January 17, 2024

Hello Jesse,

I was inspired to write this while sitting in the dentist’s chair. On the wall in front of me was a beautiful mural of a tree with sprawling branches and leaves. To pass the time, I even had time to count the leaves. John, the writer of Revelation, talks about the tree of life, bearing 12 crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month “and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.”  (Rev 22:2)

This month begins our busiest season of the year. There are at least 16 project locations scattered throughout the nation in eight states. I think of these volunteers as leaves on the tree that brings healing in the communities where they serve. I don’t know what medicinal properties the leaves mentioned in Revelation hold. I do know that when volunteers show up at a homeowner’s property – it is a potent prescription.

Hear these words of healing from Tammy Dotson. Her cousin was a disaster survivor in Hurley, Virginia, who lost her home to the devastating flood.

I just wanted to say how much I appreciate what your organization did to help build my cousin, Yvonne Rife, of Guesses Fork, VA, a new home. I visited her today for the first time in many years. Her home is lovely, and as someone who recognizes quality in construction, I appreciate the great care taken in building her home. She feels so blessed in so many ways. She enjoyed showing us her new home. Yvonne has always been a good person who cared about others. She told my sister and myself that since the death of her husband she had lost so much hope that she wasn’t sure she wanted to go on living because she felt she had no purpose. Even though the flood was devastating, she now shares her testimony as to how she felt God with her throughout the whole ordeal. This testimony is her purpose. Your organization is truly a blessing.

May the healing ministry continue,

Executive Director

Mennonite Disaster Service in U.S.

One trip, many hands, warmed hearts

One volunteer, two organizations, many needs met. That’s the short version of Jeff Koller’s story about a trip he took from North Newton, Kansas, to Texas.

In November, Mennonite Central Committee (Central States region) put out the call for a volunteer to haul 750 health kits to Brownsville, Texas, to help meet the needs of migrants.

Click here to read more

Crisfield is getting a New Year's boost

The small town of Crisfield, Maryland, is getting a boost in the form of 106 home elevations that will put residents—who have borne the brunt of repetitive flooding—out of harm’s way.

That sense of security has already started for homeowner Annette Morgan, whose home was elevated eight feet above ground. “I’m ecstatic,” she said. “I’ll be able to sleep at night despite the high tide warnings on my phone.”

Click here to read more

New MDS Videos

Watch Mayfield, KY home dedication

Watch Hardee Co, Florida RV program

Join us in Fresno for the

MDS Annual Celebration

Join us for the Annual Celebration, February 23 & 24 in Fresno, California. Be inspired by stories about volunteers making a difference across the U.S. and Canada.

Registration closes February 8, 2024.

Click here to read more.

MDS has volunteer opportunities for you!

See the full list of volunteer opportunities when you click here.

  Contact [email protected] or 

call 1-800-241-8111 with any questions or to schedule a week. 

Click here to volunteer

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200-600 Shaftesbury Blvd
Winnipeg, MB Canada R3P 2J1

T: (204) 261-1274
F: (204) 261-1279