As we look back on the financial year, we want to thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to Wine To Water!  

For the 2021-2022 Financial Year, Wine To Water impacted more than 291,170 lives. During the year, we completed many projects including:
  • Distributing over 12,500 filters to Ukraine and Romania during the ongoing crises.

  • Completing 12 comprehensive community projects which range in technology from a solar-powered well, to reservoir tanks, to tap stands, and more.

  • Assembling a record(!) 16,795 filters with partners across the United States during our Filter Build® events and Water4Schools programs, which directly impacts our Emergency Response capabilities!
This is just the beginning. 

Below, we’ve included the projected impact numbers for the 2022-2023 Financial Year.
We appreciate your continued support and all you do to make clean water possible for the communities we serve. We are humbled by the generosity of each one of you every day.

Cheers to another exciting year full of growth and impact!