Ohio Family and Consumer Sciences
Special Edition Newsletter | |
Calendar Reminders
March 29: Year in Review Slideshow Deadline
April 1: OCCRRA ECE Signing Deadline
April 13: State Degree Interviews, Outstanding Chapter Presentation, Endowment Scholarship Interviews, Executive Council Candidate Interviews
April 20, 2024: State Culinary Career Development Events - Hocking College
April 25-26, 2024: Ohio FCCLA State Leadership Conference - Ohio Expo Center, Kasich Hall
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What's Happening Wednesday
This webinar is to support Family and Consumer Sciences, Education and Training, Hospitality and Tourism Educators, and FCCLA Advisers.
April 17, 2024: SLC Special Edition Registration
- May 22, 2024
Time: 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Pre-Registration is required
Ohio’s Health and Human Services Signing Day
The Health and Human Services Signing Day is April 25, 2024, during session one at the Ohio FCCLA State Leadership Conference. Students from all over the State of Ohio will commit to either Early Childhood Higher Education by working toward a degree or Early Childhood Employment upon graduation. As part of signing day, participants will receive honor cords to proudly wear at graduation and a certificate for participating in signing day. Students must register through their OCCRRA Profile. The deadline is April 1, 2024.
The CDA Assessment Fee Scholarship is available to students who receive their CDA. Students will need to upload their official CDA and high school diploma to their profile by June 30, 2024, and will receive a $500.00 bonus. To be eligible for the $500.00 bonus, students must receive their CDA’s using the TEACH Assessment scholarship rather than having the $425.00 payment provided by their school district. Students must apply online for their CDA’s at www.cdacouncil.org. They will need to include their customer ID# on their CDA assessment application.
CDA Information for Career Compass
Industry Recognized Credential Transfer Assurance Guides (ITAGs)
Executive Council Candidate Interview
Date: Saturday, April 13, 2024
Location: Eastland Career Center, 4465 S. Hamilton Rd, Groveport, Ohio 43125
Time: Interviews will be between 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Ohio FCCLA Year in Review Slideshow
Ohio FCCLA chapters may submit up to 10 pictures to Socialmedia@ohiofccla.org for the Ohio FCCLA Year in Review Slideshow. The deadline to email pictures is Friday, March 29, 2024.
Ohio FCCLA Dress Code Policy
The FCCLA official dress is worn for State FCCLA activities per the Dress Code as outlined. Students may select the attire that best fits the gender with which they identify. This is a personal choice if the FCCLA guidelines are followed. Mandatory attire for general sessions, exhibits, workshops, Career Development Events recognition and competition:
- FCCLA red blazer
- Professional white or black shirt
- Neckwear options can include the neckwear from the official emblematic supplier, black or red tie, black or red bow tie, single strand of pearls, red, black, and/or white scarf, or no neckwear
- Black bottoms (slacks, skirt, sheath dress)
- Shoes (black preferred)
- Jeans, t‐shirts, athletic wear are NOT acceptable
- The official culinary uniform is acceptable for the Career Development Event Recognition Session only
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State Competitors Culinary Uniform Dress
- White Chef Coat with FCCLA emblem
- White Chef Hat with FCCLA emblem
- White Chef Apron with FCCLA emblem
- Industry Pants
- Closed-toe, low heel kitchen shoes with non-slip soles
Advisers/Chaperones/ Guests
Individual and Chapter Awards
Please have chapter members report to the assigned seating area 30 minutes prior to the start of the session. Members who choose not to comply with the Ohio FCCLA Dress Code Policy, forfeit the opportunity to be recognized onstage. Awardees must be present to receive the award. The stage seating diagram can be found on the Ohio FCCLA website (coming soon).
- Early Childhood Education Signing Day
- FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl Championship Qualifier
- FCCLA/Knowledge Matters Virtual Business Challenge
- Go For the RED Award – Ohio
- National Online STAR Events Qualifiers
- National Programs Award
- New Chapter Award
- Ohio FACTS Initiative
- Ohio Families First Initiative
- Ohio FCCLA Endowment Scholarship
- Outstanding Chapter Award
- Power of One
- Say Yes to FCS
- Service Hours Award
- State Degree
- State Project/State Outreach Award
Voting Delegates
Each Chapter in good standing (paid affiliation) will be granted the following number of Voting Delegates based on the previous end of year affiliation numbers:
- 1 delegate when chapter is approved and pays affiliation
- 1 additional delegate for the first 12 affiliated members
- 1 additional delegate for 25 affiliated members
- 1 additional delegate for 50 affiliated members
- 1 additional delegate for 100 affiliated members
- 1 additional delegate for 200 affiliated members
The Number of delegates per chapter can be found on the Ohio FCCLA website under State Leadership Conference.
