Vol. 22
February 2, 2022
Port Authority to Receive $20 Million for Offshore Wind
The Virginia Port Authority will receive a $20 million grant from the Department of Transportation to make improvements to Portsmouth Marine Terminal to turn it into a staging area to support the building of 180 wind turbines 27 to 42 miles off the Virginia Beach coast.
Virginia Inked Offshore Wind Agreement With Denmark Right Before Northam Left Office, Hoping to Expand Industry
While the commonwealth is embarking on its first offshore wind development off the Virginia Beach coast, Denmark has spent decades building and refining its suite of more than 6,000 turbines. Virginia officials hope to learn from the European country what works, and what doesn’t.
U.S. Offshore Wind Forecast: 45 Projects, $136B CapEx
As of the end of January 2022, there were over 45 projects in development representing a $136 billion capital expenditure and $4.4 billion annual OPEX opportunity that are forecast to be brought on stream within this and early in the next decade.
Wind Sector Urges U.S. to Pass 'Build Back Better' Bill
Delays in clean power legislation in Washington are costing the U.S. some $2 billion in lost economic activity every month. That is according to more than 260 wind and other clean energy employers in the US that sent a letter to senate majority leader Charles Schumer and speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi.
WINDSday Newsletter
Check out the WINDSday newsletter celebrating the power of wind, clean energy and a green environment in Virginia Beach and all of Hampton Roads.
Upcoming Events
Workforce Wednesday
February's Workforce Wednesday is coming up on February 16th! Workforce Wednesday events are hosted by the Hampton Roads Workforce Council and Dominion Energy and address workforce development issues related to offshore wind. Stay tuned for details and registration information.
IPF 2022
IPF 2022 will be held on April 26-28, 2022 at the Atlantic City Convention Center in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Hosted by the Business Network for Offshore Wind, IPF connects global leaders and businesses in the supply chain, offers unparalleled networking opportunities, and delivers breaking updates on the industry, from technology to policy. Registration is now open!