Omnibus Burden Reduction (Medicare Conditions of Participation) Final Rule CMS-3346-F Part 1
The Omnibus Burden Reduction for Medicare Conditions of Participation, Final Rule, was issued September 26, 2019 by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and removes Medicare regulations identified as unnecessary, outdated, or difficult to sustain on hospitals and other healthcare providers.
The new ruling contributes to CMS's Patients over Paperwork initiative by saving providers an estimated 4.4 million hours of time previously spent on paperwork with an overall total projected savings to providers of $800 million annually.
CMS is finalizing three distinct rules in to one final rule for administrative efficiency and to promote transparency. A summary of the reduction measures is provided for emergency preparedness, hospitals including swing bed & critical access along with ambulatory surgery centers. Read More
About the Author -
Sherri Aleksejczyk is an Associate Consultant with Courtemanche & Associates.
She is a licensed registered nurse with extensive experience ranging from education to perioperative services, as well as leadership expertise in managing many aspects of healthcare operations. She is trained in the application, teaching, and facilitation of the requirements and recommendations of The Joint Commission, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, AAAHC and other regulatory and accrediting agencies. Read more about Sherri and our team.
"Sherri is very knowledgeable of AORN. Great resource and teacher to all leaders."
Gwendolyn Holland, Porter Adventist Hospital