Oklahoma County 4-H

Join Today 
All 4-H families, members and volunteer will need to go to the 4HOnline website for enrollment this year on or after September 1. Find more information at this link. 



Club Annual Requirements
Volunteer Annual Requirements
Member Annual Requirements
  • Re-enrollment on 4-H Online
  • Livestock & Horse Lease/Ownership - July 1 for Fall Show and January 1 for Spring Show
  • Pay $20 per child for enrollment or $60 max. per family

Change 4 CHANGE

Keep collecting Change for Change at club meetings and other events and activities to help raise money for the Children's Hospital Foundation.    

Pull Tabs 
Collect aluminum pull tabs from beverage cans and donate to Ronald McDonald House.  Money raised from this campaign help families with children in hospitals by providing lodging and meals. 

Check us out - you can post, ask questions, see what is going on around the county.  Please keep all posts appropriate for youth, families and visitors.  


Due to two other auctions and conflicting activities for many 4-H families on the first Saturday in November and based on email responses and doodle poll responses we have decided to move the Chili-Cook Off and Auction to  January.

Please share this with your clubsEncourage everyone to participate in the doodle poll below and select all the options they are available to participate. 

This is our biggest fundraiser of the year to support the Oklahoma County 4-H program.  Money raised pays for awards, scholarships, training, workshops and camps.

Club leaders, please contact Danielle or Kacie and let us know if your club will bringing chili for the cook-off and auction items.

We will award prizes for the best chili and best table decorations!

ALL Certified 4-H Volunteers must take Working with Minors and Title VII & IX Training each year.  You can take it through your 4-H online profile.  The link below has instructions.

The shop 4-H website has curriculum 25% off through the end of October.  See link below.

We want to make this weekend extra sweet so we're giving you a $10 coupon to use however you'd like! Type in the code SWEETTREAT   at checkout to receive $10 off your purchase of $50 or more. Valid until midnight on Sunday, October 28th, so act fast! Only one redemption per customer. Happy shopping!

We will deliver H.U.G.S. to various 
youth agencies on Nov. 13th.

Anyone interested in a foreign exchange program through 4-H please contact Kacie or Danielle before Thanksgiving.

Texas Flood Relief Service Project

H ealthy Living Ambassador 
Applications Now Open

4-H Healthy Living Youth Ambassadors are an asset in accomplishing the goals and outcomes of the 4-H Healthy Living Mission Mandate. Oklahoma 4-H Youth Ambassadors will work closely with their fellow Healthy Living Ambassador team members to plan and conduct an Oklahoma 4-H Healthy Living Summit, provide support and programming to local 4-H clubs and county programs and be a statewide advocate for 4-H Healthy Living. Please share this opportunity with 4-H members who are current Freshman, Sophomores or Juniors in High School and have an interest in healthy living. 

AFR Speech Contest

November 15th
Tecumseh High School


Oklahoma 4-H Night with the Blue
basketball game

Jan. 26, 2019
More details to come.

National 4-H Conference
Washington, D.C. April 6-11, 2019

Application due to County Office no later than December 13, 2018
$250 registration fee plus other expenses if selected.
Must be 16 by Jan. 1, 2019 to apply

4-H Green Jacket Program
Open to  3rd-6th grade 
"Active" Members 
enrolled in the livestock project

Applications due to OK County Office by December 27th.

Registration CLOSED 
(I'm keeping this here for those that did already register to reference if needed)

Shawnee, OK

Entries from the State Fair of Oklahoma are in our office.  You can stop by and pick them up between 8:00am-4:15pm.  If you tell us ahead of time that you are coming we will set yours aside for easier pick up.  

2019 4-H Science Night at the Museum
Feb. 15-16, 2019 
More details to come.

Current & lifetime members, parents of members, volunteers and 4-H staff can save 15% off total in-store and online purchases every day with 4-H Rewards. JOANN will give a minimum of 2.5% of every eligible transaction to support 4-H programming.  

Sign up for National 4-H Newsletter

Sign up for Oklahoma County 4-H Newsletter

Livestock and Horse

Pat Parelli Workshop
(internationally renown clinician and one of the original natural horsemanship practioners) 

at Totusek Arena 
f rom 6:30-8:30 pm 
on November 8th.  

Pre-registration for the event is $15 or $20 at the door.  
Registration information can be found here:  
We are also offering reduced admission for any CURRENT enrolled 4-H member of 4-H volunteer. This workshop will also count as continuing education credit for our volunteers.

In addition, I will be starting a monthly webinar series for horse owners, 4-H members and volunteers on November 7th.  The webinars will be held at 6 pm and hosted via the Zoom platform. I will record the webinars for later posting.  The first topic we will cover is rule changes for the 2019 State 4-H and District Horse Show rulebook.  I will cover what has changed and the thought process behind the rule changes, as well as address questions by those in attendance.   The link for the webinar appears below:
Kris Hiney is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: My Meeting
Time: Nov 7, 2018 6:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
I will formulate a complete list of topics for each month, but we currently have Dr. Justin Talley scheduled for the February webinar. He will discuss internal parasites and how we can use fecal egg counts to strategically deworm our herds.
OYE Nomination Kits are $20
(Nominations are NOT the same as Entries)

Kits can be picked up at the OYE office located at 500 NW 30th St. in OKC.  If you need us to pick up kits for you we will need money in advance and no later than Oct. 30th.

OYE Nominations are due back to OYE as well as online nomination form no later than:

November 13, 2018
Breeding Does, Commercial Breeding Ewes, Market Goats, Market Lambs, Market Steers, Wether Dam Breeding Does

December 13, 2018
ALL Swine


Volunteer Information

Please RE-ENROLL on 4-H ONLINE and RENEW your Working with Minors Training and Title VII & IX Training!  If you attend any training throughout the year including State or District Volunteer Conferences please send us a copy of your certificates.  You must complete 4 continuing education credits each year.  Our quarterly 4-H parent/volunteer training after the adult council meetings count towards that number as well.   

4-H County Calendar

Date Event Location

Nov. 1 SED 4-H Parent/Volunteer Training Shawnee
Nov. 6 Collect H.U.G.S. Extension Office
Nov. 13 Deliver H.U.G.S. Extension Office
Nov. 15 AFR Speech Contest Tecumseh High School
Nov. 26 OK County Parent/Volunteer/Teen Leader Training Conference Center
Nov. 29  S.T.E.M. Space Night Conference Center
Dec. 13 OK County Speech Contest Conference Center
Jan. 4-H Chili Cook-Off and Auction OSU Conference Center
Jan. 28 OK County Parent/Volunteer/Teen Leader Training Conference Center

If you have any questions about events, postings, or activities in newsletter please contact us.  If you would like information added to the newsletter or pics of what your club has been doing please email us!

Danielle Venable, Extension 4-H Educator 
Kacie Jasper, Extension 4-H Educator 

Oklahoma County OSU Cooperative Extension Service | | 2500 NE 63rd Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73111
Oklahoma County OSU Cooperative Extension Service