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Ohio FCCLA State Leadership Conference |
Ohio Expo Center – Kasich Hall - 717 East 17th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43211
Conference at a Glance
Registration Opens: March 20, 2024
Registration Closes: April 8, 2024
Registration Rates:
- Affiliated Chapter Member: $45
- Non-Affiliated Chapter Member: $50
- Adviser(s): $20
- Parents and Guests: $20
- Administrators: Free
Parking Pass Information:
- One-time entry parking pass $7
- Unlimited entry $20
- School transportation vehicles do not require a pass.
Career Development Events: All State Qualifiers must register for State Leadership Conference
Baking and Pastry: $40 per entry
Culinary Arts: $40 per entry
All other Career Development Events no additional costs.
State Culinary Career Development Events: April 20, 2024
Location: Hocking College, McClenaghan Center for Hospitality Training - 15770 State Route 691, Nelsonville, OH 45764
For any chapter in need of travel accommodations, The Lodge at Hocking College is offering a group rate to Ohio FCCLA for $79.00 plus tax. Chapters must call (740)753-3531 to reserve a room using the Promo Code: FCCLA. All reservations must be made at least 10 days prior to the competition.
The Baking and Pastry and Culinary Arts state menus have been uploaded in the National FCCLA Portal, Under Resources, State Resources, 2023-2024 Hospitality and Tourism - Career Development Events. Baking and Pastry and Culinary Arts will follow the National Competitive Events guidelines including time requirements and an Online Project Summary Form for state competition.
Project Summary Form Instructions
| 2024 Ohio FCCLA State Career Development Events Request Change
Please complete this form to substitute a competitor, remove a team member, add a team member, or cancel an entire Career Development Event. All Career Development Events competitor changes, must be submitted by Thursday, April 4, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. |
Advisers are the Subject Matter Experts
Advisers, during registration please check the Career Development Events you are willing to evaluate. The Office of Career-Technical Education and Ohio FCCLA State Office have the expectation that advisers will help facilitate Career Development Event competitions in the role of Subject Matter Experts at the regional, state, and national levels. Ohio FCCLA State Staff members are key in identifying qualified evaluators, room consultants, and event volunteers. Because Career Development Events operate on a limited budget, unpaid volunteers are essential. Chapters are responsible for providing one evaluator and/or room consultant for every three event participants.
April 20 Culinary Evaluators Needed: 30
- April 25 Career Development Events Evaluators Needed: 194
2024 Career Development Event Sign up
Career Development Events: Virtual Evaluator's Meeting
- Tuesday, April 16, 2024: Room Consultant’s Meeting, 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday, April 17, 2024: Career Development Events Evaluator’s Meeting, 4:30 p.m.
A confirmation email will be sent to each registered evaluator with the exact Career Development Events evaluation, event specification sheet, and time after Thursday, April 11, 2024.
Career Development Events Competition Schedule
The Career Development Events competition schedule will be released after registration closes. The competition schedule will be available in each chapter’s State Leadership Conference Registration.
Career Development Events Recognition
On Friday, April 26 all state qualifiers (each event, each level) will have onstage recognition during the Third Session. The top three entries in each event and each level will receive a glass plaque and 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place placement medals. A photographer will be on site to take pictures of all the award winners.
Concessions at State Leadership Conference
No food items prepared by anyone other than Schmidt’s Catering is permitted to be served alongside our catered events. More information will be provided soon on food available to purchase at the concession stand, food trucks, and online through preordering.
Change your socks, Change a life!
We are excited to be partnering with We Help Two at the Ohio FCCLA State Leadership Conference again this year to help raise funds for Clubfoot Repair! There are so many new styles to choose from including Ohio FCCLA socks. Please stop by the socks store and pick up a pair or two and make twice the difference!
Professional Photographer
An official Ohio FCCLA State Leadership Conference photographer will be on site Saturday, April 20, Thursday, April 25 and Friday, April 26. Pictures will be available free to all chapters after the Ohio FCCLA State Leadership Conference.
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