Heidi Workman - Ohio 72nd House District:
Website Link: www.heidiworkman.com
Donation Link: https://secure.winred.com/workman-for-the-people/donate-today
Facebook Link: facebook.com/WorkmanforOH
Twitter Link: twitter.com/WorkmanforOhio
Instagram Link: instagram.com/WorkmanforOhio
Jodi Salvo - Ohio 51st House District:
Website Link: https://jodisalvoforstaterep.com/
Donation Link: https://secure.winred.com/friends-of-jodi-salvo/donate
Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/salvoforohio
Checks can be mailed to: Friends of Jodi Salvo, P.O. Boc 636, Zoar, OH 44697
George Brunemann - Ohio 29th House District:
Website Link: https://FriendsOfLiberty.US
Donation Link: https://friendsofliberty.us/make-a-donation
Email: george@FriendsOfLiberty.US
Mike Tussey - Ohio 73rd House District
Website Link: www.TusseyForStateRepresentative.com
Checks can be Mailed to: Citizens for Tussey, P.O. Box 1, Baltimore, Ohio 43105
Nelson Roe - Ohio 95th House District
Facebook Link: www.facebook.com/FriendsofNelsonRoe
Donation Link: Https://secure.winred.com/friends-of-nelson-roe/donate-today
Checks can be Mails to: Friends of Nelson Roe, 50958 Wargo Rd, Cumberland, Ohio 43732
Steve Kraus - Ohio 89th House District
Donate Link: https://secure.anedot.com/friends-of-kraus/donate
Dillon Blevins - Ohio 62nd House District
Link to donate: https://secure.winred.com/committee-to-elect-dillon-blevins/donate
Website: blevinsgop.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blevinsforstaterep
David Thomas - Ohio 65th House District
Website Link: www.davidthomasforohio.com
Donation link is: https://secure.winred.com/friends-of-david-thomas/donate
Facebook Link is: www.facebook.com/friendsofdavidthomas
Sally Culling - Ohio 75th House District
Website: www.SallyforOhio.com
Donation Link: https://secure.anedot.com/sally-culling-for-ohio/donate
Heather Slayer - Ohio 56th House District
Website: www.heathersalyer.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VoteHeather
Jack Daniels - Ohio 32th House District
Checks can be Mails to: 3397 E. Waterloo Road, Akron, Ohio 44312
Ty Mathews - Ohio 83th House District
Donation link is: https://www.mathewsforohio.com/donate
Facebook Link is: https://www.facebook.com/tymathewsforohio
Wezlynn Davis - Ohio 86th House District
Link to donate: https://secure.winred.com/friends-of-wezlynn-davis-7f7c00e2/davisdonate
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wezlynndavisforstaterep
Checks can be Mails to: Friends of Wezlynn Davis, PO BOX 188, Marysville, OH 43040
If a candidate for Ohio House would like to be endorsed by the Ohio Citizen PAC write to:
TomZ@OhioCitizensPAC.org for Consideration