2021 Annual Meeting Goes Online
At their most recent meeting, WCEC’s Board of Director’s passed a resolution to forego holding annual meetings in-person for 2021.
There's nothing more important to us than our members' and employees' health and safety. With the uptick in COVID-19 cases coupled with the new variant, this course of action was the most prudent. Even so, we will make sure that all members have the information they need to stay informed about important co-op news. Like last year, we’ll publish a thorough annual report. It will be available on the website on October 8th, 2021. As we move closer, we’ll publish more details.
Prepare For Energy Savings This Fall
It might not seem like it now, but colder weather is on its way, even if it takes a while to get to our corner of Texas. September is a good time to start planning how you’re going to save energy in your home or business during the colder months.

During the fall and winter, keeping cold air out is the goal. To maintain a warm indoors, there are simple steps you can take to increase energy efficiency.

There’s no better time to examine seals on doors and windows to check for air leaks. Caulk and weatherstrip as needed to seal in warm air and reap energy savings. Similarly, examine electrical outlets for air leaks, and where necessary, install foam gaskets behind them to prevent drafts.

During the day, open curtains or drapes on south-facing windows to let sunlight heat your space naturally. Close window treatments at night for an added layer of insulation.

Use a programmable thermostat to set the temperature as low as is comfortable when you are there (ideally around 68 degrees). When you are asleep or away, turn the temperature down. A downward adjustment of 10–15 degrees over long stretches of time can save 10% a year on heating and cooling costs, according to the Department of Energy.

Before the temperature drops, schedule a service appointment for your heating system to ensure that it can operate at an optimal level.
Safety Tip of the Month
Fall Safety Check
Its almost time to get your fall weather tools such as leaf blowers and chainsaws out and ready for use. Inspect them, along with extension cords, for unusual wear and tear. Repair or replace worn tools, cords or parts right away. It's also good time to unplug and safely store battery chargers that won't be in use again until spring.
Energy Efficiency Tip of the Month
Energy used for cooling and heating makes up the largest portion of monthly energy bills. By combining regular equipment maintenance and upgrades with recommended insulation, air sealing and thermostat settings, you can save about 30% on your energy bills while helping our environment.