Hello Lisa,
I awoke this morning with the theme on my mind of “counter-narrative.” That is, a narrative that goes against another narrative. I remember the story of my dad going to a potato conference where the speaker used all kinds of foul language and four-letter words. So disturbed, my father stood up and walked out. Apparently, the speaker noticed my dad’s departure and asked what the problem was. My dad turned and said, “You will not insult my Heavenly Father like that,” and continued to walk out. Outside the room, Dad scrambled to a chair, weak, shaken and embarrassed. After the conference many came to him and thanked him for the courage he displayed.
Are we willing to be a counter-narrative that tells a different story in the world of God’s goodness? Are we willing to tell the story of gospel goodness?
One way that can happen is when we practice generosity with our time and money. When we volunteer and give to our neighbors in need. When we swing a hammer. When we cook a meal for volunteers. When we work side-by-side putting the needs of disaster survivors first.
Mark Templeton, Development Officer for Brethren in Christ U.S. says it better, and I quote him at length:
In addition to…scriptures that affirm God’s heart toward a cheerful giver, medical studies have shown that a posture of generosity can boost our mood, improve our self-esteem, and increase our immune system function. Furthermore, generosity has been linked to a reduction in stress, anxiety, and blood pressure. If that wasn’t enough, some studies also show a correlation between generosity, reduction in aches and pains, and improved sleep patterns. Exploring our level of commitment to walking more closely with God can benefit our health, finances, and spiritual formation. As we surrender ourselves more fully to God, our lives become increasingly God-centered. And when God is on the throne of our lives, our hearts, minds, and resources are more available for his use.
Go ahead. Are you ready to walk out on the norms around you, and join us in walking more closely with God?