unity. Pressing onward, march together to a common loftier goal; Steady sunward, tho' the weather hide the wide and treacherous shoal. Lift up your head to the rising sun, Bahamaland; 'Til the road you've trod lead unto your God, March on, Bahamaland!

Aruba Precious Country

Aruba beloved home our venerated cradle though small and simple you may be you are indeed esteemed.
Chorus: Aruba our dear country our rock so well-beloved our love for you is so strong that nothing can destroy it. (repeat) Your beaches so much admired with palm trees all adorned your coat of arms and flag the symbols of our pride.
Chorus: Aruba our dear country our rock so well-beloved our love for you is so strong that nothing can destroy it. (repeat) The greatness of our people is their great cordiality and may God guide and preserve its love for freedom.
Chorus: Aruba our dear country our rock so well-beloved our love for you is so strong that nothing can destroy it. (repeat)

Country of sun and gentle breeze

Land of sun and gentle breeze, Proud fatherland risen from the sea. Modest people, always satisfied, always bravely defending themselves. Let us try each day, to announce Bonaire and we sing in good harmony, Sweet Bonaire, our beloved fatherland. Let all of us as Bonairians, sing and raise our voices together. We, as children of healthy people, always happy, trusting in God. No power can take this love away, as we feel for our island, even though it is small and not perfect we love it above everything

National Anthem

Let's raise our voice and sing, the grandeur of Curaçao;
Curaçao, a small island, a boulder in the sea. Curaçao, we love you above all nations. Your glory we sing with all our hearts. Our people have their struggle, but we always have our faith to accomplish always victory through labor. Let us do our part for the island's prosperity. Let us unite forces so we can triumph. In our homeland, we have shown honor & loyalty, as to the flag the union of our nation. Our lives would be little to give to our country, fighting united for liberty, love and understanding. And when we are far from home we all recall Curaçao, its sun and beaches the pride of us all. Let us praise our Creator always and forever, for He has made us worthy to be born Curaçaooan!
***Due to Covid issues, this event has been canceled.***
Keep watching for updates for the new Lions Spring Conference location.
Hello fellow Lions,

I am taking advice given to me to cancel our Conference at Sea due to Covid concerns. I contacted our Cruise Consultant: Michael Mowatt, at (954) 514-4116 to cancel all reservations made by Lions in MD-35. He is sending me, along with the emails attached to each reservation, the cancellation verifications to make sure everyone is reimbursed 100% of what they paid either partly or in full. Reservations had to be paid in full or refunded by 1/9 to get full refunds. Refunds will be processed back to the credit/debit cards they were booked on within 7-10 business days. That would make it by January 17th. Look for your cancellation notification in the email you used to register for the event. Feel free to call Michael Mowatt if you need a cancellation notice or it is past 1/17 and you have not received your refund yet. We still will have FUN no matter what, right?  🦁❤👍
If plans are made for a Spring Conference at a different location you will be notified promptly.


Lion District Governor 35-I Chuck Carter 2021-22
Fort Myers Lions Club Member
Fort Myers Edison Kiwanis Club Member
Biznet of SWFL Board Member
Iona House Corporation Board Member
Florida Lions Eye Clinic Board Member
Founder of Paint it Forward Ministries, Inc.

[email protected] 

“Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love” – Martin Luther King, Jr.