Old Stage Road Access
Citizen concerns over public safety issues have prompted the City to engage with the community to identify how best to discourage activities along Old Stage Road that impact public safety and fire protection.
Neighborhood Meeting
To discuss suggestions and options for addressing public safety concerns along Old Stage Road
Time: 6 – 7:30 p.m.
Date: Thursday, Oct. 6
Place: Cheyenne Mountain Junior High, 1200 W. Cheyenne Road
One option the City is considering is installing a time activated gate on Old Stage Road to replace the existing gate located just past the hairpin turn where the road surface changes from pavement to gravel. The area for the proposed new gate would be located just above the mailbox turnaround on the City’s asphalt property. The proposal is for the gate to remain open during the day and be closed one way only (heading west on Old Stage Road) in the late evening through the early morning hours.
The City seeks to gain the public’s input on several aspects of the proposed gate including how it would function, hours of access and restricted access, how property owners and their authorized guests as well as road users would gain access/egress, monitoring, and other aspects.
Other suggestions/options for addressing the public safety concerns along Old Stage Road will also be discussed during the meeting.