env interim dean lauren weiss bricker
Dean's Notes: 2021 - A New Year with a Lot of Promise

Dear Friends:

Welcome back! Most of us are returning to Cal Poly Pomona this semester, and I extend a special welcome those joining us for the first time. Collectively, we look forward to connecting with each other over many platforms.

We may be in the dark days of winter, but as daylight gradually lengthens and the weather warms up it's hard not to feel the spirits lift a bit. While my personality tilts toward the cheerleader, I do recognize that Fall 2020 was difficult. Please know that your classmates, faculty, and department and college staff are here for you. Please seek us out; we know that creativity is demanding and often achieved only by temporarily putting aside your personal needs.

This issue of OTG contains useful resources for students, faculty and staff — returnees and first-timers alike. You'll learn about interesting public programs, scholarship opportunities and notable achievements by current students and faculty.

In the realm of public programs, Feb. 17 is a date to keep in mind. There will be a public lecture by Caltrans Director Toks Omishakin, who'll discuss his ideas about sustainable approaches to transportation and how his agency is responding to issues of equity and inclusion. That same night at 7 p.m. Marina Tabassum — a distinguished architect from Dhaka, Bangladesh named by Prospect as the third greatest thinker in the COVID-19 era — will kick off the the architecture department's Spring Lecture Series. You'll be able to see both programs; their videos will be recorded and available on the college and department Vimeo channels. We hope you'll take advantage of these and other opportunities around the college and university.

Please be safe and careful with your health. Maintenance of our current existence promises results that will benefit all of us. In the meanwhile, have a wonderful semester. I know your faculty are looking forward to engaging you in some great projects, research opportunities and further explorations of your majors. Thank you for your fortitude and commitment.

With great appreciation and thanks,

Lauren Weiss Bricker, Ph.D.
Interim Dean
College of Environmental Design