Hello Lisa,
While living overseas for over seven years in Brazil and Jamaica, I missed the four seasons and the unique weather patterns here in the United States. Upon return, I became more aware of the workflow and our seasonal habits of summer vacations, back-to-school events, and holidays.
MDS has seasonal rhythms as well. In the summer, we hosted Summer Youth Programs and Family Camps. This year they were in Florida, Vermont, and South Carolina. Together, they hosted 250 volunteers who helped so many homeowners reach a new beginning.
Currently we are gearing up for the fall season and scheduling volunteers to begin work in October. We expect to have 12 project locations in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, New Mexico, Texas, and Washington. They include nearly all the natural perils of flooding, fires, tornadoes, and hurricanes. All these locations have the potential to continue into the winter (January through March), our busiest season. This does not include the wonderful work the MDS regions and units are accomplishing locally.
Then, as spring arrives, we close down most of the winter projects, keeping a few projects open for the spring season.
Just as the earth turns on its axis, causing the seasons here in the U.S., we depend on the availability of volunteers to determine the number of project locations.
Our urgent need NOW is for volunteers with maintenance skills to travel to our large warehouse in Columbus, Mississippi, and prepare our tool trailers, shower trailers, kitchen trailers, and office trailers for another season of service. We can provide comfortable accommodations there while you work. To stay in the rhythm, would you consider volunteering a week? If you can’t go, a financial gift would be welcomed to continue to provide safe equipment and good tools for our hardworking volunteers. For more information call our office at 717-735-3536 or go online at www.MDS.org
I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!