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"Health is Life Energy in Abundance"
This summer we have had the opportunity to answer many patients questions about the circular cupping marks on the back of the Olympians. Seeing Olympic athletes performing at their peak level makes one curious about the athletes health secrets. It's only natural to wonder how we can all benefit from the therapies used by some of the healthiest individuals on the planet. It has been great to educate our patients on the many benefits of Cupping therapy.
Cupping is a therapy of choice for many Olympic athletes who seek a speedy recovery with minimal down time. Cupping is safe, harmless, and effective for all kinds of orthopedic conditions that have failed with anti-inflammatory pills, muscle relaxants, steroids, opioids, and/or even post surgical conditions. A successful course of cupping for an orthopedic condition typically requires no more than six sessions.
Surprisingly, there are many cupping techniques an acupuncturist can perform such as dry cupping, static cupping, active cupping, passive cupping, sliding cupping, stretching with cupping, traction of cups and toggling of cups.
Regardless of the technique, all cupping modalities uniquely stretch tissue (muscle, tendon, facia, and aponeurosis--deep facia) and move fluid away from underlying bone and towards the body's surface cardiovascular and lymphatic system.
All cupping methods can:
- Reduce local inflammation
- Increase blood flow for optimal oxygenation of tissues and capillaries
- Increase lymphatic drainage
- Increase muscle tendon flexibility and joint range of motion
- Spot stretch a tight muscle-tendon unit without destabilizing the joint unit or hyper extending the ligament
- Reduce pain inhibition
- Reduce edema
In sum, the greatest thing about cupping is that one does not need to be an athlete to receive amazing safe and harmless treatment. If you are interested in trying this powerful healing technique, myself & Dr Kevin would love to speak with you or give a sample cupping session. Please call to set up a consultation.
In Health,
Veronica Sanchez RN, LAc
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The Wide World of CUPPING Techniques
The world of cupping is way more dynamic than one might expect. Cupping, applied by a licensed Acupuncturist, is effective in treating many chronic myofascial pain syndromes or sub acute muscle sprain/strains. There are an array of cupping techniques a practitioner can choose depending on the goal of treatment.
This Cupping style is best for patients with muscle tightness, stiffness, muscle shortening as per their chiropractor, or weakness due to pain. Good examples of the typical causes of chronic myofascial pain or sub acute muscle sprain/strain include psycho-social regional muscle tension, poor posture or work ergonomics, sedentarism, recent unresolved muscle-tendon strain from activities of daily living, and hypomobile joint issues such as degenerative disc disease. For these conditions there are two types of dry cupping: static and active.
1.Static Dry Cupping
Cups are placed in the region. If the patient has difficulty moving the affected region, our Acupuncturist can move the affected limb or joint for the patient to increase the benefits. This technique can be used to bring blood & nourishment to an injured area to speed up recovery.
2.Active Dry Cupping
If the patient can move the affected region, I will encourage certain yin or yang channel movements to increase the therapeutic benefits as stated above once the cps are placed. One of the best things about active cupping is that it helps the patient overcome kinesiophobia (fear of movement) especially with conditions such as frozen shoulders, tight glutes, tight quadriceps and hamstrings, or carpal tunnel.
Passive Cupping
There are four ways to move cups for a passive cup therapy: (1) sliding the cups, (2) traction of cups, or (3) toggling the cups, (4) the patient is stretching while the cups are in the region. Passive cupping is best for stretching and mobilizing muscles as well as superficial and deep fascia.
1.Sliding Cups
Sliding cups is best for paraspinals, glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings. It requires a skin lubricant as a cup is glided along the selected region of the body. This technique is excellent for patients that don't stretch their lower extremities often enough.
2.Traction of Cups
Lifting cups gently away from muscle is an example of traction. It feels great along the paraspinal muscles and increases spinal mobility.
This technique moves the cups in multi-directions and helps with joint mobilization as well as stretching of myofascial tissue. Patients with βstuckβ spinal facet joints, or frozen shoulder benefit tremendously from this type of passive cupping.
The best areas for stretching with cups are on the gastroc-soleus-achilles tendon, hamstrings, piriformis and hip, iliotibial (IT) band, and forearm. For example, cupping the entire hamstring with assisted stretches is an excellent treatment for pain in the buttock, hip, sciatic or back pain caused by repetitive running, kicking, or jumping.
Veronica Sanchez LAc, RN
(Tues, Thurs, Fri 9am-6pm)
"When I see a picture of a cupped athlete, I wonder: Did the athlete have an acute, sub-acute, or chronic condition? If so, which cupping style was chosen? Passive? Or dry? I subsequently wonder what tissues was the provider addressing? Muscle? Tendon? Facia or aponeurosis? Or, I may ask myself, βWhat type of passive cupping was used to address the myofascial area? Or if it is a cup on the shoulder I may think about the possibility of static dry cupping to help frozen shoulder and the athlete get over the fear of moving the joint."
Kevin Craft LAc
(Saturdays 10am-6pm)
Cupping is such an effective way to increase mobility and decrease stagnation in what we call the muscle channel. It's no wonder that I see many Olympians with cupping marks. Cupping has been used for thousands of years, in many different cultures for many things. It's trifecta of helping the body to detox, releasing scar-tissue in the fascia and bringing blood flow to the area make it a very effective treatment, not only for Olympians but for all of us.
Research into acupuncture as a medical treatment has grown exponentially in the past 20 years, increasing at twice the rate of research into conventional biomedicine. Over this period, there have been over 13,000 studies conducted in 60 countries, including hundreds of meta-analyses summarizing the results of thousands of human and animal studies.1 A wide-variety of clinical areas have been studied, including pain, cancer, pregnancy, stroke, mood disorders, sleep disorders and inflammation, to name a few. read more
In a recent press release, the NIH referred to a 2015 systematic review and meta-analysis of cupping that concluded, βcupping could be effective in treating the pain and disability associated with chronic neck pain and chronic low-back pain in the short term.β In a study of 70 patients suffering from tension and migraine headaches, the application of wet-cupping improved 95 percent of the cases reducing the severity of the headaches by an average of 66 percent, and the patients experienced the equivalent of 12.6 fewer days of headache per month.2 Unquestionably, those results indicate cupping is a very safe and powerful non-pharmacological approach. read more