August, 2021 | 2021/2022 Season Updates
Happy Summer Ohio Region Patrollers!

We hope you've had a fun and safe summer. Summer kicks off the new season for us and we have a lot of great things happening in the region. While we haven't been able to gather on a region level, this coming season looks a little brighter for having events and seeing more patrollers face-to-face.

With that, we have some new faces in leadership, open leadership positions for patrollers to step into, events kicking off this fall and the region fall meeting - which will be in person!

As we head into the fall season, continue to check the region website - for information and events throughout our region.

We're looking forward to an exciting season!

Dave McKinley, #802
Ohio Region Director
New Faces in the Region
We've got a few familiar faces within the region that are taking on new roles.

Please welcome Scott Griffith as the new Assistant Region Director overseeing Patrol Directors. Scott is the former Patrol Director at Mad River Mountain.

Also welcome Wally Taylor as the new Patrol Director at Mad River Mountain. Wally takes over for Scott and is the former Region OEC Advisor.
Want to know who's who in the Ohio Region?
Check out the Region Organization Chart - this has all the contact information region leadership and who oversees the different programs.
New open positions in the Ohio Region
There are several open positions in the Ohio Region.
If you're wanting to find a way to get more involved within the National Ski Patrol, region leadership is a great place to step up.
We're looking for the following positions:
  • Instructor Development Advisor
  • Snow Sports Advisor
  • Mountain Travel and Rescue Advisor
  • OEC Advisor
  • Region Treasurer
To learn more about these positions, visit the Ohio Region website.

If you're ready to apply, click here.
Upcoming Events

OEC Refreshers, SESs, TESs, Senior, etc. The best way to stay up to date on events throughout the region is with the Ohio Region Calendar.
To learn more about different programs available to patrollers, visit the Programs page.
Visit our website to make a plan for the season.
Ohio Region Fall Meeting and Awards Dinner
When: Saturday, October 23
Where: Perfect North Slopes

It's been two seasons since we've been able to gather as a region, so we've planned an awesome event where we would like to SEE you!

Saturday, October 23 you're invited to the Region Fall Meeting and Awards Dinner. The morning will be dedicated our semi-annual meeting with region leadership. The afternoon will be open to all patrollers for a few events and then the evening will focus on celebrating patrollers from the past two seasons along with a dinner.

More details and registration will be coming, so for now save the date - Saturday, October 23.
Interested in submitting an article for the Downhill?
Contact the Downhill Editor, Leah Morgan - [email protected]
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