CORONA, Calif.  (March 15, 2016) -  Super Cement, a product manufactured by Southern California-based Omega Products International, is a premium all-purpose portland cement-based scratch and brown plaster  available in fibered or non-fibered formulas.  

Omega Products, an industry veteran in exterior wall systems,  offers what competitors cannot, a pre-blended proprietary product with an industry leading warranty and unmatched strength and durability.  Through the years, these factors have won over builders, contractors, and architects to the point where entering the pre-blended plaster cement market could prove difficult for anyone willing to try.


"We listened to builders and contractors, we visited job sites, and the feedback was the same," said Dan Longstreet, one of a handful of sales managers at Omega Products.  "Everyone wanted a pre-blended mix to eliminate inconsistencies because uniformity means everything when dealing with plaster cement."


Each 94-pound bag of Super Cement is carefully blended at Omega's processing facility in Corona, which guarantees its time-tested consistency.  Bruce Dinwiddie, a specification consultant for architects, was an early adopter of Super Cement and has recommended it on well over one hundred projects where three-coat stucco was specified.


"Before Super Cement became available we had so many quality control problems on job sites because the plaster cement did not come pre-blended," Dinwiddie said.  "You had to mix the materials on site and that made the finished product wildly inconsistent.  One part of a wall would look spectacular, while another would appear average.  Super Cement takes away the guesswork because all you have to do is add water, and there is not a guy on a job site that does not know how to add water."


In addition to simplifying the plastering process, Super Cement comes with a five-year manufacturer warranty that can go as high as eighteen when you incorporate Omega's AkroGuard water-resistive barrier, crack isolation mesh and CI-Base, OmegaFlexPrimer and OmegaFlex acrylic based stucco.

The Art of Stucco Wall Systems by Omega

    Three Coat Stucco with Crack Isolation System

        1. Approved Sheathing                              6. Super Cement - Brown Coat

        2. AkroGuard - Water-Resistive Barrier    7. CI-Mesh - Crack Isolation Mesh

        3. Paper - Water Resistive Barrier             8. CI-Base - Base Coat

        4. Metal Lath                                               9. OmegaFlex Primer - Primer Coat

        5. Super Cement - Scratch Coat               10. OmegaFlex Acrylic Stucco - Finish Coat

Not only was Omega Products the first to market with its pre-blended plaster cement, it also created an unmatched warranty system that appealed to virtually every stakeholder invested in a construction project.   


"More often than not, insurance companies that insure builders or contractors look for the most robust policies to safeguard against liability issues," said James Hill, product support representative for Omega Products.  "There is no legislation that requires us to issue long-term warranties, but we understand the peace of mind it creates for clients. With our systems, you get the best products with the best warranties."


Additionally, Super Cement offers nearly twice as much strength and durability than lesser quality substitutes.


"If you opt to use plastic cement, then you are only going to get a strength reading of 2,800 PSI after twenty-eight days," said Tom Aldana, product support representative at Omega Products.  "In the same time frame, with Super Cement, the strength reading is 5,000 PSI.  There is a reason why we call it Super Cement.  It clearly outperforms any product in its category." 



For additional information on Super Cement, please review the product data sheet available here.


Pierre Kacsinta
Public Relations
(818) 720-8721