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Oklahoma Edition

In this newsletter

  • Oklahoma Legislative Activities
  • Upcoming Events & Webinars
  • Noteworthy Items
  • SPEER's YouTube Channel & Resources
  • What We're Reading

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Oklahoma Legislative Activities

A new session begins in Oklahoma with a new House speaker in 2025. There has been much attention to energy resources during the interim and SPEER hopes the Legislature will emphasize the importance of demand-side resource planning and policies to improve resiliency and reliability to the state energy needs. As such, we have published our Oklahoma legislative priorities for the 60th Legislature. 

Our priorities include expanding demand-side planning opportunities to help reduce energy bills for all Oklahomans. We hope to educate policymakers and stakeholders on the critical role of building codes for building resiliency efforts, as well as on the necessity for developing a robust energy workforce. Our priorities are listed below:

  • Updated Building Codes
  • Demand-side Planning Opportunities
  • Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy
  • Workforce Development
  • Distributed Energy Resource Planning

What’s next at the Oklahoma Lege?

The Oklahoma 60th Legislative session will be kicking up in early 2025. Organizational Day is scheduled for January 7, 2025 with the official start of session beginning on February 3, 2025. For more information you can visit the Oklahoma House site or the Oklahoma Senate site. As bills are filed, SPEER will be developing a legislation tracker to be publicly available on our website. 

Upcoming Events & Webinars

Jan, 21st, 2025, 10:30 AM CST

Webinar - HVAC Ductwork Field Inspections: What Effect Does Poor Duct Installation Have on Airflow?

Poor installation practices can result in reduced airflow, increased energy costs, and uneven comfort throughout the building. In this webinar, we’ll explore how to identify these issues during field inspections and understand their impact on system performance.

Whether you’re a contractor, inspector, or HVAC professional, this session will equip you with actionable knowledge to improve your processes and outcomes.

What You’ll Learn

  • Common Installation Issues: Discover the most frequently observed ductwork problems and how to spot them in the field.
  • Impact of Poor Installation: Understand how improper ductwork affects airflow, energy efficiency, and occupant comfort.
  • Inspection Techniques: Learn how to effectively evaluate ductwork
  • Best Practices: Gain insights into proper design, installation, and sealing techniques to prevent future issues.
Register Now

Visit SPEER's calendar for all upcoming events and training.


Call For Volunteers – Oklahoma Uniform Building Code Commission (OUBCC)

The OUBCC is calling for volunteers to serve on the committees listed below to review the 2024 International Residential Code. Please fill out and submit a Technical Review Committee Application.

Vacancies exist on all three committees. Applications will be accepted until filled. Technical Committee Review Meetings are expected to begin in February 2025.

  • Residential Building Technical Committee
  • Residential Electrical Technical Committee 
  • Residential Mechanical and Plumbing Technical Committee 

Indian Nations Council of Governments (INCOG) - Notice of Funding Opportunity

FFY 2025-2026 Transportation Alternatives and FFY 2022-2026 Carbon Reduction Program Call for Projects

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), the current federal surface transportation authorizing legislation, expires at the end of FFY 2026, that is, September 30, 2026. All projects submitted and selected as a part of this process are based on anticipated funding levels from the existing federal transportation authorization. IIJA provides for the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) as a set-aside from the Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) program. TAP provides funding for projects previously called Transportation Enhancements (TE), Recreational Trails Program (RTP), and Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS), wrapping them into a single funding source. IIJA also provides for the Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) as a set-aside from STBG. These set-aside funds for projects are designed to reduce transportation emissions, defined as carbon (CO2) emissions from on-road highway sources.

More detailed information about IIJA may be found here.

Project proposal deadline is January 17, 2025, at 5:00 pm.

Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG) Releases the CEDS Draft

The ACOG Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Draft was released for 2025-2029. The ACOG CEDS is a blueprint to grow, strengthen and diversify the economy of Central Oklahoma. The draft document was open for public comment until December 4th. View the document here.

PSO and OG&E Release their Annual Reports on Energy Efficiency Programs

The Public Service Company of Oklahoma and the Oklahoma Gas & Electric Company have both published their respective annual reports on energy efficiency programs. Follow the links below to read more:

SPEER has over 180 recorded webinars archived on our YouTube channel focused on vital energy topics. Most recently we have added new webinar recordings on Maximizing Your Grant Success From Application to Award, Commercial Building Codes and Commissioning, An Energy Code Roadmap to Success in your Building Department, and many more.

Be sure to subscribe to stay informed as new material is uploaded and stay up-to-date with the latest industry and efficiency trends and resources!

SPEER Resources

You can now find state-specific policy information including links to key state agency webpages, our previous public comments, and additional information about our work in both Texas and Oklahoma. You will also find our released reports, templates and materials for engaging with policy leaders, and additional materials on how our Policy Program interacts with the ongoing Heat Pump Working Group, SPEER Codes Program, and SPEER Local Governments Program. SPEER State and Local Policy.

What can you expect to find on our resource page?

We have created a library of local government resolutions, energy plans & policy work, climate action plans, and resiliency initiatives. These documents are meant to be a resource and showcase the commitment made by local governments to create an equitable, safe, and economically stable future for Texas and Oklahoma citizens. Head over to dive in and bookmark the page as we will continually be expanding and adding new material. 

What We're Reading

Governor Stitt Names Jeff Starling as Oklahoma Secretary of Energy & Environment –

Helpful resource list from state agencies & other organizations  The Oklahoman

Fine-tuning how homes can help the grid as ​‘virtual power plants’  Canary Media

ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade Service Provider Partnership  ENERGY STAR

Building Performance Institute Recruitment Toolkit  Building Performance Institute, Inc.

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