November 2021
The National Association of Education Foundations

The National School Foundations Association (NSFA) has reorganized and is now the National Association of Education Foundations (NAEF)! The name has changed, but the services and support will remain the same. Here are some actions you can take to stay connected to our national association:

Become a PLUS Member of the
National Association of Education Foundations

Oklahoma School Foundations Network offers an opportunity for all Oklahoma school
foundations to join the national organization at half-price through our PLUS membership. Our membership drive and annual renewals kick off November 1. Head to our website to sign up or renew your membership today! Membership comes with some great benefits:

National Conference- Save the Date!

The National Association of Education Foundations will host a Virtual National Conference March 2-4, 2022. More information and registration will be available soon. You won't want to miss this opportunity to learn from school foundation leaders across the nation.
On-Demand Webinar Recordings Available

The Oklahoma School Foundations Network has a library of ten webinars available for on-demand access on our website. If you missed the live presentation of these sessions and would like to view the recordings, they are available to view at your convenience. From fundraising ideas to planned giving and strategic planning, these webinars cover a wide range of topics relevant to school foundations of all sizes. Head over to our website and see what you can learn to help move your school foundation forward!
Colonial Williamsburg Teacher Institute Applications Open NOW!
The Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence administers grants for Oklahoma fifth- and eighth-grade teachers to attend the Colonial Williamsburg Teacher Institute each summer in the restored capital city of 18th-century Virginia.

Program participants have the opportunity to:

  • Explore Colonial Williamsburg – the world’s largest living history museum – and nearby Jamestown and Yorktown
  • Meet character interpreters of 18th-century people
  • Immerse themselves in history through hands-on activities and reenactments of historic events
  • Learn primary source-centered, standards-based historical content
  • Collaborate daily with a Master Teacher and fellow educators to discuss interactive teaching techniques

Help us spread the word to fifth- and eighth-grade teachers in your district!
On-Call Help for Foundations

Oklahoma School Foundations Network Director Katy Leffel provides FREE on-call help to all Oklahoma foundations. Have a question or need a sample document? Call or email Katy for support: (405) 922-5420, Katy is also available to lead board retreats and strategic planning sessions.
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The Oklahoma School Foundations Network is a program of the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence. Follow us on Facebook, and find more information at